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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I'm in same position with kid in English Program school. We keep the ones which may be fun to see in the future and the majority are thrown out. These are all paperback books. Donating is a silly idea. Old school uniforms on the other hand can be donated.
  2. Cmon we all know immigration and diversity makes a nation stronger.
  3. Worse than childish tictok garbage.
  4. It's not what you.know it's who you know.
  5. Heard some scuttlebutt that Robert is in line for a mods position.
  6. I peed in the ladies toilet today. 2 quaker ladies stood watch outside the door.
  7. What does that even mean. Biden has done a dismal job protecting our borders.
  8. News Alert. Trump won in 2016. Perhaps you should be more informed before you post.
  9. Hope Joe keeps this up. Trump will have a walk in the park to the WH.
  10. Well like many they follow Tilac to their region and settle. And don't have funds to relocate
  11. Some guys are incapable of living on their own. Regardless of location
  12. EVA is good. Have flown many times. Layover in Teipei. Real nice airport.
  13. Guaranteed Tug escorts through restricted waters will be required in near future.
  14. Your stalker is totally unhinged. Unbelievable
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