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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Could this fire have started 100 years ago? Was there dry brush and high winds this time of year 100 years ago? yes of course. The biggest thing that changed is you have millions of people occupying the land and they have ready access to lighters and other ways to start fires, not to mention electrical lines which are known source of fires and even prompting new lines to be built underground.
  2. in that case probably too risky to pursue. We all know it's going to happen and Thailand is prone to corruption, especially by Chinese who know how to play the system.
  3. please stop perusing this. If you ignore it nothing happens but if you keep trying you may actually figure out how to get yourself taxed. Do nothing until approached by immigration on the matter and keep quiet.
  4. Where I am these people live in smoke. It doesn't seem to bother them in the slightest. Sure there's a burn ban on now and mostly has stopped but they still don't enforce even that. If they actually cared about smoke they would have had measures in place to stop it entirely for the duration of the year before it could accumulate to these levels. Even worse is many of these kids being taken out of school have the parents who are the ones burning. It's all a total clown show really.
  5. How does Chinese laundering money affect Thailand though? Seems like this is more a problem for the Chinese government than Thailand itself.
  6. because they're times people are with their families (Christmas especially) so it's easy to feel left out if you dwell on it. Families are often fragmented these days and it's nice to have at least a few days set aside if nothing else.
  7. I was curious so here's what a foot long "The Ultimate B.M.T." with 2x meat and 2x cheese (there isn't even an option for 3x) costs in my home town in Colorado USA. $14, but that's before tax which is like 8% so it's more like $15 or 520 baht. Prices for fast food are way up but that's still a reasonable price I guess for that massive sandwich. Phuket airport appears to be about the same price as in the US. Also consider that (according Google) a Subway worker in that town earns $16/hour which means they can nearly buy one sandwich per hour of labor. How much does their Thai counterpart make, 30-50 baht/hour? Likely a full days labor couldn't afford one of those sandwiches.
  8. I haven't been to subway in Thailand for years but they always had the prices clearly posted on the sign or a menu on the table (same in US). Maybe if you're too stupid to add numbers together you may get a shock but still the prices should have been there.
  9. Subway has very clear pricing so I fail to see what the problem is, she got what she ordered. If it was some random Thai food stall maybe she could accuse them of fraud, but not Subway with their clearly posted sign which includes prices of every item.
  10. Thai people are gambling addicts. I bet this woman thought she could sit at her both all night and collect 20 baht per person OR try to hit it big and scam one fool out of 1200. They seriously think this like. How much karma she had built up from temple trips may have been part of her reasoning too.
  11. You're not obligated to pay a person a person if they trick you like this. The only way this scam works is if you're sheepish and won't speak up.
  12. Indeed the road crews literally burn the grass on the side of the street because it's faster than cutting it. Smoke is a joke to those guys. They're already living in total squaller and generally pathetic conditions so polluted air doesn't really register.
  13. That article doesn't mention forest fires even once. “The narrative pins the blame on the farmers or the hill tribes, or neighbouring countries – politically, they are the convenient scapegoats,” Weenarin said. It's impossible to know how many acres of forest the hill tribe burn but I see no reason why it couldn't exceed the crops. Once those fire are lit they can stretch for hundreds of km past Thailands borders and hill tribe are in all the neighboring countries too.
  14. Chiang Mai is going down so fast it's incredible. That "jewel of the north" line they keep saying is a fiction now. So now it's polluted, congested and lost its local culture first to due to migration from Bangkok and now due to mass tourism and Chinese in particular. Get out while you can.
  15. This reminded me, in fact the woman featured in the video made such requests on her YouTube channel. She sounds like an American Feminist and speaks perfect English.
  16. They're setting up a little colony here in Mae Jo, I was told for Chinese only. Chinese still have "china town" in all the cities they were allowed to immigrate to, ever 100 years later. They have 2 projects around the lake you can see on the map but I bet they build more over the years. In fact I heard the rented the rights to lake as part of their project but have been gracious and open it to the public and put a nice path around it for the uni kids. They actually did more to improve the area then the Thais ever did so there's that at least...
  17. That girl at the start has a YouTube channel of building a super low budget hippy retreat in Chiang Dao which is catering mostly to Chinese friends. She's probably pulling lots of Chinese and who knows it could be the new Pai for Chinese since whitey has taken Pai over again. Honestly it looks like she's running an illegal tourism business and the land was bought via a nominee which she probably shouldn't be adversing on YouTube.... I know of an area in Mae Jo which has been colonized by Chinese by way of making a housing project decorated with Chinese artifacts and flags. 80% of people at immigration in Chiang Mai this December were Chinese so yes huge numbers there and they seem pretty permanent.
  18. Thanks a lot I was trying to enjoy my lunch. 🤮
  19. Dude are you living in 1960? Transgender is a protected class and widely revered in media and government. They even have their own flag which is raised on government property, parades in major cities and holidays celebrating their excellence.
  20. They said he was Arab. That's what I heard in his voice too.
  21. Sorry I just saw this. Well presented information thanks! 👍
  22. 8 billion dollars which Americans in need could have used given to a Polish Jew so he can kill Arabs in the middle east. Sadly Trump is another zionist shill and his family is intermarried with Jewish families so this will continue over the next 4 years I'm sure.
  23. Going to Phuket as a tourist is like a cow taking a morning stroll in a slaughter house. The levels of tourism and commercialism there are grotesque, feels more like an amusement park than a real location in a real country. Went twice during COVID when it was dead and will never return. Too may other nice places to visit that aren't ruined.
  24. Curious now, does Bolt have a standard fee per kilometer across Thailand or does it fluctuate with location? Only been the Phuket twice and I think the farthest you can could drive is ~50KM north to south but is 570 baht a typical rate for that distance?
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