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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. Rabbits eat lots of carrots, you never see a rabbit wearing specs.
  2. No idea where you’re from but in the U.K. it’s £25 for an eye test although some of the franchises are ‘free’ ,they will give you the prescription even if you don't buy anyspecs. i understand they might not give you a prescription unless you pay for it, they couldn’t operate a successful business if they were giving free prescriptions out only.
  3. Optometrists in Pattaya, they are few and far between, I would only buy specs from the place that I had the eye test as a well know chain of spec shops fitted the wrong lenses.
  4. There might be plenty of shops selling specs but very few employ optometrists, they give you a very basic eye test, an Optometrists would inspect your eyes for any sign of disease not just an eye test. I had an eye test yesterday at an Optometrists last week in Nakula, it was free, they don’t charge for eye tests obviously relying on you buying specs.
  5. Initially it will be busy then people will just start going out later.
  6. Google optometrist and I am sure you will find one, Pattaya Bangkok hospital don’t do sight tests, they don’t employ an optometrist.
  7. You could repeat this story a hundred times, either ignorance on the drivers part or thick, similar out side my sons school, teachers take their life in their hands trying to direct traffic and getting ignored.
  8. I was merely suggesting closing off Soi Buakho from Soi Diane/ Soi Lenke to Pattaya Klang. if drivers were aware it was closed they would not attempt to access Soi Buakho.
  9. Because you can go down Soi Diane to 2nd Road or Soi Lenke to 3rd Road.
  10. Put physical barriers up so it is just a single lane creating side walls for pedestrians, I think they did this on Khao San Road in Bangkok.
  11. They ban lots of things banned but they are never enforced, they banned baht any buses a few years ago from Buakhao but it was never enforced. Buakhao should be closed to traffic pedestrians only between Soi Diane and Pattaya Klang from 7 at night.
  12. Don’t tempt fate, remember this is Thailand where some drivers here think they have the right of way no matter what colour the light is.
  13. Yes check the Highway Code, you would fail the UK Driving Test if you said green means go, my driving instructor emphasized this years ago
  14. No you don’t, you might have the right of way but only if the way is cleat ahead, https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/light-signals-controlling-traffic.html
  15. They lease the bar in general not unless they buy it in the wife/girlfriends name which has led to a few disasters and penniless foreigners.
  16. Wikipedia, Wrong. In the UK, normal traffic lights follow this sequence: Red – Stop, do not proceed. Red and Amber – Get ready to proceed, but do not proceed yet. Green – Proceed if the intersection or crossing is clear; vehicles are not allowed to block the intersection or crossing. Highway Code, Green: You can go if it is safe to do so. Give way to any pedestrians who are crossing. Amber: Stop. If you have already crossed the stop line when the amber light appears or are positioned close to the stop line where stopping may be dangerous, you should proceed.
  17. I think the main reason they don’t want a canal is because it would be a physical barrier dividing Thailand and i believe some Southern Muslim provinces want independence.
  18. Not sure what the rules are elsewhere but the green light in the U.K. means go if the way ahead is clear not carte blanche to proceed just because it’s a green light.
  19. How much it’s going to cost to stay open till 4am ?
  20. Effective training is a waste of time, the majority wouldn’t listen, effective policing, I regularly see people run red lights, the policeman in the box never bothers. CCTV at every traffic light to catch the offenders that is if their vehicle is registered.
  21. So they are going to unload containers at one end reload to a different vessel at the other end for its onward journey, surely a canal is the better option ?
  22. Not many if any foreigners in the photo, do foreigners not own or run businesses in Pattaya ?
  23. YouTuber did this one, looks ok,
  24. I agree but why do they keep moving the goalpost, we all thought we were moving forward when they ditched the TM6, 2 steps forward 1 back now, It’s not as if the TM 30 generates any cash only from owners who don’t comply with it. I asked my owner for the receipt, it was obvious he hadn’t done one and he said cost him ฿500 via a ‘friend’ for a receipt.
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