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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. No, because they were whining about the food, the weather, and the fact no-one kissed their a#se in deference to their imaginary superiority. You guys should be grateful for Australians, if it wasn't for us you might still be fighting WWI.
  2. I may be wrong, but IMO this might be related to the type of connection. I do not have any access to the internet, except when I am in a WiFi hotspot where I have the password. I have a pay as you go on my phone with TrueMove, which I top up when I get below 50 baht. It only enables phone calls and SMS. Any time I get an SMS in Thai, I automatically delete. Speak English if you want to talk to me. I have never had money deducted from any of my accounts, in the way the OP describes.
  3. I've met quite a few of your countrymen in Australia. It makes me wonder why they are not back in the UK, when they bitch so much.
  4. You can do it if you improve your attention span to 30 seconds...
  5. I doubt you could get that lucky........
  6. Be honest, I'll bet you Googled the term I used to see what it meant. The difference is, I don't need Google for the words I use.
  7. Tell me a nation that still tugs the forelock to a king who expressed a wish to be something I am not allowed to specify on this forum can be otherwise.
  8. Not really, although I suspect some of you are coprophagocytes.
  9. IIRC there was a dietitian during WWII who was asked to design a diet for Brits during the U-Boat blockade. It was bread, potato and cabbage. Aussies ate a lot better than that. Perhaps you have not noticed Australia has a hot climate. It's where the term Pom came from, Brits emigrating here turned as red as the fruit.
  10. It would probably taste better if I didn't.
  11. If I only had 100 brain cells left, it would still be ten times yours. You are as subtle as a fart in a bathysphere.
  12. A very lean form of protein, some people actually became fat-deficient. Prior to calcivirus, if you had a chicken chow mein anywhere inland at a Chinese restaurant, the odds were very good it was actually rabbit. I tried a pork pie once, it was disgusting.
  13. Is that what they do in the UK? It does explain your football yobbos and Hooray Henrys.
  14. When people provoke me with asinine comments, I respond. If you have a problem with that, you know what to do.
  15. Given the Brits have their taste buds removed at birth, it's not surprising they have no sense of smell. No other nation could enjoy cold pork pies, warm beer, and grey cabbage.
  16. The spelling is "their". It's also a comment on moderation, which IS against the rules. Naughty naughty.
  17. I guess you'd like to be a mod, so you can do a thought police shtick.
  18. Report my posts to the mods if you object to them. You've got a bee in your bonnet about racism. Let me remind you it was the Brits who first invented concentration camps.
  19. I like giving Poms a touch up occasionally, some are toffee-nosed gits who think their s#!t doesn't stink.
  20. Take a long walk off a short pier. You don't tell me what to do.
  21. Not unless he found some batteries in Babylon.
  22. You don't get to tell me where or how I can and can't comment. That's a moderator's decision. The term is based on the experience of most Australians. If you don't like what I post, put me on ignore. Rest assured I won't miss you.
  23. IIRC that term is reserved for Buddha.
  24. I always ask my GF if the earth moved for her too.

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