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Everything posted by Phulublub

  1. Placing an order is of no use whatever if there is no supply. That there was very limited supply can firmly and squarely be laid at the door of the West. Thailand (in common with much of the region) did very very well in the early stages in limiting the infection rates way better than the West...perhaps they therefore underestimated the need for immediate supplies....there were also the discussions with AZ to build a vaccine production facility (now up and running) which perhaps gave a false sense of security and they delayed ordering too many too soon. They were also given vaccines by China. These are not as effective, but they were available. The Thai knockers might like to stop and ponder to whom these were given, and who were prioritised for vaccination with the Western vaccines when they started arriving; and who were still only offered Chinese vaccines for some considerable time thereafter..... Since you appear to diss Thailand so much, can I suggest it is you who "moves along" to a Country more to your liking. PH
  2. Recovery period varies, but generally full vision in about three weeks (prior to that avoiding bright lights and a certain amount fo "halo" effect). Process is an afternoon surgery (remive your lenses, replace with new) and overnight under observation. Process is permanent, with additional benefit of never having possibility of cataracts later in life. Waiting period for me was (I think!) three weeks after initial consultation and decison. Lenses are made in Switzerland, so covid may delay this - conversely was some time ago so timescale may have changed up or down in any case. Cost was (and I believe still is) THB 230,000 - though at the time the cost of the initial consultation was deducted if one went ahead and I hear that is no longer the case. PH
  3. HOW???? By buying up all available supply, the rich West denied any chance for the rest of the World. And they haven't exactly fallen over themselves to help the Third World subsequently. Just a thought....walk into pretty much any pharmacy in the USA and you can have your choice of vaccine. To enable this choice, just how many vaccine doses go out of date unused? But hey, why vaccinate Africa, it's miles away, right? BUT...Omiron started there and the next mutation may not be so benign. PH
  4. Because asymptomatic people don't spread the virus? The only stupid thing from the authorities is not allowing those who can to self-isolate at home. Do that and it would encourage the more sensible to test regularly. Some, of course, will continue to deny there is any problem, and go "blah, blah, blah" when shown evidence otherwise - like part of the UK and USA health systems becoming overwhelmed. It is a little bit of a shame that Darwin's Law will be unlikely to help. PH
  5. An alternative to LASIK (which is not permanent) may be Supersight - replacement of your lenses with artificial. This is exactly the same clinical procedure as used to treat cataracts, with the vital addition that the new lenses flex and correct vision. Doctor T is a leading world expert in the procedure - his name came up in multiple searches when I was researching corrective surgery five years ago. The change is fantastic and I would wholeheartedly recommend him. He will give an initial examination, and will not proceed if he considers you are not suitable. https://www.bangkokpattayahospital.com/en/healthcare-services/lasik-and-supersight-surgery-center-en.html PH
  6. If everyone in Pattaya has it now, then it will pass within a fortnight - and you will be leaving one of the most "recently passed" places on the planet! PH
  7. None, in all probability...though it does take rather longer then that to train nurses and doctors. But just because your Government is monumentally stupid does not mean that you have to follow suit. PH
  8. I agree entirely. On Monday (after being tested in LK Metro) I asked and was told that if I tested positive I would be told to go home and isolate, I asked again last night both there and Treetown...sent to hospital was response from both which is madness. Not only will they fill hospitals with asymptomatic who do no need to be there, but they will drive people NOT to test. They (and we) should be encouraging absolutely everyone to test and, if positive, then to isolate. PH
  9. Let it rip....once, again, what happens when the health sytsem collapses? Vulnerable isolate...ok. What about people they live with? Or who care for them? Or those who live with those who care for the vulnerable? MANAGING the speed of transmission, by everyone taking sensible precautions so that eventually we will all have had it, but there is capacity to treat those who need hospitalisation, both for this and for the normal every day reasons. Why is this so difficult for some to understand???? PH
  10. OK? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-birmingham-59888417 https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-multiple-hospitals-declare-critical-incidents-as-nurses-call-for-more-restrictions-without-delay-12508585 among many,many others. It is not so much that ominvirus is fatal, it is the sheer numbers. 0.1% of a huge number is still a very large number - and when many hospital staff have to take time off because they are unfit to work (though not so ill they themselves need hospitalisation) then thge hospitals can become overwhelmed....then what do you do if you fall and break a leg? PH
  11. This is the major - and legitimate - concern, See the UK, right now, for how things could quickly go pear shaped. PH
  12. If you were French, especially if you lived in Calais, what would YOU do? PH
  13. FACT Everyone who contracts a virus will initially test negative for that virus. They will continue to test negative as the virus grows until it becomes detectable - at which point they will test positive. PH
  14. A bit like the UK Government loudly trumpeting that people could go on holiday to all manner of places...South Georgia, Faroes, among them just so they could make the number as big as possible. And Portugal...then three weeks later when some had booked, paid and even travelled, they about faced, forcing thousands to need to cut short their holiday and return home? Surely only Thailand is that stupid. Or not. PH
  15. "Most likely..."? "Innocent victim...?" Why not go the whole hog and accuse our hosts of making the results up or of deliberately infecting her with a dirty swab so that the result is positive and she really has covid? PH
  16. It is not so much that she (and many others) do not speak Thai. It is the entitled attitude that everyone ought to speak English. I have travelled extensively and wherever I have gone I have made the effort to at least learn to say hello, please, thank you before travel, and to expand my vocabulary as I can. The fact that English is the most widely used language in the World does not mean that native English speakers should expect everyone, wherever they go, to speak it. Making a bit of an effort can make a huge difference. PH
  17. Wrong on so many levels. I am not 100% sure, but believe there have never been ANY vaccines that give 100% protection against getting a disease. All (AFAIA) vastly reduce the chance of getting the targetted disease, and also reduce the effects if it is contracted. But none eradicate the risk entirely. PH
  18. How do you know the insurance she (and others) have will not pay up? Or is this just another chance for some trouble free Thai bashing? PH
  19. I will take your word for it and spare myself the experience! PH
  20. There are far more English speaking Thais than there are Thai speaking English....in Thailand, perhaps it is you who should make the effort (just a little bit) to understand them rather tham the entitled BS of expecting them to understand you. Reminds me of the stiry of the Amrican woman yelling at an airport employee "If you don't understand English why are you working here?". In Singapore. PH
  21. Never let the truth get in the way of an anti-Thai rant, eh? You have first hand evidence that a positive test from one of the pop-up stations means an immediate detention? Though not. On the other hand I got tested last night and (after getting my negative result) askled what would happen if I had been positive...would have been adi=vised to go home and self isolate and retest in three days. If feeling very unwell to contact hospital (several numbers given so I could easily do so). I hope you take your own advice and avoid Thailand. Preferably forever. PH
  22. Out last night and saw a testing station. GF, who has been feeling a little under the weather for a week or so, went for a test...positive. Advised to go home, self isolate and contact hospital if conditions worsen. Retest in three days. Since we live together, though I better test too, though a little worried that if positive will be whisked off for comulsory stay at my expense even though feeling fine. I test negative. aksed what would have happened if positive and given same stay at home unless feeling veyr unwell advice Maybe I have had it, maybe I am lucky, maybe the AZ/Pfizer combo I have had has protected me. Dunno. But at least they are giving people the option to keep themselves and others as safe as they can while maintaining as much normality as they can... Compare and contrast with, for example, Florida where the State has removed testing (no tests=no covid I recall people on here saying), or the UK where several NHS Trusts are reposting critical condistions because of staff shortages. So for those who actually care that we can keep as many businesses open, have a test. It is quick, painless and easy and if we can dampen the spread (which is all we need to do) by those who are positive isolating until they are well then we will minimise the disruption and those who are more vulnerable. PH
  23. Read my mesage and you will see I was responding to another post, not your original question. While you clearly were not looking for this, others may have seen the reply and gone there expecting similar to their usual Sunday offering. PH
  24. And way overpriced....don't expect the usual Sunday eat as long as you wish carvery (which IS good value). Probably worth 600THB including big Xmas mark up PH
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