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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Straight from CDC "But the risk that a child gets seriously ill is extremely small — comparable to the risk that children face of having serious illness as a result of the flu." https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/05/25/997467734/childrens-risk-of-serious-illness-from-covid-19-is-as-low-as-it-is-for-the-flu
  2. Straight from CDC "But the risk that a child gets seriously ill is extremely small — comparable to the risk that children face of having serious illness as a result of the flu." https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/05/25/997467734/childrens-risk-of-serious-illness-from-covid-19-is-as-low-as-it-is-for-the-flu
  3. So seems the vaccine for kids is worse than covid. Why again are they vaccinating kids?
  4. Bangkok Pattaya is about 3500 tbh for required RT-PCR, same day results.
  5. Sand on the road is a danger to motorbikes. Those who laugh at this don't ride motorbikes. On the small sois in my area extreme caution is needed on the curves to avoid sliding.
  6. Were the adults vaccinated? Perhaps the kid caught covid from grandmother. If vaccines don't work on adults then why think they work on kids. What happened to the child besides feeling under the weather? I'm the only old person in our household and I've been vaccinated. Why on earth would I think of submitting my kid to a newly developed vaccine?
  7. Yep, if she washes the car she's a keeper.
  8. How many 7 yr olds in Thailand have been seriously ill or died from Covid, bet you it's single digit number. Oh wait you probably want to vaccinate kids to protect others. Bad reason
  9. Just curious about yr, model of car and how long since last oil change. Was it years?
  10. I just flew in Nov 2021 visa exempt from USA and was asked at check in for flight out, had my $12.00 "Onward Flight" itinerary. But hey good for you for bypassing this.
  11. In all honesty do you expect anything in the form of compensation from these guys?
  12. OK everyone, I'll bet us with newer cars don't check oil often. To say it's the fault of service center is laughable. Come on people, you have to take responsibility. Pretty funny, just checked mine ahahaa
  13. Rowing is great exercise. Is the Concept 2 still a good machine? I see there's a SPORTathlon in Bangkok that has them for 58,000 tbh. Is that a legit price?
  14. Which window are you referring to. The rules may change but the agents will thrive forever. In my opinion one of the reasons IO's are dicks is to make using agents more desirable.
  15. The shopee brand probably would have served me just as well. I just like holding the purchase in my hands before I buy plus I'm tired of buying cheap and having it give me problems.
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