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Everything posted by DrJack54

  1. The information relating to your non O (visa) will be transfered. In future dealings with immigration where photocopy of your non O (visa) is required you can photocopy the transfered info. That will be placed in first pages of new pp. Think it's also wise to keep your old passports.
  2. As they say in Thailand....Up to You. No rule re timeframe for transfer of stamps. I put is off for several months and traveled often out and back into Thailand with both passports. Wasn't due to being lazy. Rather my reentry permit was issued at airport so would not be able to just visit CW for transfer. I would still need both pp to exit and re-enter. You need to have Stamps transfered prior to new extension. Even that can be done on same time as extension.
  3. Indeed. Oz embassy stopped giving "letter" with new pp. No longer supplied. No problem.
  4. Good idea to do it some stage. Personally I wouldn't go out of my way. Perhaps leave it till your renewal of licence. Obviously the bank update is best done especially if needing bank letter etc for immigration and even day to day banking.
  5. It's straight forward. It's a quick process. Should be zero charge. How long in total depends on your immigration office. Dont forget to also do things such as update your details with your bank etc
  6. As you no doubt would know... UK folk have visa exempt entry to Vietnam. Soon this may become an option for people to obtain visa. The requirements are not clear at this point for entry to Vietnam. Might have something to do with current sky high covid new cases. Oz folk require a visa to enter Vietnam.
  7. I'm Oz. I have posted on this so many times. Yes it's strange. Prior to covid I flew monthly to Saigon for many years. The airline staff look for my visa or reentry permit. I even have the permit page marked so easy to find for the staff. I have had couple of chats with boarding pass staff and when I ask what they are looking for and they have outlined what I stated above. I've even asked directly what if I'm entering visa exempt and the answer has been a confident "you need flight ticket" Apart from flights to Thailand this practice occurs elsewhere. We (Thai partner) fly to Osaka 3 times per year (before covid). Thai nationals receive 15 days visa exempt entry to Japan. EVERY time even with boarding pass return flight is inspected and the days carefully counted to enter airport waiting lounge. No ticket out within 15 days (for her) means no boarding plane.
  8. This topic re onward flight requirement comes up often. Some report of never needing an onward flight if flying without visa or reentry permit. Think different airlines have different policies. Personally the opposite for me in my flights around S.E.A. Carriers such as AirAsia will insist upon onward flight if flying visa exempt.
  9. I had another read of your post. Misunderstood it in my first reply Hopefully @SebBkk will reply. The chance of being asked for onward flight by Thai immigration upon arrival is minimal. It would be asked by airline at departure. Having said that I would have an itinerary clearly in mind to reply to io questions. Also have 20k baht or equivalent with you. Again will not be required but always good to cover bases. Added note ......it's a bonus in these situations to have access to internet via phone so that any bogus requirement by immigration such as onward flight can be dealt with..
  10. You can purchase an onward flight to anywhere if flying visa exempt. Does not need to be home country or refundable. If have visa (eg TV) or reentry permit then airline will not require an onward flight ticket.
  11. All good. On the up side, seems you received a standard 30 day extension and return 26/4 and obtain your non O. Good result. Of course don't let the funds dip below the 800k after you get the non O your next step is the 12 month extension. Some folk leave it the 800k in bank all year round. A dedicated bank account for immigration purposes so to speak.
  12. Surprising that they required you to have funds in bank for 2 months? Did you have proof that the money came from o/s. If not then that would be why you had to obtain 30 day extension. When do you return to immigration?
  13. I agree 100% Just one person's opinion but I believe ending covid extensions is crazy. Hopefully one more extended period of issue of CE till May 25 would see some land borders open. That is an obvious decision in my book.
  14. I asked this in post above... "The OP has not indicated if 50+" You ask for advice and now cloudy statements that details of marriage have issues. As I stated some agents don't even touch extensions marriage. Since your situation is not straight forward I would suggest that advice in AseanNow would be pretty much useless. Talk to an agent. There is no charge for that. I understand your request for privacy but seriously asking about agents with little info is a waste of time. Two agents you could start with in Bangkok are TVC and Bangkok Buddy. Your OP suggests that you have a price from agent already and looking to undercut that. Your wasting your time. Talk with agents and find out if anyone can help. Personally I'm doubtful. In a nutshell agents cover the financial requirements. That's about the extent of it.
  15. You make a very valid point. I guess for some they have run out of options. I recommend no travel at this time. Message from USA couple on holiday in Thailand. She contracted covid. Both myself and gf also had it recently. Avoid travel out of Thailand if at all possible.
  16. My understanding is that proof of transfer from abroad would not be required in your example. For peace of mind you could ask your immigration office. Ubonjoe hopefully can advise if this info incorrect.
  17. The enter visa exempt and obtain a non O marriage inside Thailand requires 400k in your Thai bank account on day of application. (800k if based on retirement) The non O gives you 90 day permit. Most folk, couple of months into that permit apply for 12 month extension. At any stage to exit and reenter you would need to obtain reentry permit.
  18. I lived in Thailand for 7 years on annual extensions retirement and never ever did a TM30 or 90 day report due to frequent travel out of Thailand. So yes with a METV and no reason to deal with immigration you would not need a TM30. However some folk obtain a 30 day extension to the 60 day stamp so the TM30 may be required by some offices to obtain extension.
  19. Was aware of that but didn't want to mention you. I get the impression that Ubon immigration has a positive record and favourable reports. Not sure how wife collecting pp would go at CW. Being much larger I can't imagine it would be possible.
  20. Kasikorn bank 0.4% FD account. BTW about a year ago I had to park largish amount in my Oz Westpac bank account. I was asking for 1yr term. Their reply ....0.5%
  21. You may like to check out this forum. Has lot of info re banking. https://aseannow.com/forum/13-jobs-economy-banking-business-investments/
  22. Ha...I just looked at my FD bank book. I initially had 1.55% Now it is 0.4% Either way not much.
  23. Indeed. Mine rolls over (Kasikorn bank) however the % rate is determined by current bank rate at that time. I recall the bank Clerk apologizing for the rate going down. I had to laugh..
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