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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Funnily enough, some people do tie their own hands behind their backs when they commit suicide. It's to prevent them from having a last minute change of heart. Their survival mechanism kicks in, so they tie their hands to stop them from undoing the rope or whatever.
  2. They couldn't even if they wanted to. Hundreds of years of change cannot take place at will. Even the internet cant achieve that.
  3. She should be fairly compensated for any expenses, loss of earnings or loss of amenities. That means a lot more than the initial medical fees. She did nothing wrong and is suffering as the result of another's negligence.
  4. You think Thaksin has never committed a crime? That's so cute.
  5. I can imagine Thaksin and Chuwit taking a stroll around a park. Chuwit will look at the horizon and say, " We are getting old Tony. I remember when all this was just fields." Thaksin, staring at the floor, will respond, "Do you think God will forgive us for what we've done?" Chuwit will not answer. Both will then walk on silently, staring pensively ahead.
  6. Was Thaksin last in Thailand in 1998??? ????
  7. If they stop fighting for democracy once democracy doesn't get them the result they want, were they ever really fighting for democracy?
  8. What equivalence do you think I am I making, false or otherwise? I'm saying they are being dishonest, claiming they want democracy then clearly showing they aren't so bothered by it if it means they get what they want.
  9. If they cared about elections and elected government, wouldn't they be fighting for such a thing now? MFP got a majority and Pita should be PM. The fact that they are ok with this not happening because Thaksin can come back shows exactly what they care about. Not even close to what I have said.
  10. That's why I wrote "a majority of Thais", rather than "the majority of Thais".
  11. The point is that they don't seem too bothered about Pita and MFP being brushed aside, even though they were the choice of a majority of Thais in a democratic election. This suggests that they don't care that much about democracy, they simply want their guy to be in power. So they are saying "we fight for democracy", when in reality, they fight for Thaksin.
  12. Because the red shirts (the subject of the discussion) are saying they are supporters of and fighters for democracy, when clearly they want something else. Their being the same as the previous government is exactly the point.
  13. Apparently it isn't unusual for some 14 year old girls to have twenty something boyfriends in Thailand. Presumably they thought it was OK. Parents are often absent from they children's lives. Left with a relative or mostly unsupervised. Seen mainly as future sources of income by some.
  14. You would have thought that once other students found out about it, they might have pointed out how impractical it was (not to mention illegal and immoral) and they might have realised they were being exploited. I wonder if they really thought one of them would end up in a permanent relationship with the teacher.
  15. Some users desperately need any sex with girls under 18 to be described as paedophilia.
  16. No, no, no, they want democracy! That is what they have "fought tirelessly" for... ????
  17. If they are really pro-democracy, they should now be campaigning for Pita to be PM. The fact that they're happy with the result if it means Thaksin returns to Thailand suggests they favour one result over another, rather than what people actually democratically voted for. Sadly, it isn't uncommon for people to claim they want a particularl progressive thing (democracy, human rights, etc.) but really they just want the result that they favour.
  18. A possibility, but up until the point that he refused, the manager didn't know he would attack him, so nothing to really call the police about.
  19. Christ... ???? "If my two year sojourn into politics confirms one thing..."
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