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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. It's on the menu for a reason. Different strokes and all that.

    Soil Bukhao

    Interest topics as well. I suggest you start with the baht bus fares. Yesterday was my first time down soi bukhao in many months as I'm not a Pattaya resident and I remembered the one way thread from long ago. It's fun to visit but I'm soo glad I don't live there.
  3. I kept my international coverage when I retired. I had shoulder surgery 2 yrs ago, 350,000 baht at a Bangkok Hospital. Walked out without owing a satang.
  4. Russian for sure. Look at the pic of guy vaping and say different.

    Soil Bukhao

    Traffic both ways. Are you simple? Why else would I ask? It was blocked at one point for 5 minutes.
  6. Malaysian Air is a bit troublesome.
  7. In Costa Rica it was ohh Boppy mui caliente
  8. Is your Merc getting serviced?
  9. I retired from a DOD gig. Full BC BS Insurance in Thailand. No government hospital for me.
  10. Put them back in the caves where they belong. Tough love is needed

    Soil Bukhao

    Is it one way? Just came from there. Super cluster fork.
  12. Also bring copy of passport including stamp in date and visa
  13. I just came from Land Office in Pattaya and next available time is 21 Jan for appointment
  14. As an example, remember the recreational Marijuana laws were going to be changed and made illegal again. We saw it in the Thai news quite often. What happened? More Weed stores opened. Nothing changed. Now here a poster or whoever took an internal memo and turned it into the sky is falling scenario. The so called tax experts crept out of the woodwork hoping to make a buck and kept the thing going. This is the very reason I'll never trust a foreigner here in anything business related.
  15. Check out the Thai News section. Scammers claiming to be from the TRD are already targeting retirees.
  16. I've got 20 acres in Ca. where too many grape vineyards planted are depleting the ground water. I had to upgrade my submersible pump and drop it another 20ft. $8 K USD it cost me.
  17. I fear this is just the beginning of scams related to the Thai Revenue Dept. Some are falling over themselves to pay imaginary taxes.
  18. You forgot the ones about taxes. They are very prolific.
  19. Thank you for throughly explaining what was actually written. It's a shame we have a few posters who continue spreading false info which borders on illegal tax advice.
  20. That's solid advice. Problem here is there are a couple retired office personnel who thrive on this non news.
  21. Luck of the draw I guess, I've taken an all day boat tour from Koh Lanta before and we had a top notch crew. It was the forking Russian tourists that were the problem.
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