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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. So you will be in Pattaya for treatment. Where is your immigration office. Surely they accept TM47 via mail? Do you have receipt from previous 90 day report?
  2. Nonsense post removed
  3. I kid you not.....I was going to type in my post...."please don't tell me Poi Pet" That is renowned as worst border crossing from Thailand. Even agents don't do minivan runs to there. Edit: you stated .,"Just to knock Cambodia off my to do list." Surely that's a joke.
  4. I was quoting @Thingamabob who obtained extension retirement at CW with very few docs All he stated earlier in the thread.
  5. That won't happen and keep in mind 90 day reports can be done online and via mail
  6. Yes it's common. Many have Bank balance of 400k + the monthly transfers so pretty similar to your strategy. Personally dont really get it as 65k monthly transfers is pretty modest amount to live off. Would have thought income method alone would be "normal"
  7. Pretty unusual to do border bounce when "well within the 60 days.... Any particular reason. Which crossing gave you issue?
  8. Your friend will have no issue exiting Thailand in regards to 90 report. Also provided he does not obtain a reentry permit will have zero issues entering visa exempt or SETV in future. Thread closed
  9. Not really. There is no urgency to transfer stamps and could leave it till next extension where agent presumably will obtain next extension+ transfer.
  10. It is annoying. You will obtain que ticket and be dealing with L desks. Here is attached thread. The bank book and update relates to extension retirement. The thread is not a happy read however my experience for transfer was not difficult apart that I was not aware of new bank book requirement. Aside: no luck transferring at Rayong?
  11. For transfer of stamps CW now require proof of financial compliance. This is a new requirement and possibly CW specific. Also not shown on form you mentioned. The io should have accepted photocopies of bank book pages along with update. By "poochai" (man) do you mean head io sits to rear of L32? In any event good you got the deal done.
  12. Confused. In this attached thread you are outlining visa exempt entry and another thread... border bounce. Now you have a "retirement visa" ?
  13. Nothing happens at airport on departure. Zero problem leaving Thailand. Yes. It's not clear what you have referring to "retirement visa" Do you have a Non O that provided 90 day stamp or you have 12 month extension from the Non O or possibly even a Non O-A? Clarify
  14. I also have read of an office in the boonies doing that. OP deals with CW doubtful they will accept what he suggests. He can get bank statement direct from bank up to 7 days early. Best option is day prior.
  15. I can understand it. I'm not to savvy with computers however I'm sure some bright sparks can Photoshop etc.
  16. Yes SCB can do the 12 month bank statement on the spot 200b Allow some time it can take 30 mins or so. You can obtain the 12 month statement few days prior. If I recall you are located in Bangkok. As you would be aware SCB has no branch at CW. You can also obtain "bank letter" prior to day of application. I prefer to do it one day prior even though my bank Kasikorn has branch there. My most recent extension (Nov 5) bank was extremely busy apart from teller. I made 100b deposit to update bb and show activity. SCB guys can do that at IT mall LakSi
  17. Apparently you NOW can (at least at some) Transport offices. Previously (some time back) was the norm. Then required COR and from this thread last April seems pink ID and yellow book again sufficient.
  18. I don't understand your post. Using income method you need to show 12 monthly transfers of 65k+ Yes you could perhaps stop the transfers in last 2 months prior to application for next extension and place 800k in the bank to change to funds in the bank method. But why would you. Just continue the monthly transfers right up till next extension and also have the 800k in bank two months prior. Yes overlap. If there is any issue with immigration you are covered and can continue with income method
  19. Bit of sarcasm. No skill to it. In Oz we have Superannuation fund that is compulsory during working life. Those funds over many years yield ~8% + So indeed locking up 800k in a Thai bank is dumb. And here I am all these years using money in bank for retirement extensions = stupid.
  20. I was quoting the OP. His thread is about obtaining a 5 yr licience renewal and implying agent can achieve this. Fact is the OP has tourist status. If he knows an agent that can do that then great. He can deal with agent. Hopefully the agent details will be provided so all folk with tourist status can obtain a 5 yr TDL. It's not a new topic.
  21. OP, good answer above. Here is old thread with couple of good posts outlining process. https://aseannow.com/topic/609357-visa-extension-due-to-illness/ @Sheryl may have added advice..
  22. I wouldn't worry about it. You are not alone here is very old thread and posts with surname first. You will read many posts stating that obtained TDL with yellow book, pink ID etc. That is the case years back however land transport office now wants COR..
  23. And that is typical throughout Thailand. The OP has tourist visa status.. He can renew for 2 yr licience.
  24. Both good options. If you qualify for remote online worker great option. If married to Thai national then Non O also sweet deal
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