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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. Was he with a tour group. Where was hotel for the TP..
  2. I will pull you up right there. The expert poster I referred to earlier in thread indeed has his wife's signature on his bank book. The account is not a joint account and works for immigration purposes. In that case it's his wife. I personally have been to several banks about doing the same with my gf. A couple had excellent English and also I spoke on the banks "english hot line" All replies NO WAY hose. Also I'm not convinced that even marriage is water tight. My suggestion on this topic is don't listen to anyone (myself included). I personally had a bank employee state that "just empty account using ATM" ........idiot. Edit: the teller Jim not you.
  3. You state this.... "I have not received any call or notification to say I will not be approved and the due date to return is tomorrow 2nd April 2022." Don't worry your application would not have been processed and given an under consideration to then be rejected. Unless there are other similar experiences at other offices I put your covid extension as a mistake. Some folk having entered on a non O are doing visa runs as the understanding is CE not available to them. Need further reports from various immigration offices to see if CE is currently available to them.
  4. So if I'm reading this correctly ... you entered Thailand 11/02/2020 with a valid non O. Since then have not exited Thailand and been obtaining amnesty and covid extensions since that time. The CE of interest is the one that you obtained after January 25. Namely 18/03/2022. This is after the order that excluded those that entered with a non O. Which immigration office?
  5. How did you last enter Thailand. When did you obtain your current covid extension.
  6. Anyone with empty condo townhouse etc could consider option of furnishing. The joint in this thread was let prior to starting update just based on what the plans were including description of furniture etc. Have a 3 floor + rooftop joint that became vacant in last few days. Again basically all new furniture. Has people viewing Sat morn and 5 groups looking Sunday. Seems strange to me. Put it down to fully furnished. Couple of pics with furniture yesterday attached.
  7. Where is that stated? The OP was/is using income method. Nothing about embassy letter. In any event irrelevant. The op wants to change methods and how to do that has been explained in thread. Your earlier post was..... "Much easy to just get the embassy letter" That post received 3 confused emoji. ????
  8. Is my gf and her hen group weird. So tomorrow a group of them meet at one of the beer park restaurant type joints. They each bring a rapid test result to show negative. Nuts in my book. I won't be taking my negative test to Soi 4 tomorrow.
  9. I don't know how quickly the banks are informed. The first step is that the person's embassy is informed. Many threads on the "what happens to your money when you die...." Here is one. Enjoy.
  10. Haven't misunderstood. The op has a notice to exit. Agent cannot do anything. He could have done visa run to Phnom Penh with prudent planning. This statement from the OP sums it up........ "Weather is <deleted> as usual at home and would be a blessing to get the extra two months." Time to exit..
  11. As stated few times I'm not going to rehash on this debate. There are also accounts that are not joint. The 800k for immigration purposes is not joint. Many folk think even if accounts are not joint that with a pin or online banking access that the funds can be withdrawn. That is not the case. Random google quote on the matter.....(particularly relevant for non married couples...... "Joint accounts that you hold with somebody other than your spouse do not come with the right of survivorship. After your death, such an account will be handled according to your will". Touching those funds would be illegal
  12. You must attend MTT as you entered on visa exempt. OK office and far less busy than CW. If you cannot find clear directions to location post back.
  13. In addition to Thailand many countries use the rule that pp valid for length of stay. Oz being one example. IMO anyone with under a year validity on pp is best to obtain new pp. Think now many are valid for 10 years.
  14. What on earth does that have to do with legality of access to bank account funds. Conversations amount to nothing in regards to access of funds
  15. For those doing similar. Tomorrow doing inspection of a townhouse that was purchased one year ago. The tenant lost his job and as result only just completed his one year lease. . My Thai gf has applicants lined up using agents. Usual fee is one month rent So in the townhouse that will be ~14k
  16. I'm starting to laugh at your thread. You have already obtained the 7 day get out of dodge stamp and seem to joke about overstay. Dumb and Dumber movie comes to mind. Perhaps I have misunderstood. Not many would court this plan
  17. Geez take debate to another thread. I only started thread to give feedback re experience cost wise for simple upgrade. No one gives a rats about sideways comments.
  18. From the first post in thread I posted at start of this thread. "Applying TR in Cambodia ➢ Passport or travel document with validity not less than 6 months ➢ Visa application form ➢ 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm photograph ➢ Evidence of travel in and out of Thailand (i.e. air ticket receipt paid in full) ➢ Evidence of adequate finance for the entire duration of stay in Thailand (at least 1,000 USD per person or 2,000 USD per family) ➢Copy hotel reservation for 1st day ➢ 40 usd single entry for 60 days i went on Monday morning and collected on Wednesday afternoon. I don’t use an agent and no questions asked by the embassy staff". Seems no need for an agent. Also back week or more a detailed report of chap obtaining non O. Again no agent no issue. Unrelated to this thread and similar others, I have never understood the urgency in the turn around time. Thailand ain't going anywhere. What's the rush. General observation. Not directed at your post.
  19. There is an expert on the forum @Tanoshi. He doesn't post much now. Hopefully he might share some insight/opinion on this thread. I'm going the "make a Will" route. I just need to stop procrastinating.
  20. Think Surin already did that. Bit weird. In any event the covid extensions will be issued up to approx May 25. With your current dates for expiry of current permit a 30 day extension followed by covid extension will work fine.
  21. The covid extensions have been extended till May 25. I would obtain the covid extension after the 30 day extension. Keep the 60 to visit wife up your sleeve. You would need to obtain 30 day standard extension prior to covid extension
  22. I'm outta this thread. It comes up often. The fact is it's illegal to make any withdrawal from account by gf or whoever if you kark it. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. Like lot of guys here I have the 800k+ in account for immigration and separate account that I like to have minimum 1million baht. Yes the gf knows my pin and giving it to her no problem. I have looked into it and having her to start withdrawing funds when I'm dead is flat out illegal. Do what suits yourself.
  23. You can extend your visa exempt entry by 30 days. After that you can obtain a covid extension. Alternatively you can obtain 60 day extension to visit wife. You could even obtain a non O marriage that would give you 90 day stamp. However that would require 400k in bank on the day you apply.
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