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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. PCR test positive cases, total of 25,389 official new infections. 87 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 25,397 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 50,786 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 27th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  2. Fortunately the rest of the world left China behind in its zero covid policy, hows that going by the way? I hear Shanghai is now in total lockdown....????
  3. Also being reported on the BBC. Yes lets hope its true but we need to see the evidence of the withdrawal first
  4. Russia no longer demanding Ukraine be ‘denazified’ in ceasefire talks Requests include Kyiv dropping Nato pursuit in exchange for security guarantees and EU membership Russia is no longer requesting Ukraine be “denazified” and is prepared to let Kyiv join the EU if it remains militarily non-aligned as part of ceasefire negotiations, according to four people briefed on the discussions. Moscow and Kyiv are discussing a pause in hostilities as part of a possible deal that would involve Ukraine abandoning its drive for Nato membership in exchange for security guarantees and the prospect to join the EU, the people said under the condition of anonymity because the matter is not yet finalised. https://www.ft.com/content/7f14efe8-2f4c-47a2-aa6b-9a755a39b626
  5. The Wagner group, courtesy of their Nazi leader Dmitry Utkin. Oh well, come on Ukraine, you can do it, more cannon fodder to dispose of: https://twitter.com/DefenceHQ/status/1508542765436706828
  6. PCR test positive cases, total of 21,678 official new infections. 78 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 13,296 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 34,974 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 27th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  7. Please provide some examples of your claim that time and time again you see posters conflating Omicron with Delta? Your just making things up now
  8. You seem to think that that people here on this forum are panicking and they are clearly not. As stated in my earlier post to you we all know that Omicron is less virulent than Delta why the need to continually bring this up? Finally yes there is a huge difference in the UK and Thailand's immunity wall so the comparison is not at all valid, please don't be so naive as to think this is not a major factor. The UK's case fatality rate has gradually gone down over time, this is not only due to Omicron but also to the vaccinations and pre infection immunity. Thailand does not have the level of protection yet, hence why the comparison is invalid. In time Thailand will get there but its not there yet. Yes I'm aware of the differing symptoms people can have with covid, my other daughter in the UK who is a nurse and her children all had it, as did my wife here along with dozens of my daughters friends here including over half the football team who are also now down with it. I appreciate your words and thoughts on my daughter.
  9. Roughly the same population but a vastly different immunity wall with the UK's high vaccine coverage and booster coverage with Pfizer and AZ. Unless you pick apart the data for those aspects then the comparison is invalid. This is Englands immunity wall for Omicron back in Dec, its far better now but gives you an example. For comparison you would need to also have Thailand's immunity wall data. Its only with that level of protection that you can bring down the CFR to around the same as or below flu in the UK. https://twitter.com/erictopol/status/1469692541599551492
  10. Ukraine has published the names and addresses of 620 FSB officers in an apparent data breach of the Russian security agency As well as names and addresses, the list also includes agents’ car models and licence plates, mobile phone numbers and dates and places of birth. All those on the list were registered as living in the Lubyanka, the service’s Moscow headquarters. The FSB is Russia’s domestic security service, akin to MI5. However its remit also encompasses countries of the former Soviet Union including Ukraine. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/names-and-addresses-of-625-fsb-officers-published-after-data-breach-q68sqdh2t?
  11. Number of people who had to change their travel plans because of this: 0 #BREAKING Russia preparing restrictions on entry from 'unfriendly' states: foreign minister Lavrov Lavrov says Putin will sign a decree restricting entry into Russia for citizens of "unfriendly countries" in response to western sanctions. That's the US, the UK, Canada, all of Europe, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and a few others besides.
  12. My daughter is a fit 14 year old girl. Plays football at Academy level. She's never had a bout of the flu in her life that I know of at least never diagnosed as flu. Had plenty of colds. On the 24th March she contracted covid and I've never seen her with such a high temperature, severe sweats and chills, totally knocked out for 2 days/nights, fever just started going down now and the mucus kicking in, sneezing and coughing has started. She'll have a few days to go yet thats for sure. This is her worst illness for many years.
  13. Then you have the wise ones outside of the country and that have access to uncensored news: Thousands of Russians rally against Putin in Prague https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220326-thousands-of-russians-rally-against-putin-in-prague
  14. Your first question, exactly how would any person with just a neuron of common sense believe there are only 25K daily cases. Of course we all know there are far more which logically would bring down the fatality rate, however that then needs to be compensated with the excess deaths. Your second question, where have I stated anywhere or even insinuated that Omicron is so dangerous? Regards your following comments to that, I can only assume you are now trolling. Regarding the virulence of Omicron, some studies suggest it is around the same as the original strain from China. While it is far less than Delta it can still pack a punch when there are low vaccination rates and low incidents of previous infection, just take a look at Hong Kong where the morgues and hospitals were full with bodies because of Omicron just a few days ago Hong Kong’s Hospital Authority has asked the public to understand its difficulties with saturated mortuaries amid the city’s Covid-19 crisis, as an image of bodies lying next to living patients on a hospital ward surfaced online. https://hongkongfp.com/2022/03/11/covid-19-hong-kong-hospital-authority-urges-understanding-as-shocking-photo-emerges-of-bodies-stored-on-ward/ Fortunately here in Thailand and most countries the immunity wall is far better.
  15. Feel free to sift through the source: http://www.thainihnic.org/influenza/main.php https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/340610/Influenza-Thailand-eng.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  16. Pretty simple info in the links I provided that the "flu" deaths here in Thailand are not anywhere near the 80 or so deaths a day from Omicron as you were insinuating.
  17. You do understand the meaning of a bare faced lie, don't you? Russia 'did not attack Ukraine' says Lavrov after meeting Kuleba https://www.euronews.com/2022/03/10/ukraine-war-russia-did-not-attack-ukraine-says-lavrov-after-meeting-kuleba
  18. No where near 80 deaths a day in Thailand that's for sure. Here's some perspective: Between Jan. 1, 2019 and Jan. 7, 2020, a total of 390,773 cases of influenza were noted, with 27 dead. This year’s numbers also compare favorably to years prior: during Jan. to Dec. 2018, officials recorded more than 172,000 cases and 31 deaths, close to the five-year-average. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2020/11/19/2020s-flu-cases-plunge-in-covid-anxious-thailand/ Here's another reference for 2018 The Thailand Department of Disease Control has reported 84,941 influenza cases through August 25, including 12 deaths. http://outbreaknewstoday.com/influenza-thailand-disease-incidence-3-times-higher-5-year-median-51184/
  19. PCR test positive cases, total of 24,635 official new infections. 81 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 14,200 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 38,835 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 26th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand Total disconnect between new case numbers and the below chart of ICU admissions and ventilated cases.
  20. Probably the most sensible suggestion I've heard. Although does he really want them back or care in anyway shape or form? Judging by what he said a few days ago anyway. I know in this rant he was referring more to the richer Russians living abroad but it does show his mindset: He touched on "scum traitors" that would be spat out like a "midge that flew into their mouths." "I do not judge those with villas in Miami or the French Riviera," the 69-year-old said. "Or who can't get by without oysters or foie gras or so-called 'gender freedoms.' "The problem is they mentally exist there, and not here, with our people, with Russia.
  21. Why would you think he can? Because of suggestions that countries attacked should surrender to save lives? P.S. Your edit never made it as the original is in my quote....lol
  22. No problem, from 2021 The new U.S. plan to rival China and end cornering of market in rare earth metals
  23. Can't see anyone here thinking it will be over soon or declaring victory. There is no sign yet of any peace negotiation breakthroughs. They've been bombing in the west again despite saying they are finishing with their so called phase 1 which we all know just a face saving announcement.
  24. I have no idea, what do you think? I can think of a few other what ifs also.........
  25. No just a wanted war criminal will do, I'm sure the Ukrainian people who have lost loved ones and their homes will be partially satisfied with that outcome.
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