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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. The bank at CW will know. You don't que for teller. You will deal with the clerks sitting at the desks. You hand over bank book and 200b Ask her to make 100b deposit also then do "bank letter" Also kindly ask for her to photocopy last page of bank Book. Put this photocopy with the other photocopy pages of bb. The other 100b is cost of bank letter. The bank letter is just proof that you are the account owner and balance at that time. There are photocopy, print, photos etc on level where the banks are
  2. I certainly haven't read anything along those lines. As you suggest a SETV might be a better idea next time. That can also be extended by 30 days. Most folk apply for extension couple of weeks prior to expiry.
  3. https://aseannow.com/topic/1292207-tm30/ Don't need to show, you already did "housemaster, possessor, or manager" . Go argue with immigration next time you are looking for (eg extension) at immigration office. Perhaps even fined 800b
  4. It is your problem. The OP wants an extension. Don't do the "it's the owners responsibility" mantra. Not worth a pinch.
  5. And you should be regretting. So takes whole day to get to Krabi immigration.... It's going to be that also to fly to KL and back. BTW for future plans ...don't do a bounce to another country via air and back same day. If you have any history immigration at airport at reentry to Thailand can quiz. Better option if immigration in person was a hassle was to use an agent. Not expensive and you no need to attend.
  6. Don't follow.. So you have a SETV and require a 30 day extension. What was the point of a visa run ? What immigration office are you obtaining the 30 day extension from.
  7. Two months prior to application and maintained durning under consideration period. Note the 12 month extension is added to expiry date of current permit. No loss of days applying early.
  8. Why not just go to immigration and obtain a 30 day extension to your visa exempt entry. 1900b
  9. @silverhawk_usa Handy list. Assume that's was in an immigration office. Which one?
  10. No. Doing annual extensions ongoing be it based on marriage or retirement suits many folks fine. Same requirements each year. Some married guys opt to do extensions based on retirement (over 50) as the paperwork is less and no under consideration period and no home visit. The financials for marriage are a breeze compared to retirement The multi entry Non O that many obtain in Savannakhet does require exits from Thailand. Again for some it's zero issue for others a chore.
  11. For the benefit of others why not outline exactly what your "education visa" involved as requirements. Cost. Attendance requirements. Application process etc
  12. Thanks for heads up. Still leaves ample option on other days of window.
  13. Indeed. Seems option for extension based on marriage within Thailand is perhaps good option. Yes funds in account for two months for 12 months extension however for some the extension might be now a better option. Does the 400k have to be Thai bank account?
  14. OP, you have the correct answer in first reply. Be aware that when you have the next 90 days you could apply for a 12 month extension based on marriage. Obviously requires you to season funds
  15. Just draw it. Only needs to show nearest main intersection from your home or condo etc.
  16. How do you manage to use JOINT account. So Jomtien allow a joint account with double the amount? Is this for extensions based on retirement. Aware of it however not all offices accept joint account with double the amount.
  17. This thread attached may assist. Couple of posts from ubonjoe and link to another thread. So you currently have a non O based on retirement? You can obtain 60 day extension . https://aseannow.com/topic/1155570-visa-exempt-entry-can-be-extended-for-60-days-visit-family/
  18. Do you have a Fixed deposit account? I posted earlier that at CW previously I had zero issue with providing photocopies of bank book (savings account) for many years. I use a dedicated bank account and as a result some months show zero transactions. CW insisted on 12 month bank statement. I was able to obtain statement as Kasikorn can provide that on the spot. BBL not so
  19. Statements are not required for FD account for obvious reason. Bank Book sufficient. For Savings account, normally photocopies of 12 months of balances is sufficient. The exception is when a savings account is use for daily banking and transactions are consolidated in some months. Also (personal experience) where there are zero transactions in any given month for savings account. Ridiculous however that caused me issue first time ever 2 extensions ago at CW. In any event you seem aware of all of this. 12 month bank statement (apart from BBL) can be obtained on the spot 200b. It does take time (30 min) so best to obtain day prior.
  20. If you had a non O based on retirement you cannot obtain 30 extension. However if married you can obtain a 60 day extension to visit wife. Of course you can obtain a 12 month extension however that has financial requirements.
  21. Understand your confusion. Previously at CW for the funds in bank method it was acceptable to just present you bank book with photocopy of pages. More and more seem to be asking for 12 month bank statement. Seems you are using Bangkok Bank. They take 5-7 days. That will be acceptable to immigration. Many other bank can do the statement on the spot (eg Kasikorn) Suggest you obtain the Bank Letter on day of application. Also update the account. I prefer to do that with small deposit
  22. https://aseannow.com/topic/1311768-multiple-non-o-marriage-visa-in-savannakhet-november-2023-report/
  23. OP, thanks for report. Good to see no silly games with TM30 as it should not be required. Regarding your reentry permit.... if it's busy when you pick up pp as you know it's a simple process to obtain reentry permit at airport. Re the note to return after 3 months with bank book just ignore that. No record is made.
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