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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. This is also very likely. The instinct should be that if you cannot see the side of the crossing, you slow down and peer round the vehicles blocking your view.
  2. Even funnier is the fact that five minutes ago they were all claiming there was nothing wrong with Biden, that it was all down to a speech impediment. Now that Biden's out of the picture, suddenly Trump is mad, for far less than what Biden exhibited! You can't believe a word the never-Trumpers say.
  3. I've no doubt that never-Trumpers are experiencing something that has a strong mental effect on them. My point was more that the language used in the OP exposes what it's author truly believes. If he genuinely believed Trump to be insane, he wouldn't word it in a way that suggests he has suddenly realised it, after it has been stated by the never-Trumpers so often.
  4. Indeed. I wonder if, when there's a new candidate, they'll still be going on about Trump, like they won't be able to let him go.
  5. I don't think you've understood my comment.
  6. You guys are always sharing the same dull opinions. You've been fairly vocal about how Trump is mentally and physically unwell for what seems like an eternity. The daftest thing about all this is that for some peculiar reason, you make it sound like you've just come to this conclusion. Far from having the desired effect, all this does is make it clear that you don't even believe your own lies. Otherwise, why would you continually write "Trump has gone insane", like it's a new development? You can't even keep track of your own ridiculous propaganda!
  7. How is Ukraine teaching the West a lesson? They are completely reliant on the West for assistance and if they didn't have their support, they would be part of Russia by now. It's great that they're doing well, but they aren't teaching anyone any lessons.
  8. Yeah, but that isn't being shared on social media to the same degree, therefore it doesn't happen.
  9. Watch again. There's a massive truck making a U-turn that blocks his view for most of the approach.
  10. Maybe work on political and economic stability first.
  11. Thais are terrified of negative consequences, so they are very reluctant to put their neck out and directly conplain or criticise. It's disrespectful to do something about noisy and dangerous motorcyclists?
  12. Maybe they had chucked a load of random stuff down the drain to try to clear it, went out and got this new stuff, then poured it straight down the drain and it mixed with whatever else was down there. Why they all died is another question, but, like others said, it's not too crazy to think that they went in there one at a time, each to help the previous person, and all succumbed to the fumes.
  13. But doesn't that mean Soros is beyond criticism? Gee, I wonder why you would push that narrative... 🤔
  14. Hardly. Most news stories that involve Thai police and guns see them waiting for hours and staying well back to avoid having to shoot or be shot. Most of the time they have stand offs where they patiently wait, trying to negotiate and call on relatives to calm the perps down. Seems like he was shot in the back while running away, then took a few more shots once he was down. Hardly standard Thai practice. And who sends "undercover cops" to reports of someone being drunk?
  15. Weights are apparently very good for longevity. Both mental and physical.
  16. Perhaps that's why he's been let go? To quietly axe the digital wallet scheme?
  17. Presumably a cyclist should never be in the position where he's crossing multiple lanes of traffic on a big road?
  18. Lie all you want, it's very obvious why you are scared to link the video and only link a biased opinion page... 🙄
  19. Doubtful. Lefties will never call out other lefties for lying if it hurts someone they hate, and conservatives calling out lying lefties means little to those lefties. You're not linking the video because you know it won't support your claims, while your biased opinion based "fact checkers" will.
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