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Everything posted by Andycoops

  1. More jaw jaw, mumbo jumbo and no action as a result.
  2. And he really thinks that everyone will believe him. 555
  3. Totally worthless scheme. Until people are taught to drive on the actual road with a instructor using dual controls, the manoeuvring around essentially a car park isn't going to improve anything. Usual Thai fudge.
  4. If it's in her name it's hers, bad luck. I put everything in my wife's name because I can't be arsed to deal with any fallout and it will be hers when I pop my clogs anyway. I came to retire here not run a business in a foreign country after 40 years of working in the country of my birth.
  5. Just add a data package. AIS has many and with unlimited data. Your local AIS shop will be the place to go.
  6. He should change his name to Delay J Trump, the lying piece of excrement.
  7. Me neither.
  8. Chop his bits off, then he won't feel so tough. Another silly little Thai male ego... I hope she survives ????
  9. Those in power have no policies or will ever do anything for the vast majority of elderly people in Thailand because they are too busy feathering their own nests to spend government money on pensions. My uncle gets 600 baht a month a poultry sum and like the vast majority is supported by his children.
  10. So much for that so called investigation then, all concerned fully exonerated...
  11. Yet again the lazy bar stewards are asking the public to do their job, instead of getting off their bottoms and actually patrolling. If someone breaks the law fine them, put them in the Phuket Hilton if warranted and deport the Muppets, no need to flash cards around or should the victim ask for VAR review. Complete keystone cops stuff from the BiB
  12. Thankfully I will have left before the madness descends and will be in the Songkran sanity of Isaan.
  13. I don't think it's likely, I think it's a nailed on certainty that zero baht tours from China will return.
  14. I recently renewed my passport and asked for the consular letter to present to Immigration for the transfer of my 1 year extension stamps. It was not offered by the person dealing with my passport collection. Duly arrived at my IO and all done in about 30minutes.
  15. Complete and utter clap trap again from these Muppets who are completely clueless when it comes to these schemes. Every single one has failed but do they learn, no because Thailand is the world hub of no one fails..
  16. Thai politicians only doing it for the bung. Surely a misunderstanding. Remember these hard working servants of the public can't even turn up to form a quorum in their place of taxpayers funded employment so jumping ship to further increase their bank balances is a given.
  17. I can only summise that's because if you go for a marriage extension here in Thailand and got married here you have to submit a confirmation letter from your local Amphur confirming you are still married on the day of your application. And the authorities here have no way of checking if you haven't divorced back in the UK. Perhaps others have accurate information on this.
  18. I sense another Thai keystone cops moment and therefore a complete white wash with of course the lowest ranking officials taking the blame as usual...
  19. Add in the huge sugar intake and diabetes then it's a double barrel.
  20. I wasn't aware that such a job existed in Thailand, even after more than 10 years living here, considering that the driving standards are closely related to most drivers with an IQ of below 10. Seems to me the guy was making money under false pretences and the fact he was drinking alcohol just adds insult to the victim.
  21. The electoral commission and other related bodies to do with constitutional/chapter matters are all in the pockets of the 3 Pors, less you forget.
  22. Another junket, why couldn't they have gone down the road to Singapore which is often considered the world's best airport.
  23. Looking after their own written all over that verdict, shameful use of the so called justice system. Somchai the noodle vendor be in chokey for years for a similar offense.
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