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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Can someone explain why the need to change coalitions, etc.? Why not have the same group but a different nomination for PM? It will still be the same MPs, right?
  2. It's irrelevant if you don't know how many hungry people there are in Thailand. How many people in Thailand got a free meal on the day that the UK foodbank had a half-mile long queue? If you have no idea about that, you don't know what the half-mile queue indicates.
  3. You're very confused about what "having food banks" indicates. You need to think about how many people need help with food, rather than how many food banks there are. There could easily be more hungry or even starving people in Thailand, but no food banks. Come back when you have actual stats, rather than just things that you imagine.
  4. I don't normally like the phrase, but it sounds like these guys "f*cked around and found out". Taking it out and pissing in front of or at a group of teenage girls is not a prank or a joke. It is really sexual harassment. To then attack the parent who comes to defend their daughter, you can't really blame the father for calling for back-up and using a gun, on this occasion.
  5. What do they mean playing with son. I am not saying he did not do it but if I was a 15 year old girl in this country and got pregnant i would be looking for someone a lot more older than a 15 year old boy to support me. The problem in this country is that a lot of young people do not understand birth control and responsible sex. Therefore they end up pregnant looking for a way forward. It is going to be interesting to see who is a closer match the son or dad. Sounds like she is pregnant by the boyfriend and plays with the accused man's young/infant son. The accused isn't connected to the boyfriend.
  6. You don't even need to think about the US to know if Russia or China are bad. They do bad things, they say bad things. They are bad countries. (Edit: I mean the governments are bad, of course.) I guess you hope to argue "look how bad the US is, therefore Russia and China aren't bad", but it simply doesn't work like that.
  7. Racism. She hates foreigners so says awful things about them.
  8. I think "she stops talking to her family" might be a good one.
  9. I see it as being more racist than anything else. They're saying he's a worthless foreigner who will leave her soon. They obviously aren't happy about her marring him.
  10. That isn't over-sharing in Thailand. Probably either bragging or begging, depending on the balance.
  11. Did you manage to get married without paying out a huge sum?
  12. I'd just like to offer a slightly different rational. That some Thais dislike foreigners so much, that they believe that they should not be allowed to marry Thais, and, when they do, they should be made to contribute more in order to make up for the fact that they are not Thai. The reason I suspect this is that it happens so often and to people who so clearly aren't rich. And also it seems that some Thais strongly believe that Thai women should not be with foreigners and need another reason for it to be OK.
  13. I don't think you can disagree with the fact that China and Russia are bad. They certainly meddle a lot in the goings on of other countries.
  14. So, if a party's candidate isn't made PM, they're considered to not be in government? Even if they have a majority? And if the PTP candidate is made PM, that means PTP is in government and MFP isn't? Such an odd way of doing things.
  15. There's no way the electorate would be allowed to remove the ruling Elite from their position. Obviously in Thailand they are a little more hands on, while in Western countries they are able to influence things a little more discretely. All Thailand can really hope for is a gradual shift in some sort of positive direction.
  16. Quite. Baby steps and luck are what cause a country to change. That or bloody revolutions. What Pita has done is very noble, but he could probably have achieved far more by not setting his sights on those who control the country. What happens now will probably be a few protests, some water cannon, some arrests, then back to normal. We'll have to see what the comes.
  17. I think it's obvious he wanted to make a point. To not back down on anything, knowing it would likely cost him the job. Did he successfully make his point? I think so. Could he have accomplished something more meaningful if he compromised on some points? Quite possible also. I guess time will tell as to what impact his actions have had. Sure, you can get a lot of votes by campaigning to lessen the power of those in control. But are the people in power going to allow that to happen? Is there any democracy in the world where the common man can (or will) vote to take power away from the ruling Elite?
  18. It's also no stranger to huge amounts of political apathy though.
  19. If a post-wall woman is hoping to bag a foreigner, she'll likely listen to him saying he wants to take it slowly, nod and say "OK.", then message him the next day asking what time they will meet that day.
  20. Unfortunately, if you point out a Thai person's wrong-doings (even if you are the victim and they are completely at fault), they won't get in any trouble and will likely attack you. I'm surprised she didn't know this.
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