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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. I picked up some of the Aro Vintage ( 245 baht for 470 gr ) , excellent !
  2. Yeah, it states in the Seal manual to rotate every 10k but BYD only service at 20k so easily gets forgotten ……. well i forgot !
  3. I’ve often thought that the instrument cluster screen is cluttered unnecessarily with the stuff you disable appearing in orange colour icons. If, like me, you have information ( I have past 50 km AEC ) portrayed in the middle of instrument cluster other than tyre pressures you are unlikely to notice the addition of another orange icon if one of your tyres goes below a certain threshold. I normally flick onto the tyre pressure screen regularly to give me peace of mind. Well today when i took a glimpse at the tyre pressure screen i got this: The orange “low tyre pressure “ warning icon remains inconspicuous on the instrument cluster ! A red icon would perhaps be better me thinks ?? Luckily was near the BYD showroom and popped in, they soon spotted a rather large screw embedded in the tread and pointed me in the direction of the nearest Be - Quik after putting 40 psi in the offending tyre to get me there.
  4. That’s a great site right there, some useful information, but i would hasten to say it can’t be taken as verboten !! For example my Seal doesn’t react how stated on the chart, it stays at the same kw level ( depending upon charger speed ) usually 44 kw right up until 99% then drops down gradually 10kw at a time over around 1 minute with a message that the battery is conditioning ( or something like that, i don’t remember exactly )
  5. So here’s a new one on me !! Spotted in Saraburi. Attended EV station, no app to contend with, pay the attendant ( not sure of modes of payment , cash or card or qr code etc ) . 120 kw Mon - Fri 7.50 baht Sat - Sun 5.80 baht
  6. @motdaeng If you are looking at updating your dash cam arrangement and are in Bangkok then i recommend you look at Sinjet https://www.facebook.com/share/1Ee9ZqteTW/?mibextid=wwXIfr The guy is a whizz kid, started up with the Seal model kit imported from China and now covers all BYD’s in Thailand (M6, Sealion 6 and 7 included ) plus MG4, Xpeng, Changan and others.
  7. Yeah, i hear you, i took ages to make the move myself, was torn between Atto 3 and MG4, considered a Dolphin together with a HEV for a while, almost bought an Atto 3 but then Seal came along and i knew that was the one for me, no regrets after 1 year. Sealion 7 would be my choice today. Starting to see some red plates around already, hopefully you don’t have too long a wait, see some having Feb/March delivery dates !
  8. Was it only me or did anyone else hear a fanfare when reading that ?? Seriously though, welcome to the club !! Are you willing to divulge which one you went for so we can nod our collective heads in approval ??
  9. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1B4FLS3iUH/?mibextid=wwXIfr quite a few responses that they have the same and some suggesting to put a plastic nut with a flange on it . just had a look at my Seal and it has similar although not quite so obvious.
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 97 seconds  
  11. Not much about the car unfortunately, too much struggling to charge ….. and eating as usual !
  12. So funny when he loses it with the apps. Crossing the highway on foot at the U turn in search of food 😂😂
  13. Bjørn is back in Thailand, here’s his Ioniq 5 testing.
  14. Seems like the jury is still out on whether the Swiss guy bad mouthed the youths ( or even sneered ? ) and deserved the punishment or the youths were bored and decided to take out their aggression on an elderly falang for fun. Either way the AN jury seem to be voting in favour of a lynching and deportation of his corpse for the falang.
  15. Re: 1 year/20k service. How many km’s did you do at your first year anniversary and did it have any effect on your service date ? The reason i ask is my 1 year is Nov 30th and around mid Nov ( with 17.2k driven ) called the dealer for a service date, they replied with a “ call back after Nov 30th or at 19k” answer. Last Thursday, Dec 12th, called back with 18.4K on the clock and they are adamant we need to wait until 19k !! ( at 18,800km now and no plans to go anywhere may well be next week !, do they do Christmas dinner in Customer Lounge ). Seems like they are really pushing the 19k target so I wondered what is the preferred target at other dealers, hence this question l. Have never heard of this before as it is usually the “ whichever comes first “ rule ( 1 year OR 20k km ) and suspect i might be alone in meeting this. I would assume few hit the 20k, or even 19k, and wonder what would have been their reaction if i was 8 or 10k for example. Indeed, a couple of YouTubers in Oz had their services right at 1 year with 12k and 6.9k km driven. Of course it might seem a little irrelevant on an EV as it is more of a check than anything but one of the Aussie youtubers had brought it up that BYD recommends a tyre rotation and wheel balancing at 10k in the manual ! Anyone do that ??
  16. I have Spotify ( free version ) in the car and play it almost constantly, the ads are very short, , it has a huge amount of content, unfortunately the little lady has discovered there’s a lot of Thai music also !! As an aside i also use Radioplayer app via CarPlay ( assuming Android will work also ) which allows me to choose from hundreds of different U.K. radio stations. The Radioplayer app won’t play any BBC programmes ( Radio’s 1, 2, 6, World Service etc ) but for these i use BBC Sounds app which also has numerous Podcasts, much to my delight i discovered recently Desert Island Discs ( more than 2000 ) are also available and have bookmarked many. Some classics on there, Ian Wright blubbering brought a tear to my eye I have to admit !!
  17. Andrew Dwyer


    While i have had 2 x Haier 9000 BTU air cons for more than 7 years and am happy with their daily operation i would have to say that they are probably not the quietist on the market. The Haier air cons are great value for money but if noise is of high importance then you need to do some research. Other brands are often quoted for their low noise output ( Mitsubishi, Samsung and Daikin etc ) but you might have to make some compromise on price.
  18. Yup, could have at least bought a 4th cylinder for dad’s Celerio ( celery in Esperanto ).
  19. This on Seal but possibly same on Sealion: Energy - Charging settings - Smart Charging Choose time to start and finish ( or to 100% ), not possible to set to 80% finish but a rough time calculation would suffice.
  20. Might mean Swift in Latin, but in other languages:
  21. So, just for those interested, I got rid of the drain flies and probably took around 8 days to see them off. All cheap materials: Used baking soda and vinegar mixed together in a plastic bottle and poured down 2 x drain and 1 sink in the kids bathroom. As the mixture effervesced quite strongly next time I decided to pour the baking soda into the drains and then add the vinegar to give maximum effect. I would do this mixture every other day and alternate with boiling water. After 4 or 5 days they appeared in another bathroom so i included that in the routine. Last couple of days i started putting those small moth balls down the drains ( 2 sinks, 2 shower drain and 1 bathroom drain ) and pouring boiling water on top. Not sure if this worked or they were already near the end . Strangely during this time we had no more than 10 in the kitchen or our bathroom while in the 2nd bathroom there were literally hundreds probably thousands ( i killed 165 in one sitting ) at its peak !.
  22. Agree, usually I would have sought pastures new after 2 or 3 seasons but not so with Gotham, up to S05E05 and sticking with it, only 8 more episodes to go but will be ready for a change then !! Lost count how many have died but brought back to life by some foul means and how many times the main characters have been shot or stabbed …… worse than a night out in Bradford it is !!
  23. Looks interesting, 20 speakers, 4 wheel turn and 0-100 3.48 secs !!
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