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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. At 1.5 Mil I'm north of where I want to be on the MUX and the Fortuner is more like 1.8 Mil. I like the body of the Fortuner as well. The Isuzu has some nice brownish seats. I've got the Isuzu 4 door pickup 2.8L 2012, it's been good. The MUX probably rides similiar. Thanks your your input.
  2. Wonder how the Isuzu MUX with 3.0 diesel compares to the Fortuner. Anybody??
  3. You could have exited Thailand and reentered just before the 1 yr is up and got another 12 mos. automatically.
  4. I had OA in 2019 with intention of leaving and entering to gain the 2 yrs but covid hit so If you want to extend you have to show 800K in Thai Bank plus Insurance. Long story short I left and entered visa exempt, going for the Non O now.
  5. Reading posts from all these dysfunctional human beings makes me feel better about myself. Thank you.
  6. Right, covid messed me up and had to extend showing 800K and Ins. An agent solved that.
  7. 2 yrs only if you leave and return at the end of your first year. Then you have your second year.
  8. Always good to hear what's happening, drove down Beach Rd Saturday afternoon. The bars looked OK doing a bit of business.
  9. We're talking a head nod, a grunt that sounds like hey. I'm not going to give a head nod because I want a friend.
  10. Blood clot headed for the brain when the Thai massage loosens it. Happens.
  11. Funny how so many foreigners are afraid of their own shadow.
  12. You can't backtrack your snobbish view of people. You said "People are protesting all over the world. Most are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Like truckers. LOL" Only a naïve person would think the science we follow is all paid for by private donations https://undsci.berkeley.edu/article/who_pays#:~:text=Who pays for science%3F Today%2C we all do.,Foundation%2C the David and Lucile Packard Foundation%2C etc.).
  13. Guess I shouldn't be surprised about your condescending view of folks who work hard. Are they not allowed a voice to be heard? Who do you think pays these scientists? Of course it's political what the scientists come up with. Only an extremely naïve person would believe the agencies who provide funding for scientists would have no say in findings.
  14. Pattaya Bangkok Hospital has been giving free Phizers for many months now. You really don't have a legitimate excuse for no vaxx.
  15. Denmark is trying to move forward. Time will tell if it's the right move. With new variants popping up, keeping strict mandates is unsustainable. Canadian truckers are staging their protests.
  16. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-26/denmark-to-end-covid-curbs-as-premier-deems-critical-phase-over The Danes are moving on.
  17. That's nothing 450,000. I see Thai guys sporting Harley's at the refinery near by. Payment baby.
  18. When I travel I wear slacks, dress shirt, leather shoes and jacket. Oh I get it, perhaps I should call them dress trousers.
  19. You know how a person dresses at a funeral I'd say has much to do with the deceased. Now The one I went to recently all his friends came wearing shorts, cooler of beers for a few hours before the ceremony. He would have loved it.
  20. I've been to 2 cremations in Isaan, shorts, flip flops and a shirt was not out of place among the folks. I'm talking a ceremony in the woods. Now my first foreigner funeral in a more urban setting I wasn't sure so wore slacks, dress shirt. I was the only one dressed like that. All foreigners had shorts on.
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