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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. In my sons school prior to the holidays everyone wore masks, it not stop infections, my son 7 years old was still of school a couple of times with fever, not Covid. He returns a week on Monday to school, apparently the kids are going to have to wear masks in class again. No idea why, he hasn’t worn one in months, we have had a couple vacations including flights where none of us wore masks and came back perfectly healthy.
  2. I once bought Chang in the U.K. in Tesco when it was 5%, tasted nothing like the Chang here.
  3. Just had a trip to Vietnam great choice of craft beers at less than half the price in Thailand where beer is fizzy water with some alcohol added.
  4. Are any clamp downs ever enforced in Thailand ?
  5. Lotteries should be banned, I remember when they introduced the National Lottery in the U.K. all the money was going to go to good causes. Turns out you had a 14 million to one chance to win the jackpot. in general it’s the lower wage earners who buy lottery tickets thinking they can get out of the rat race, where does the lottery money go in Thailand and does it fund anything ? in one country I worked the jackpot was a rollover several times and the government were concerned people were going with out food to buy lottery tickets !
  6. Days of selling by walking about could be numbered, Online sales were introduced to reduce price gouging by retailers, who added 25% surcharges on the 80 baht ticket price. Lottery draws are held twice a month: on the 16th and at the end of the month. Lottery players can pick their favourite numbers on the Paotang app and never have to pay more than 80 baht per ticket. https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40023791#
  7. So why does it say 80 baht on the ticket ?
  8. When I occasionally buy one I always ask my wife why 100 baht she says tip !
  9. Would I be right in saying it’s only foreigners who get charged 100 baht and Thais pay 80 baht ? I paid 100 baht for one, the vendor offered 2 for 220 baht no idea how that works out ?
  10. The government don’t have any common sense, lack of education, scary tbh.
  11. Bars have to pay out exactly the same expenses etc as a go go bar so why do go go bars charge excessive amounts for alcohol ? Middle age woman half your age makes you about at least 80 years old ?
  12. No worries I wouldn’t be seen dead in Soi 6, full of pros****** , Pattaya is a very diverse place and there is plenty for one to do with out hanging about the bars where there are prosti***** hanging about.
  13. Having been to go go bars in years gone by I don’t need to view your stupid tiktok video, just shows how immature you are when your source of entertainment is watching TikTok videos.
  14. Not my type of type of entertainment, I had my fun from days gone by unfortunately you sound like you are playing catch up.
  15. Pattaya will never be a family friendly place as long as people like you are prepared to mess about with girls young enough to be your daughter or maybe even granddaughter.
  16. What ever turns you on, not my idea of entertainment, bit perverted a young girl rubbing themselves against some one twice their age all for the sake of trying to get a free drink from you.
  17. There is no cover charge for bars with bands, so why is beer so expensive in gogo bars ? I certainly wouldn’t be taking a girl a p********* from a go go bar let alone a bar who has probably been sleeping about with every man and his dog. Yes more attractive than the ones at home, what self respecting woman half your age would allow a man to have sex with them.
  18. Yes in Bangkok and Pattaya but did nothing for me, I would rather watch a decent band and extra for the beer.
  19. Are they going to include motor bikes, I don’t think many are insured or the rider has even passed a test.
  20. If it’s illegal to smoke cannabis in public shouldn’t the Police be arresting people who are smoking it ?
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