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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Of course she's scared. She can't risk not having the home team advantage...
  2. Highly unlikely. That only really happened because of covid.
  3. Actually, they allowed Thaksin back in order to steal the election.
  4. Very sad, but nothing will be done. "Mai bpen rai." Nobody really cares about safety in Thailand.
  5. Your title asks about public transport, then your post asks about owning a car. Did you want to hear about both?
  6. He's seen women that Thai men don't want with foreigners in tourist areas. That or ladies of the night plying their trade.
  7. They should really give Thailand a miss. Foreigners just aren't that popular with Thai women. There are a lot of other countries where women are like, "Wow, a foreigner" and they're excited to talk to or date foreign people.
  8. What a complete psychopath! Hard to really say that he lost his temper even, when he went off to get another tool to finish the job.
  9. Not all, of course, but some suffer from "Thai supremacy" and racism. They're raised to think that Thailand is the best and everyone else is beneath them, yet here come these people from more developed countries, with more money than them, who they rely on to put food on the table. Some experience a kind of cognitive dissonance leading to projected hatred. Also a lot of anti-foreigner campaigns since covid and the Thaksin era.
  10. The likelihood of Biden making any decisions for himself is very slim. He's just a figurehead.
  11. Yeah, I think SparkTrader/BigNok/Dolf is the guy, although he does seem to be a little more antagonistic and he now brings up Brits. His posting habits are similar to the first guy, though. Of course, BigNok and GOAT could have been the same people all along. Who knows, with these old-balls who like to troll people for kicks.
  12. Mafia run everything in Thailand. The veneer of civility is very thin. That's why Thai people are so "kind and friendly". They know things can go south in an instant.
  13. No. I'm obviously saying that the higherups of the guilty parties will do the same thing to them that they did to their subordinates.
  14. Their captains will get drunk then make them stand naked in the rain while they whip them with rubber hoses.
  15. Sadly true. But at the same time, a lot of 18 year old Thai girls still go to school and live at home, probably planning uni applications, rather than living alone and worrying about stacks of cash in an envelope and dangerous live-in boyfriends. Can't choose your parents, sadly... 😔
  16. It isn't a bias. It's asking a simple question. "Why isn't Thailand full of economic migrants posing as refugees?" could be an equally valid title. It's well established that the UK is being flooded by illegal immigrants who are posing as refugees, under the impression that simply by setting foot in the UK they will be given a free house and free money. The original question is answered by the above, as Thailand is not perceived as offering the same financial reward.
  17. Peripheral test or looking straight ahead?
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