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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. Totally agree with that we live in the North and can walk into Chiang Mai Ram and see a specialist without an appointment or referral seven days per week. The standard of medical treatment including dental is as good as I experienced in Australia except considerably cheaper. I think the general care is better here as they employ a higher number of nurses. Speaking from experience in both Government and Private hospitals.
  2. I have experienced turbulence in many regions for years seems to be the luck of the draw. One area that always seems to be consistent is North of Australia heading towards Indonesia.
  3. Thanks will follow up just wondering though if clear and shiny may be slippery when wet which is the problem I have now with the ceramic tiles
  4. Thanks
  5. I don't recall anything changing while he was supposedly in charge certainly not in Chiang Mai, each region appears to run it's own race and make it's own rules.
  6. The bribery of immigration officials continues in relation to most issues there are advertisements on this site on how to obtain a Retirement Extension without having the required amount of money in the bank. How do you think that occurs ?
  7. Perhaps it’s for companionship although with his wealth he could buy that, but then again it may be love rather than lust.
  8. Rupert Murdoch just remarried I think he’s 90 and the woman 67, so if he can do it !!!!
  9. Thanks that’s great can have delivered to friend
  10. Do they sell the sim card as well
  11. My family and I visited the UK in April/ May and paid a visit to the centre of Manchester. There was certainly a big change from my last visit a couple of years ago, the druggies and other low life who were being quite abusive had gone and there was certainly a police presence with officers patrolling on foot. Whoever appointed him that area had been cleaned up.
  12. Thanks for your response
  13. Sorry cannot help you there fortunately have never met a woman with that body part.
  14. Re your comment regarding is finding the money a crime, I don't if it is in Thailand but in Australia there used to be an offence of "theft by finding" and I think something similar in the UK. I think it's a moral issue as well
  15. We are visiting Sydney for two weeks in September and will need two SIM cards and provider mainly for calls not data, are their any recommendations as it’s a few years since last trip. Thanks
  16. Regarding the comment in the last paragraph firstly it had nothing to do with the landing gear but the reverse thrust activating during flight. If you care to read the report of the investigation into the accident Lauda had followed all the recommendations from Boeing who had never encountered the problems leading up to the accident. From memory no blame was attributed to the crew or airline.
  17. Maybe one day you will find one who suits your needs
  18. Tomorrow I will give the person I am trying to help a verbal thrashing as they are the culprit
  19. Thanks will try harder!!!!!
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