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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Thousands of Civilians in Mariupol May Have Died in Past Month - UN Tells Reuters GENEVA (Reuters) - Thousands of civilians may have died in the besieged port city of Mariupol in southern Ukraine since bombing began four weeks ago, the head of the U.N. human rights mission told Reuters on Tuesday, providing its first estimate. Nearly 5,000 people, including about 210 children, have been killed in Mariupol since Russian forces laid siege to it a month ago, a spokesperson for Mayor Vadym Boichenko said on Monday.
  2. A couple of the slides from yesterdays WHO Thailand weekly update: https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  3. Yet we all know including OHCHR that the civilian death figures are widely under counted when so many have literally been buried in gardens, by roadsides and in mass graves. It will be many months before true figures can be recorded, in the mean time the deaths keep rising. Human Rights Watch: Over 3,000 civilians may have been killed in Mariupol A human rights group says a local official told it that more than 3,000 civilians may have been killed in Russia's attacks on the eastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol. The United States based-group Human Rights Watch released a report on Monday.
  4. ???? Britain's GCHQ spy chief says Russian soldiers refused to carry out orders in Ukraine LONDON, March 30 (Reuters) - The head of Britain's GCHQ spy service said on Wednesday that new intelligence showed some Russian soldiers in Ukraine had refused to carry out orders, sabotaged their own equipment and accidentally shot down one of their own aircraft. GCHQ, which gathers communications from around the world to identify and disrupt threats to Britain, has a close relationship with the U.S. National Security Agency and with the eavesdropping agencies of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in a consortium called "Five Eyes". https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/britains-gchq-spy-chief-says-russian-soldiers-refused-carry-out-orders-ukraine-2022-03-30/
  5. PCR test positive cases, total of 27,560 official new infections. 85 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 16,079 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 43,639 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 28th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  6. Why do I get the impression that we have a handful of posters here watching too much R.T. news........ Here's what the US Embassy said about one of R.T's top reporters back on the 17th Jan: State-run RT's Anton Krasovsky, who called Ukrainians “animals” and threatened to burn the constitution, joins Maria Zakharova and other Kremlin puppets in their increasingly shrill and outlandish rhetoric against Ukraine. Nobody is fooled by these ham-fisted Cold War tactics. and here's what he said today: "<deleted> this country shouldn't exist [Ukraine] and we will do everything to make that happen. I told you before, I will burn your constitution" There's worse in the video. Video of Putin’s propagandist Anton Krasovskiy of Russia Today, sitting in the safety of his Moscow apartment, threatening the Heroes of Ukraine - with English subtitles. This is what @DefenceU are fighting.
  7. I saw no point there other than unsubstantiated claims from TV, raising an insinuation that the civilians there were human shields and taking out of context the last reporters from A.P.
  8. This seems to be in the Russian rule book: #UPDATE Russian forces struck a Red Cross facility in the besieged and destroyed southern Ukraine port city of #Mariupol, Kyiv said Wednesday, where officials have warned of an unfolding humanitarian disaster @WHO has verified 8 additional attacks on health care in #Ukraine. As of 30 March, 82 attacks that caused 72 deaths & 43 injuries were verified. Attacks on health deprive communities of essential health services & urgently needed, life-saving care. Attacks on health MUST stop A Ukrainian mother has recounted being raped at gunpoint by Russian soldiers while her young son sobbed nearby. Speaking to The Times, the 33-year-old woman - whose identity has been hidden - described the shocking experience, which she says took place at the hands of two drunk soldiers who had shot her husband moments before.
  9. I've not seen much TV coverage in Mariupol recently have you? Strange because the last independent journalists left over a week ago and even then those particular AP journo's were the only ones who had remained there. Yes they were reporting from a hospital, and? as civilians they probably thought it to be the safest place. "We were the only international journalists left in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, and we had been documenting its siege by Russian troops for more than two weeks. We were reporting inside the hospital when gunmen began stalking the corridors. Surgeons gave us white scrubs to wear as camouflage. Suddenly at dawn, a dozen soldiers burst in: “Where are the journalists, for <deleted>’s sake?” I looked at their armbands, blue for Ukraine, and tried to calculate the odds that they were Russians in disguise. I stepped forward to identify myself. “We’re here to get you out,” they said." https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-europe-edf7240a9d990e7e3e32f82ca351dede I note they did not report anything about human shields, where did you dream that one up from?
  10. More war crimes to add the the growing list.......... Ukraine: Russia Uses Banned Antipersonnel Landmines (Berlin, March 29, 2022) – Russian forces fighting in Ukraine have used banned antipersonnel mines in the eastern Kharkiv region, Human Rights Watch said today. The antipersonnel mines were located by Ukrainian explosive ordnance disposal technicians on March 28, 2022. Russia is known to possess these newly deployed landmines, which can indiscriminately kill and maim people within an apparent 16-meter range. Ukraine does not possess this type of landmine or its delivery system. “Countries around the world should forcefully condemn Russia’s use of banned antipersonnel landmines in Ukraine,” said Steve Goose, the arms director of Human Rights Watch. “These weapons do not differentiate between combatants and civilians and leave a deadly legacy for years to come.” https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/03/29/ukraine-russia-uses-banned-antipersonnel-landmines#
  11. Yes, thanks my link was to the same article but different media outlet
  12. Let me put it in even simpler terms for you: You're previous assertion that Thailand is overplaying the numbers of cases and deaths is just plain wrong.
  13. You're going down a rabbit hole and losing yourself, it plainly obvious that you've not read anything and have your own agenda. Why would the government downplay and under count covid deaths and cases here in Thailand?
  14. I quoted a peer reviewef study from the Lancet. Not the government.....try again
  15. Not a lot nice about covid deaths which is what my post was about, not cases.
  16. Peer reviewed study. For Thailand, as of the end of 2021, the country reported a total of 21,700 Covid-related deaths. The analysis estimated around 35,200 excess deaths in Thailand from January 2020 to the end of 2021. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)02796-3/fulltext#seccestitle150
  17. If they wanted to fear monger would the best strategy be to test more and get somewhere close to the real figure of new cases which is estimated to be 250k cases a day? & why would they change their covid deaths reporting to also keep the numbers of deaths down? https://ourworldindata.org/covid-models#institute-for-health-metrics-and-evaluation-ihme
  18. You're such an apologist for this Russia invasion. Russia is criminalizing people for speaking the truth. Zelenskyy suspended 11 parties due to their connections to Russia, hardly surprising, yes Russia the country that is illegally attacking them. Germany is "considering" banning the symbol "Z" when it is used to show support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Quite right to! Now what are the similar criminalisations you refer to?
  19. The international community..................... 'Unconditionally withdraw' The resolution demands that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.” 193 UN Member States have a voice. A total of 141 countries voted in favour of the resolution, which reaffirms Ukrainian sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. Only Five countries - Belarus, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (more commonly known as North Korea) Eritrea, Russia and Syria - voted against it https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/03/1113152
  20. There's a big difference in the reported official deaths and the excess deaths, interesting right?
  21. Here was my reply to that post: BBC world also carries this: Escalating up would mean either rebuilding the army from scratch or "opening up a can of worms" by resorting to chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. "Either they escalate down or escalate up, but what they have now can't do the job,"
  22. UK agrees with that..................... https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1508904940181372936
  23. PCR test positive cases, total of 25,389 official new infections. 87 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 25,397 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 50,786 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 27th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
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