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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. When the missiles first struck the Russians were jumping for joy on the success. Russia's defense ministry initially said it used high-precision rockets on three railway stations in the Donbas today. But after the scale of the casualties in Kramatorsk became clear, it claimed the strike was a "provocation" that "has nothing to do with reality." Kremlin affiliated media first proudly reported the #Kramatorsk massacre, claiming their missile hit an ammunition train that arrived yesterday evening. After the appearance of civilian casualties, they started blaming Ukraine. Then they started to muddy the waters claiming that they do not have any Tochka missiles. Yet they forgot they were bragging about them recently. "Russia’s defense ministry claims it doesn’t have the Tochka-U missiles used in the horrific rocket attack on Kramatorsk today. But just weeks ago they were boasting about using them in exercises just before the war. Not even bothering to find a good excuse" This from a Reuters report on the 28th Feb: just after they invaded "There also appears to be evidence that Russia has used the OTR-21 Tochka SRBM, which was believed to have been retired, he said. "If these were in storage, Russia may have decided to put them to use, rather than scrap them." This video from and information from the 5th March confirming delivery in Ukraine of Tochka missle systems: "Russia is running out of missiles for the Iskander missile systems. Today at 15:20 (Minsk time) about 30 Tochka-U tactical missile systems departed from the military airfield in Machulishchy. There were no license plates or marks on the vehicles. 1/5" Another video of them being transported here with the V sign on them: Pentagon has stated that they have been able to confirm that the Russians have used them to supplement the launches of the Iskanders, since the Tochka-U are way cheaper and they have a lot in storage. here Is a trainload of Russian Tochka-U TEL with russian camos and markings They are lying <deleted> and the apologists who read and believe this propaganda <deleted> on TASS and the likes are no better.
  2. PCR test positive cases, total of 25,298 official new infections. 98 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 22,431 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 47,729 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 7th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  3. Yes that was posted here a month ago when it was first published and referred to many times since then, maybe you missed it, especially when we've had posters here who always claim the covid deaths here are all due to those with underlying illnesses.
  4. The UK has an undercount? Not at all. Its below its 5 year average in deaths. Proof its testing effectively as opposed to Thailand. As @ThailandRyan said, this was pointed out yesterday. https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid
  5. Yea saw that on the BBC, its 39 people dead now and rising with 87 injured. The first response from the maniacs ie the Russian spokesman was that is was a Ukraine provocation. How sick is that? The West/Nato needs to do more!! This situation is out of control.
  6. Its just the difference in testing. The UK tests far more so it will have more positive cases and more deaths.
  7. https://twitter.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1512223775202623489
  8. I agree and a lot of this seems to be derived from the rhetoric on Russian TV media about hangings and eliminating Ukraine. Orders from the top are certainly something not to be ruled out: Similar to the question if we are at the stage of Genocide now, some experts sqy we are others say its on the cusp and more evidence is needed first. Eugene Finkel, an associate professor of international affairs at Johns Hopkins University, believes genocide is underway in Ukraine. He says there is evidence of killings, carried out in Bucha and other places, of people based on their Ukrainian identity. "It's not just killing people, it's targeting a national identity group," he says. However, it's the rhetoric coming from Moscow that tips over into genocidal intent, Mr Finkel says. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61017352
  9. The Dr maybe somewhere near the mark, at least according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation current model for Thailand. Its not been updated since March 14th but on that date as we can see the mean estimate was decreasing and at 250,000 per day. If it was following the trend down then it would be around 150,000 a day now. However to contradict that, the ICU numbers and ventilated cases are going up so who knows....lol https://ourworldindata.org/covid-models#institute-for-health-metrics-and-evaluation-ihme
  10. TBH I expected this but the important numbers were 93 in favour and 24 against so Russia got kicked out and quite rightly. Next stop we want International Criminal courts to issue warrants
  11. I think I covered that: "medical professionals will or should do all they can to help a patient survive if they think there is a chance of it" Although perhaps I should have worded it as "if they think there is a chance of the outcome being beneficial for the patient..............."
  12. I understand what you are saying but that is after the fact, medical professionals will or should do all they can to help a patient survive if they think there is a chance of it, they cannot always be right.
  13. Well over 50% of all those intubated survive. One of the longest lasted over 100 days intubated, he had multiple comorbidity and survived. In Vietnam an English patient spent 68 days on a ventilator and survived. Your post really did make it sound like those with comorbidity should be disregarded and smacked of throwing them under the bus. In reality all patients should have the treatment to survive no matter how old they are. Only when ICU's are full should Triage be used, meaning that a choice must be made between patients who receive the needed ICU or ventilator care.
  14. In this holiday period when case counts are sporadic at best then I guess better to keep an eye on the ICU and ventilated cases, they both hit a record high for this year.
  15. PCR test positive cases, total of 25,140 official new infections. 89 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 23,751 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 48,891 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 6th April https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  16. The Wagner Group possibly responsible for many of the murders in Bucha....................... German intelligence intercepted radio exchanges between Russian soldiers who discussed killing civilians outside Kyiv German officials, who presented the intelligence to lawmakers in Berlin on Wednesday, say the intercepts indicate that the murder of civilians in the town of Bucha near the Ukrainian capital was not an act by rogue forces, but may have been part of a deliberate strategy to foment terror. In one conversation, a soldier is heard to claim that he shot and killed a cyclist. In another, an individual can be heard saying that bystanders should initially be questioned, then shot. The German information indicated that mercenaries from the Wagner Group, a private Russian military company, may have been involved in the atrocities https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-07/germany-tapped-russian-chatter-on-bucha-killings-spiegel-says The PROOF Putin's soldiers and Wagner mercenaries carried out Bucha atrocities: German intelligence 'intercepts Russian troop messages discussing murders as part of strategy to sow terror' The audio messages have been relayed to German parliament by the BND to further debunk baseless Kremlin claims that the bodies were staged by Ukraine after Russia withdrew from the city in a 'monstrous forgery', Spiegel reported. The wiretap recordings also show that the Wagner Group was present in the city and played 'a key role' in the massacre, and that there are likely similar scenes of slaughter elsewhere in the country. The shadowy military company which has been linked to a string of killings, rapes and war crimes around the world is known as Putin's private army which carries out his dirty work at an arm's length from the state. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10695223/The-PROOF-Putins-soldiers-Wagner-mercenaries-carried-Bucha-atrocities-leaked-messages.html
  17. Russia has suffered "significant losses of troops", President Vladimir Putin's spokesman has said. But asked again if Russia has lost thousands of troops, he said: "Yes, we have significant losses of troops and it's a huge tragedy for us." https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-61032786
  18. President Joe Biden said NATO would respond “in kind” if Russia uses weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine. “We will respond if he uses it,” Biden said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The nature of the response depends on the nature of the use.” He was referring more to chemical weapons however I presume his response would be about the same for Nuclear weapons. Basically the start of WW111 if this is not already the prelude to it.
  19. Not quite no. "Running a mercenary army is against the Russian constitution," "However, Wagner provides the government with a force which is deniable. Wagner can get involved abroad and the Kremlin can say: 'It has nothing to do with us'." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-60947877 Very handy when war crimes are committed
  20. Or this: The notorious Rusich group (St Petersburg neo-nazis affiliated with Wagner) says it is now deployed in Ukraine. Its commander Aleksey “Fritz” Milchakov has been wounded, so his friend Yan “Slavyan” Petrovsky is now in charge. https://twitter.com/leonidragozin/status/1511732742093950985 https://twitter.com/Hromadske/status/1511895440417079296
  21. They do need to move quickly, the problem is there are so many crimes that they are inundated with investigations but work has started: "The International Criminal Court, which typically prosecutes only a handful of high-level perpetrators, has opened an investigation into atrocities in Ukraine. Ukrainian prosecutors have launched thousands of criminal investigations, while prosecutors in Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, France, Slovakia, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland have opened investigations of their own. And there have been growing calls to set up a special tribunal to try Russia for the crime of aggression in Ukraine." https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/bucha-ukraine-civilian-deaths-justice-tribunal-international-criminal-court/ Here is an updated list of 95 war crimes so far although its not got all in Bucha yet as they are still gathering all the rest of those. 95 Potential war crimes documented in Ukraine https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/interactive/ap-russia-war-crimes-ukraine/
  22. From the Washington Post, its behind a paywall. Here's a screenshot from the twitter link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/04/06/bucha-barbarism-atrocities-russian-soldiers/
  23. You should also consider testing rates. In countries where there are low rates of covid testing then covid deaths is one of the primary causes of death in the pandemic. Thailand is lucky to carry out 50k pcr tests daily so I think that qualifies as a low rate of testing? Thailand's previous lockdowns additionally helped reduce road death considerably and would also need to be taken into account.
  24. Interesting update from MSNBC ‘Continuous Drumbeat That Sounds Like Genocidal Language’ On Russian State TV Journalist Says
  25. WHO Thailand weekly update, severe/ventilated cases and deaths. https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
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