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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I can relate to working with stoners everyday cause I was one of them. Funny thing is we had no bad accidents. Back then we were working members of society, getting high didn't destroy us, just made the day a bit brighter.
  2. if they say 20,000 L I'd bet it's closer to 100,000L
  3. News was warning folks not to swim in the 3 beaches just west of there. The trash tides already started, now oil balls on the beach.
  4. A@#hole Fortuner drivers are being replaced with MG drivers. It doesn't depend on the vehicle, but a certain sort of dicks gravitate towards certain vehicles.
  5. The only good reason for marriage is to be legal father of kids, not just on birth cert. Bad reasons include companionship or someone to hold their hand. As far as visa is concerned either you pony up 400K or 800K, what's the big difference.
  6. And I'll bet the Honda driver was still looking at the phone while turning like a retard. Doesn't excuse the MB for running the light.
  7. It's not just driveways, it's turning off a major road to a smaller soi, all the while impeding traffic.
  8. I'm so sad that you discredit any news source that you don't like. So sad.
  9. https://www.the-sun.com/news/3326001/us-airlines-delay-cancel-flights-bad-weather-pilot-shortages/#:~:text=While industry experts have said that the majority,have come as a result of this tactic. Pilots and truck drivers are in short supply, I'm just so sad that you continue the scare mongering. So sad.
  10. On my recent trip to the US after 2 yrs away I noticed an increase in factory high performance cars roaring around.
  11. Come on it's pretty funny when the story of a guy having too much to drink and talking loud and aggressive makes headlines, in a party town no less. Then we got guys saying they're embarrassed because of this foreigner. Who cares.....
  12. Who cares? My kid spent her first 5 yrs deep in Isaan so naturally she likes to claim being an Isaan girl, she call me farang for fun. Just get over the labels.
  13. It's absolutely the MB's fault for running red light. Here in Thailand you either have slow idiots or fast ones.
  14. We've probably all been there. Recently driving through an odd configured 4 way stop I couldn't see what light was mine or where it was at so I followed the car in front who was running a red light apparently, I could have caused an accident had I not sped up and completed my turn. Relative motion keeps you safe.
  15. That's not careful, that's not being sure of your driving capabilities. Some equate slow with safe, false assumption.
  16. The MB is thinking the Honda will continue the turn and the MB will pass the ass of the Honda.
  17. Why is it when folks turn onto a street and driveway they creep so slowly.
  18. They read off website rules. he told me to get non O in my home country, get an embassy letter or pony up 800K.
  19. I just today talked to IO about a 90 day Non O, the monthly deposit won't work for this, it will however work for 12 extension. For 90 day 800,000 or letter from Embassy is the only way. if others have gotten the 90 day using deposits well then good on you.
  20. I see this all the time. For Thais, well most times they are in the shade eating and drinking while letting the kids roam on their own. They can't be bothered to keep an eye on the kids.
  21. Isn't the Hotel named Cadillac Hotel, was there in 2004. Wall to wall hookers
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