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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. People are still demanding a referendum on leaving the EU? That's kind of weird.
  2. A total guess, but it's possible that they wanted to make the room cheaper, to make it easier to rent, and avoid having to pay maintenance on the AC unit.
  3. They only had the referendum because of the popularity of UKIP and to shut people up. Hence the wild claims, the lack of campaigning for remain, and the lack of proper thought put into what would actually happen if leave won. Seems quite obvious to me. ????‍♂️
  4. This is only days before. The campaign went on for months.
  5. But don't you "run" a farm to make money? The "running" presumably involves growing or rearing something that is then sold.
  6. Where did all the money go? Did he build a farm from scratch on the land, or was it just rent?
  7. You shared a poll that was taken on the day of the referendum, so it really doesn't support what you are saying at all.
  8. What the hell are you talking about? I mentioned how people thought the result would turn out and you post how the result actually turned out?!! How does what you have posted relate to what I said in any way? Falsehoods?!! How do you come out with such ridiculous, illogical and irrelevant ideas?
  9. How did he sink his life savings into a rental property? Presumably he would only need to pay rent?
  10. Nobody thought "Leave" would win. They thought "Remain" would win by a landslide and leavers would be made to shut up. I think that's why Boris was allowed off his leash to really have fun with it.
  11. Who comes to Thailand thinking they're going to get a free ride, and how do they think they will get one? Most countries have obligations to do some certain things for foreigners, Thailand is one of them.
  12. Is this while they're on their press tour of the US asking to be left alone?
  13. If they're civilians and they aren't being pursued by dangerous people who wish to harm them, they shouldn't be involved in any sort of "car chase", given that that means they would be driving dangerously fast in order to try a "lose" whomever was perusing them.
  14. Tipping the scales means "the thing that causes a particular situation to happen or a particular decision to be made, when other situations or decisions are possible". It doesn't mean to fiddle the scales to make whatever is weighed appear to weigh more.
  15. People comment because they have something to say. Having an AI comment on your behalf would be pointless. People don't comment because they want a comment to exist, they comment because they want to create a comment themselves. Online comments are about sharing opinion or information then getting some sort of feedback, whether that's a like, upvote, reaction or reply. If there was zero reaction, as in your comments just hung there with no reaction or reply, people would get bored very quickly. If an AI generated a comment, then there is no value in any "reward", so people would not bother.
  16. *Quoted post removed* Seeking a 5K apartment is totally realistic and there are many available. You can even find cheaper. People are entitled to seek out whatever price of apartment they desire.
  17. Then it's unlikely that they will properly get into power.
  18. I wonder if they're going to negotiate. Leave the monarchy alone and we'll let you be PM?
  19. And I guess also before they got KFC and high fructose corn syrup... ????
  20. Are you saying people were attracted to the hotels because they could see prostitutes plying their trade? As in they like to see them chatting with guys, picking them up and going off to have sex? Or they like to see the women for their looks? Sorry if this is a stupid question or you're being sarcastic, I know little about Pattaya.
  21. As I said, it depends on the drugs and on the girl. In some cases the girls are pressured into it by circumstances or family, so it can be incredibly harmful for them. And, of course, men can easily cheat with prostitutes and wreck their families, or become so addicted to them that they cannot form normal relationships. So there are plenty of negatives. Equally, in some cases the drugs are weed, ecstasy or coke and the dealers only really cater to partiers. Not everyone who takes recreational drugs moves on to things like heroine. In fact, I'd go as far to say that most people who indulge in "party drugs" don't go onto heroine. Either way, both are quite seedy, and while I appreciate consenting adults should be able to do what they want, it's fair for people to say that they don't want it on the beach.
  22. Presumably hoped that the head-on collision would do the job and used the bridge as a back-up. Fair enough someone wants to end it, but don't involve other people. What if the guy in the truck was injured or someone else was involved?
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