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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It sounds like your judgement is skewed precisely because you're in the gym business. You only have to take a look around to see that women in Asia are slimmer than women in the West, especially older ones. That's it. 🤷‍♂️
  2. Quite. This chap seems a little confused, comparing racial stereotypes with how women look. Anyone who has spent a meaningful amount of time in Western and Asian countries can clearly see that Asian women are generally slimer and more petite. This is in no way an incorrect racial stereotype or an overgeneralisation.
  3. Not all of them. For example, many women don't want to do this, but still want to be taken care of and spoilt financially. The problem is that many Western women have traditional values in terms of how the man should behave (earn well, pay for everything, be in charge of the boring stuff), while they want to be able to have modern values in terms of how they behave. Many Western men choose an Asian woman because they find out that while they still need to behave as they would with a Western woman, they get nice things in return, rather than more hassle.
  4. Nah, average comparisons of over 50s will find Thai women in better shape and holding their looks. Few Western over 50s will be going to the gym to keep in shape. Most will be obese and look more like men than women. Some Thais are gaining weight, sure. But it's nothing like the same proportions for Western women. Average dress size for the UK is around 20, while Thailand is around 10. It really doesn't compare. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-dress-size-by-country
  5. They are far more attractive than Western women (slim, dark skin, silky black hair). They also typically keep their figure and their looks a lot longer. This simply isn't true. A 50 year old Thai, whilst no longer exactly hot to a younger man, can still look beautiful. Western women at 50 will be obese and very wrinkly. How old does someone have to be for sex not to matter? 70+? And why wouldn't they still want someone pleasing on the eye?
  6. A Western woman would probably say that this is sexist and degrading. And everything should be 50/50 except when it comes to finances. 🙄
  7. Can you explain a little, please? Thai GDP has apparently been going up steadily with no real change during the coups. The only noticeable blips have been the 90s financial crisis and covid. GDP actually started to go down before the last coup, then up again afterwards up until covid.
  8. Imagine how much money they'd be throwing away if they extended it to foreign men with Asian girlfriends.
  9. I think a big part of it is that people attach something like their ego, identity, status or sense of worth to the perception of Thailand as being superior to other places. Thailand is superior, Thai people are superior, they live in Thailand, they like Thai people, therefore they are superior. Obviously, in order to maintain this feeling, they have to block out all the bad things about Thailand and reinforce the good.
  10. Obviously, with Trump being charged and "found guilty", there are going to be questions asked about the crimes of the Biden family and why they were ignored. 🤷‍♂️
  11. Things seem to be getting worse, not better, though.
  12. If he had enough money to retire at 45, and he moved to Thailand... 🤔
  13. It sounds like the woman was telling all the men to leave the pool so that her and her children could use the pool alone. Sounds insane. It's possible that the request was made, but all the men saying "Sure, sorry, I'll leave to accommodate you for no reason" seems a tad fishy.
  14. Respect for others? Immediately apologised? Why? You weren't doing anything wrong. If it was a very small pool and you were just chilling and the kids had nowhere else to head to other than exactly where you were standing, I could understand a polite request, but this sounds a lot like she just didn't want you, or any other male, in the same pool as her kids, which is ludicrous.
  15. What's the track made out of? Running on concrete is very bad for your knees.
  16. Why are you letting her spend your money if she isn't keeping up her end of the deal?
  17. Indeed. Met a Thai prostitute in his home country, then came to Thailand with her. Presumably, he has only had contact with the family and friends of said prostitute. They're obviously not going to start bad mouthing her to him, for numerous reasons.
  18. Someone under 17 can go to see a porn film if they have an adult with them? Sounds a bit dodgy.
  19. It's quite well established that even with all the "sex positive" (degenerate) nonsense you hear online these days, women are the first to use labels like "slut" to attack other women.
  20. This guy appears to be wearing 3 inch thick rose tinted spectacles. He made another comment about how lovely Thai people are and how bad foreigners are. He's very much in the honeymoon phase and is probably experiencing a lot of cognitive dissonance on this topic, due to his wife to be apparently being a prostitute. Of course he needs to believe that most women in Thailand are prostitutes and that people respect women who do it. How could he cope with anything different? Some real "creative writing" here:
  21. Just spit-balling here, but it could be some of these: easy to find, they're happy to make the first move, presumably they're perceived as being good at sex and always willing, misplaced feelings of "saving" her, maybe younger and hotter than the guy could get through normal channels too.
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