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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Who's being naive and ignorant? China's friendship with Russia is well known now before and into the future. Nobody said it would be a short war or the worst was not still ahead either. Your link is also behind a paywall
  2. From TASS Russian news agency today: "When clarifying the unfolding developments, the Russian Defense Ministry reassured that Russian troops are not targeting Ukrainian cities, but are limited to surgically striking and incapacitating Ukrainian military infrastructure. There are no threats whatsoever to the civilian population." From Sky News in just one city and similar in may more.
  3. One of your favourite responses thrown right back at you...................give them a call then
  4. Happy to see you realize its not as easy as "they need planes" please quote my full post next time
  5. The UK ex military don't care too much about the language, arriving in Ukraine now (video in tweet). The first volunteers from #GreatBritain arrive in #Ukraine. https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1500706664630165507
  6. Video in tweet of ex military UK volunteers arriving in Ukraine "motivation is the war crimes being committed" The first volunteers from #GreatBritain arrive in #Ukraine. https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1500706664630165507
  7. Russia may overwhelm Ukraine but control, never. Unfortunately a long and bloody drawn out occupation seems to be on the cards unless more difficult decisions are taken by Nato that have big risks?
  8. If Putin carries on which I have no doubt he will with the war crimes already committed, then Ukraine has no choice but to fight for their territory and lives, Ukraine will never be part of Russia.
  9. Thanks for stating the obvious, they also want military hardware. To planes however, who's going to fly them? The Ukrainian's are trained in specific models only. US is working with Poland on the possibility of Warsaw providing fighter jets to Ukraine along with consulting with other allies, the US will then provide the backfill to Poland.
  10. "In less than a week, the United States and NATO have pushed more than 17,000 antitank weapons, including Javelin missiles, over the borders of Poland and Romania," https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/06/us/politics/us-ukraine-weapons.html
  11. Agree its easy to discuss war but then this thread is just that, a discussion on the war. Your sentiments probably echo the majority of members its not just you feeling like that. You being young enough can do as you say and help the fight if need be, others cannot.
  12. Yes I also read that thread this morning, interesting read "The ultimate conclusion here is that the West should not agree to any unilateral concessions or limit its support of Ukraine too much for the fear of nuclear war."
  13. Any other suggestions? there are only two choices, Ukraine surrenders or Putin stops. This humanitarian disaster is caused by Putin and the choice to carry it on is his alone.
  14. Impossible for Putin to carry this on for years, the sanctions are to severe. This from the leaked FSB agent: "Our conditional deadline is June. Conditional because in June there will be no economy left in Russia – there will be nothing left."
  15. If you want to dig into what an active Russian FSB (Federal Security Service) officer thinks of the current situation in a leaked facebook post then read the whole twitter thread, links are contained within it. Bellingcat seems to confirm its authentic: "I showed the letter to two actual (current or former) FSB contacts, and they had no doubt it was written by a colleague. They didn't agree with all of his conclusions, but that's a different story. Here's the text, worth reading:" Here's a few snippets: To read the full thread this is the link https://twitter.com/igorsushko/status/1500301348780199937 I can’t say what guided those in charge to decide to proceed with the execution of this operation (Ukraine invasion), but now they are methodically blaming us (FSB). We are being scolded for our analysis. Recently, we have been increasingly pressured to prepare more reports. All of these political consultants and politicians and the powers-that-be are causing chaos. Most importantly, no one knew that there will be such a war – it was concealed from everyone. Kadyrov has gone nuts. We (FSB) were very close to a conflict with him because the Ukrainians claimed to having received intel from the FSB on his squad in Kyiv. Kadyrov's squad was absolutely demolished before they even had a chance to fight and they got blown to pieces. I do not have any info that it was an FSB leak to Ukraine, so I’d give it a 1-2% chance – but can’t exclude this possibility completely. Our Blitzkrieg has totally collapsed. It is impossible to complete the task: If Zelensky and his deputies were captured in the first 3 days, all key buildings also captured, and they were forced to read an address of their surrender to the country, then Ukraine’s resistance would have likely dissolved to a minimal level. Theoretically. But then what? Even in this IDEAL outcome, there remained an unsolvable problem: Who is the counterparty to our negotiations? To occupy? Where would we find that many people? Commandant’s office, military police, counter-intelligence, security – even at minimum resistance from the Ukrainians, we’d need over 500,000 people, not including supply & logistics. Our logistics are already over-extended today. We can send a much large contingent into Ukraine, and what would we get? Ukraine – a territorially enormous country, and their hate towards us is astronomical. With regards to Russian military losses: I don’t know the reality – no one does. There was some information the first 2 days, but now no one knows what is happening in Ukraine. We’ve lost contact with major divisions. (!!)
  16. Playing with words and numbers again......carry on its what Putin does too. They "officially" abstained
  17. Difficult to call I agree, with so many going uncounted here we could have already reached the peak without knowing? However ICU and Ventilated cases are continuing to go up. data source
  18. Good to see the main hacking group Anonymous with nearly 8 million followers did their bit to bring the truth to the people of Russia Video is contained in the tweet. The hacking collective #Anonymous hacked into the Russian streaming services Wink and Ivi (like Netflix) and live TV channels Russia 24, Channel One, Moscow 24 to broadcast war footage from Ukraine [today] https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews/status/1500613013510008836
  19. PCR test positive cases, total of 21,162 official new infections. 65 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 24,236 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 45,401 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 5th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  20. He previously said: “There are people who will go … I think what I would say is unless you are properly trained, unless you are a, you know, experienced member of an armed forces, I think there are better ways for you to contribute to the security of Ukraine.” Regardless......... Nearly 20,000 volunteers from 52 countries are being sent to #Ukraine to fight with #Russian invaders - Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba.
  21. The UK foreign secretary, Liz Truss, said on Sunday that Britons who chose to go to Ukraine to fight would “absolutely” have her support.
  22. Putin in pure desperation mode While his Embassies around the world warn people not to go and fight in Russia they recruit Syrians to come and help their illegal invasion: Russia Recruiting Syrians for Urban Combat in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Say Moscow is looking for help from foreign fighters to take cities including Kyiv https://www.wsj.com/articles/russia-recruiting-syrians-for-urban-combat-in-ukraine-u-s-officials-say-11646606234
  23. More also from NYtimes. I'm changing my view and something needs to be done about this, Nato needs to step up, whats going on now is clear slaughter of civilians instigated by Putin WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES: Today I witnessed Russian troops deliberately targeting civilians fleeing for their lives from the village of Irpin. At least three members of a family of four were killed in front of me. As the mortars got closer to the stream of civilians, people ran, pulling children, trying to find a safe spot. But there was nothing to hide behind. A shell landed in the street, sending up a cloud of concrete dust and leaving one family — a mother, a father, a teenage son and a daughter who appeared about 8 years old — sprawled on the ground. Soldiers rushed to help, but the woman and children were dead. The father still had a pulse but was unconscious and severely wounded. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/03/06/world/ukraine-russia#russian-forces-fire-on-evacuees-leaving-3-people-dead-outside-kyiv
  24. NEW Posted at 20:4820:48 Mariupol authorities: Russian shelling making evacuation impossible The Mariupol City Council, which announced a ceasefire and fresh evacuation attempt this morning, has now confirmed that the plans have been aborted. It says Russian shelling has made the safe evacuation of civilians impossible. The city is now in its fifth day with no water, no power, no sanitation, and food and water are fast running out. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60635927 There's also a harrowing video in those live updates of civilians, women and children trying to flee while being shelled.
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