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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. What happens to the "ugly" girl? Just walk away from her as soon as the hot girl starts giving you attention?
  2. A lot of Red Shirts must feel totally sold out by Thaksin. I feel sorry for them.
  3. Wow. An average 50,000 baht per month for 16 months! A strange situation for sure.
  4. Sure, "guests" should generally be well behaved towards their hosts, but "guests" (whether at someone's home or in a hotel) also typically get preferential treatment due to their status. You would probably expect a guest at your home to be more polite and considerate than a member of your family, sure, but you would also be a lot nicer to your guest. The Thai apologist version of "guest" appears to only include the responsibilities of a guest, but not the privilege. It translates to something along the lines of "You are foreign, therefore you should give more and expect less. And if you don't like it, go home.". Quite bizarre (and a tad racist). It's also important to remember that foreigners either pay to be in Thailand or work there. (So the guest analogy doesn't really work at all.)
  5. And you come across as someone who has personal issues that cause you to misinterpret completely civil and balanced comments in order to allow you lash out at other foreign people, painting them as evil attackers of good honest Thais, and yourself as the savior of the Thais - one or the special and few "good farangs". Why would they not be? No. I don't have the same biases that you have. Hence I can point out the good and bad in a situation, unlike you.
  6. Objectivity and balanced arguments are "glass half empty" for you? Or you just like to see things negatively because you're angry about something?
  7. While it is good that Thai people are celebrating and encouraging creativity, it is a little worrying that this is considered "immense artistic brilliance " or "artistic genius". It's quite likely that he is recreating images that he has seen online somewhere, as they all closely resemble emojis or Line stickers.
  8. I think it's pretty negative in terms of laziness and lack of exercise. People seem to be getting food delivered from the 7/11 that's literally 30 seconds walk away. They do deliver normal food as well, but definitely a problem.
  9. Another risk is the little electric bikes that people choose to whizz about on on the pavements. No sound at all and then whoosh and they're right in front of you. Highly incompatible with Thai driving habits!
  10. Sadly very true. It's like a switch has been flipped in many of their brains and they now feel naked without a mask. I'm still getting the odd "Oh <deleted> a foreigner, better put the mask up" and "I'm not getting on the elevator with a foreigner" reactions, even this long after the pandemic has basically ended.
  11. I'm not sure about "happy". But if there were limited options for "finishing", sticking one on at the end might be OK. I suppose you'd have to give things a try to see what works for you. I've never seen the appeal of the man pulling himself out and basically doing the same thing he does when he's alone. I don't think I could commit to a hypothetical. At least not without some more concrete variables.
  12. I suppose if the girl doesn't like to/cannot use any chemical form of contraception and the guy prefers to climax inside of her. ????‍♂️
  13. Oh dear. I have stuff to do, so I'll have to cut this interesting debate short now. I think what we have basically got to, based on the implied meaning of your "deflection questions", is that you do indeed think that someone is "sad" if they use a condom in a normal long-term relationship. Up to you, but, of course, that's a little strange, because your judgement of someone who "relies" on bargirls for sex is that they are "sad", but that "sadness" is only as sad as a man who is in a long-term relationship and still relies on condoms for contraception, which is not really that "sad" at all. A little odd, overall, but you are entitled to your opinion, of course. I suspect that when I asked you "Why is someone who replies on bargirls for sex sad?", you kind of panicked and said something that you didn't mean, which is why you didn't really want to explain your reasoning, but that doesn't really matter now. Have a nice day.
  14. Your pointless deflecting ones. The ones you asked to try to avoid answering my very simple question.
  15. No lies told. Questions answered. You're deflecting and trolling.
  16. Lol. How is that backtracking? You have no idea what backtracking is!
  17. You want me to go through the thread and quote any question I have answered? You're crazy!
  18. Ummm, I never said they should??? I haven't said anything about my opinion on condom use whatsoever. That's all in your head. But if they do, are you saying that they are sad?
  19. Stalking? We have simply been exchanging messages on an internet forum. You've actually been replying to me more than I have to you. I was asking you a fairly straight forward question to try to explore your way of thinking in terms of condom use and the label of someone being "sad", since it seems a little unusual.
  20. Lol, what??? I never said anything about how "good" condom sex is. I was asking you whether you thought that people who use condoms as their regular method of protection were sad, as you had made the same claim about people who use prostitutes, because they have to wear condoms. You don't want to give me a straight answer, for some reason.
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