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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. You continuously beat this same drum over and over. I'm a US citizen who owns multiple homes in the US who just happens to spend some time in Thailand. I don't have Thailand down for my home address anywhere. That would be stupid. Why complicate life.
  2. Yes, I have a US address for my benefits. I also collect benefits for my daughter in Thailand and as you said any change for her money must go through Manilla.
  3. No reason not to have a kid in your 50's that I can see as long as you got the money. You don't want a kid, up to you. But not to have one because you worry of your age what happens if you die, well that is something all ages should think about, not just you.
  4. I did my filing for SS benefits face to face just a few months before covid hit. I'd try to make an appointment for a face to face at the SS office if I was doing it. But that's just the overly cautious me. I started having my monthly money deposited into US bank but about a year ago I changed my deposit numbers online to a Thai Bank, no problems. The same for my fed pension.
  5. Kids and hay barns are still a great combo I see. As a kid our hay barn was my personal play ground, building hay forts, swinging on a rope tied to rafters like tarzan. Good times.
  6. I understand your logic, but here's where I differ. When I first arrived in Issan I thought it was a hoot. Like stepping back to a simpler time, grow some rice for food, do odd jobs for cash, always there if you needed help. Me, I've been doing man's manual labor since I was a kid, as a 15 yr old I'd get up 5am work at a dairy before school and after, weekends were 10 hr days. As an adult I worked 8-16 hrs a day/ 7 days a week for months as per my contracts. If I needed work looking for work was a full time job. When I ask about relatives if they are working in Issan, reply is no jobs. Seems like they're waiting for a knock on their door with job offers. It's hard to continue helping those who aren't willing to go the extra mile to help themselves. They're good people, they just don't have the drive. Even to improve there homes is not important it seems.
  7. I feel for the expats living in Issan next to your lady's family. You followed her to her village instead of you choosing the area in which you wanted. You dumped a bunch of money into land and home and feel like you need to stay. I'm sure many really do enjoy the rural life in Issan and I'm sure more regret their choices. I've been there and done that in Issan. I'm glad that I was still working and making good money and could afford to move my family far away and start over in an area of my choosing. Now I gladly buy airfare for my family to visit Issan a few times a year. Money well spent.
  8. How would you know they're not going 150. I drive on the 7 motorway at 120 and getting passed at high rates happens.
  9. 800,000x6%= 48,000 tbh from an IRA annunity vs 800,000x .5%=4,000 tbh. lol
  10. I was quoted 30,000 tbh to go from 30 day visa exempt to Non O and extension, 15 months worth.
  11. I get what you're saying, A government school I wouldn't think anything of it, but since I'm paying for better I expect better.
  12. I wouldn't want my kid learning English from a teacher with a Filipino accent. If English is their second language they will always have a Tagalog twang.
  13. Perhaps it's best to wait till the day after a drinking session before posting. ????
  14. Covid deaths for 5-11 yr old is so rare vs vaccinating my 10 yr old with a so called vaccine with no long term testing for side effects is an easy decision. What don't you understand?
  15. I needed 3 documents notarized. The US Embassy charged $50.00 for each signature. Cost $150.00. Insane criminal fee.
  16. I asked a simple yes or no question, go troll elsewhere. Your infatuation with me is charming.
  17. I worked with Blacks constantly for years, we didn't use the term African American, we said the black guy, the white guy, the Filipino. But in the woke community it's African American
  18. You posted zero evidence, So, your claim is a white person can not be African American? Is that your stance? It's a simple yes or no question.
  19. My co-worker did as I stated at the hospital at time of birth about 13 yrs ago. Are you saying his child was not listed as African American? Are you saying Elon Musk isn't African American?
  20. In the US blacks like the term African American, I've never heard the term African Canadian. huh, never thought of it.
  21. Myself I don't know much about him except he's rich, apparently he's not only the richest man in the world, but born in South Africa and a US Citizen he's African American. Many will disagree on that. A white co-worker of mine had his child's birth certificate show baby is African American because the white mother was born in Africa. He told the story of the resistance of personnel to do so. He did it so when baby applied for college someday she could get the preference for being African American.
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