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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Online it's both English and Thai, how hard would that be for them to print out. I don't have a little lady holding my hand as I do business.
  2. My father who's from Denmark learned English, French and German in school in the late 1919's early 1920's. Very well educated.
  3. A checklist in Thai, ahahaa Same as me in Rayong, they gave me a list in Thai and told me next time bring the wife. Can't the IO's think that perhaps one in english might be better, that is if they truly want to assist.
  4. I'm bringing over money for another car. Missed the good exchange rates, waiting for it to get a bit better.....maybe. So I can use that $$ for 90 day and after that my deposits will be 12 months. Or hand over 26,000 to agent and be done with the BS at immigration for 15 mos.
  5. This the reason for asking, website doesn't show option of deposit for 90 day. I'll ask.
  6. "Takes time to figure things out" Couldn't agree more regarding vaxxing 5 yr olds. This is all new so I don't blame the CDC for not always getting it right. So as a parent I'll do the wait and see if the vaccine is actually safe for kids.
  7. My wife just paid 4500tbh to have her Dr license renewed in one day. No appointments. 2 vans full with agent to walk them through.
  8. So, I went from visa exempt, 30 day extension, doing the covid extension. When I apply for 90 day Non-O How many months of 65,000 plus International deposits are required? I started having my money deposited into BB May 2021.
  9. OA Visa is done in your home country with extensions done in Thailand.
  10. You know the problem with Chinese cars? No? It's a Chinese car. Come on, have just a little bit of self respect.
  11. In Rayong right about now the beaches are starting to get trashy because every year at this time the tides change and bring in the islands of trash. It will be this way for 2-3 months at least.
  12. See, folks who takes things to the limits messes things up for those who dabble. One of the reasons many give up drinking is they don't know when to stop, so unfortunately or maybe fortunately they stop for good. And maybe these folks with excessive disorders believe those who smoke pot do so constantly vs a couple hits in the evening, maybe before yardwork, before sleeping, like that. Never more than a mild buzz. I'm not a fan of legalizing weed, just maybe stop with the random <deleted> tests for it, don't have police hassle folks with a small amount, go after the large shipments. I was at the beach yesterday walking the dog and 2 Thai guys are discreetly smoking a joint as they walk by, nobody else around, no harm no foul.
  13. Here in Thailand the alcohol problem is probably whiskey and lao khao induced for the Thais anyway, not so many problems with just beer. I'm sure you don't mean to throw all those who have a beer, a glass of wine or a few drinks into the same alcoholic abuser category but you do. Much the same as those who consider a pot smoker as a "druggie" which is an old person's term. A little pot compliments a beer buzz and the only victims are M&M's.
  14. When I get my Residence Cert the lady throws my 500 bht in a desk drawer, no receipt. The worse they treat you the more apt you are to use an agent is my thought.
  15. Wherever you go, as was said before on here, Don't just pick the village where your little lady is from unless of course she's from a cool beach town.
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