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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. What Dr. Berry says makes a lot of sense. IMO we rely too much on medications to bail us out due to lifestyles of poor diet and exercise. Ask your cardiologist how many conferences he has gone to that were funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Also ask him who funds the 30 years of statin research. I can't argue with results. Going on some - not all - of Dr. Berry's recommendations, I shed 15 kg of my 93 kg to go from overweight BMI to normal. My blood sugar retreated from pre-diabetic to normal, and my eGFR ( measure of kidney function ) improved by 25%. Mind you, I have no knowledge of statins because I have no cardio problems.
  2. 3cDAWNOFMAN2.mp4
  3. Vegans - particularly women - usually come back to eating meat, when they find they are getting insufficient protein and Vitamin B12. That's a self-imposed handicap when they are menstruating once a month.
  4. Posting on social media, instead of beating tom-toms.
  5. Dr. Ken Berry disagrees.
  6. Our genetic inheritance is as carnivores, we would be nowhere if early man had stuck to eating roots and berries. Where do you draw the line? Fish, oysters, or chickens?
  7. Most of the refined oils are manufactured by solvent extraction, which leaves chemical residues in the oils that won't be there in pressed sources such as extra virgin olive oil. There are 22 ingredients in a Beyond Burger. That means there are 22 variables to get screwed up in the production process.
  8. If a place is too noisy, I get up and leave. I mostly have coffee in my condo, and have takeaways or get them delivered. Cook for myself as well. Too old to suffer fools gladly. I get the howling dogs and crowing roosters in my GF's village, that's different.
  9. With money, the guy in the OP's wheelchair can afford the best in mobility.
  10. IMO you are thinking of Colin Neil, who was confined to a wheelchair after a bad motorcycle accident. I believe he has passed away, happy to stand corrected.
  11. Elite Smile was at Pantip Plaza. I don't know where they are now, Google is your friend. I have had three implants with them, very professional, state of the art equipment. My implants have withstood the test of time. 55,000 baht per implant, including Swiss bone graft material.
  12. It's approved for treatment of tropical parasitic infections. Giving it status as a COVID treatment has been contradicted by the data, which show it is ineffective. Ivermectin was a veterinary medicine about 17 years before FDA approval. Penicillin is approved by the FDA too, but nobody is suggesting it should be used to treat HIV.
  13. That won't deter anyone. In fact, it might encourage some.
  14. I do wish there was a vaccine for stupidity, although it is obviously too late for some posters.
  15. I used to be able to, nowadays I am too old. I avoid situations which might result in physical confrontation. IMO the best defense against a male attacker is to grab them by the balls. It's commonly used by nurses to subdue male mental patients.
  16. I am sure he is quite mature - from the neck down.
  17. Apologies accepted. I didn't realise American spelling had been dumbed down that far. Have you been circumcised, or did the surgeon think the job was too big?
  18. What are they doing, mining bitcoins?
  19. IMO no foreigner in Thailand has to be single, unless they are completely skint.
  20. Either the "S" or the "Z" is equally acceptable spelling.
  21. IMO lower carbs in anything is better for digestion. It would be interesting to see how many Thais consuming sticky rice are subject to constipation. OTOH, I have no problems because my main carbs come from long beans, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage.
  22. When someone says the floor area of an apartment is 30,000 sq ft when it is really only 11,000 sq ft to inflate the property's value, it's dishonest. When the higher value is used to obtain a loan from a bank, it's fraud. Trump's legal troubles have nothing to do with weaponisation of the legal system, the mantra of his supporters. It's everything to do with the fact he's a crook. Orders of magnitude more than Nixon. BTW, the noun you butchered is spelled EPITOME.

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