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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. What about goons on the ground? Thai people simply do not care about air pollution. People are burning things constantly and driving cars that should be taken off the road. It's their own fault but they never do anything about it because they do not care.
  2. ditto. I need a daily inhaler in Thailand but I've never had any problems in the US. I think mold here is a factor too
  3. He should have to suck the booby as part of his punishment.
  4. America has become such a morally bankrupt ridiculous country. Indian and Thai people in legal battles over "spicy dragon balls" because apparently they couldn't just use the real name of whatever it was (Nam kook?). I bet it was only 10% as spicy as the real thing yet that Indian women who was probably raised on curry (couldn't even bother to change her name to something pronounceable for English speakers) couldn't eat it. Total clown show.
  5. I stopped going up Doi Suthep 10 years ago but even then gangs of motorbikes would always cruise up there at maximum speeds on a daily basis. I'm sure it's 10x worse today and has tourists thrown into the mix too. Chiang Mai is a real <deleted> show these days. What a shame.
  6. Anyone who's ever employed Thai's will tell you that you must watch them like a hawk or corners will be cut. It's not everyone down to the last man but it's a strong majority I would say.
  7. I was in a bus to Mae Sai that broke down going up a hill and we had to all evacuate and change buses. What I find so strange is how Thai's will do little to no communication. The bus stalled and the driver parked and opened the doors. Didn't say a single word. People just figured out it was broken and started to walk off. Eventually I got off too but I had no idea why or what was going to happen (couldn't speak yet Thai back then).
  8. I don't like these laws either. It puts the drivers on edge and gives people walking the idea you should just walk out into street at any moment and you'll be safe 100% guaranteed but it's The Law the drivers must stop for you. Of course in the real world mistakes happen and now you're standing in the middle of the road and get hit and killed. Sure they broke the law but does it matter at this point? It even annoys me when I'm walking that cars slow down when I get to the edge of the road because they're paranoid I may walk across without notice. It was better to have a button you can press so the drivers are aware in advance. Safer and less hassle for everyone involved.
  9. My experience. People are pretty miserable. You will hear nothing but honking everywhere you go. If it was anything near Thailand in quality it would be stealing their tourists but instead they have a dismissal 5% return rate for tourists and for good reason.
  10. that's what we call winning.
  11. Drop everything and go find the cheaper places to live then adjust your expectations. Most of the country is poor and lively cheaply so you need to study what they're doing and take their lead.
  12. Thai people simply seem to care about their country and want to keep it in their bests interests. Not even just women but people in general in the west seem to be happy to completely replace the entire populations of the countries and don't seem to see anything wrong with this. Thai women to be fair have a really nasty sense of entitlement and it even goes so far as to have a dowry paid for the privilege of marrying them.
  13. That's exactly right. Women on average have this idea of cosmic fairness and they're willing to use government to redistribute wealth to make the world more fair in their eyes. Not much thought given to how the wealth was created in the first place and what happens when you mess with the natural order of things. These are the exact same issues men complain about in their relationships. The women wants to me spend my money she didn't earn but now it's on a national level and the tax base is implicated. Again somehow this is lost on those exact same men when considering if women should be voting or running for office. I don't know what we do about this but it's clear people are not being honest about the real issues.
  14. that's a major policy of women too. Import the 3rd world and give them free <deleted> from the native tax payer. How much of this is just feminist liberal women though? Thai women can vote and hold office but I don't see them having this suicidal tendency to destroy their countries like in the West.
  15. What I don't understand is men will complain all day about their woman being irrational and speaking nonsense, then when you ask them if women should be allowed to be hold office or vote they get all upset and how dare you even ask the question. Woman can hold office now but now we need to accept the consequences. Women are polled in many countries and their basic policy is always free <deleted> for me, more rules, more regulations, less freedom and more safety. Sound familiar to anyone?
  16. they noted this fact. Very strange. Indians must be the antithesis of Thais. Aggressive and right up in your face at first sight. Thai's must be really be struggling with the massive influx of these people.
  17. Ditto. cycling 1000%. No amount of money you can spend to have so much enjoyment. Got up into some fog in the mountains the other week when the rains were raging. WhatsApp Video 2024-09-24 at 21.21.53.mp4
  18. 8 mil baht for 130sqm pool villa. Concrete shell with lots of glass. Developer is making a killing.
  19. you mean like general trash, plastics food waste etc...? I live in a pretty backwards area still I never see a person burning garbage except on the most rare circumstances. Yard waste though? oh yeah. It looks like a WWII bombing campaign in the valley some evenings.
  20. you don't have to tell me. It's a total disaster and no I don't see them fixing this in any of our lifetimes. My only point is Chiang Mai is worse than the entire region because of normal city pollution. Other places like Chiang Dao and Phrao have worse smoke in the burning season but when that clears it's clean, unless a person is burning near you (which they probably area lol).
  21. seriously? where, which village? very unusual.
  22. Isn't the entirety of tourism a protected occupation? I know of foreigners who operate public real estate businesses also. Very surprised that's legal even.
  23. India is a global embarrassment. This is where these people are coming from. Not surprised at all some of them have problems behaving.
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