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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You name it, young Israelis/Brits/Americans/Russians/Indians/Aussies etc. etc. are generally the problem. Dragged up, not brought up by their parents.
  2. A conservative roasting the Dems, what a surprise. Who will do the roasting when the MAGA's finally realize Trump has tossed them under the cost-of-living bus? Eggs in Mexico are less than $2 a dozen, above $7 a dozen in the USA.
  3. Main road, think it is called Bang Talay. Always has one or two cats snoozing on the chairs. It has a building next to it which houses a scuba club, of all things. Coming from Chiang Rai on the 1020? to Thoeng, it is about 200 metres on the RHS just before the crest, which then descends to a set of traffic lights, with a day market on the left at the intersection.
  4. I suggest you run that last statement past the Nicaraguans, Danes, Palestinians, Mexicans, Canadians and Chinese. I would hardly call the Chinese LIBERAL.
  5. No need to be poorly informed, all you have to do is see Trump himself speaking on news outlets, or read his posts on Truth Social. From the horse's mouth, so to speak. I post opinions, based on facts, plus data. I don't know where you get the idea I have a miserable life, I quite enjoy puncturing the pretensions of deluded posters. Your last four words proves I am living rent-free in your head.
  6. Fruit contains fructose and sucrose. Sucrose is sugar. It hydrolyzes to fructose and glucose in the stomach. Glucose is what shows up in tests for type 2 diabetes. Fructose does not. Excessive fructose consumption increases the risk of developing Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease ( NAFLD ) NAFLD is diagnosed by checking for elevated levels of liver enzymes. The gold standard test is liver biopsy. While NAFLD of itself is not usually fatal, it can be a contributory factor in dangerous conditions such as liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and cardiovascular disease. The best fruits to eat in order to limit total sugar intake are any berries - strawberry, blackberry, blueberry, and raspberry. Apples are also relatively low. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants. As with many items of food, moderation is key.
  7. Protection of presidential candidates is less than for a sitting President. Removing protection from two people who have their heads full of US secrets is about as petty and stupid as it gets. If you are going to do the look over there shtick, at least try for something convincing. You are embarrassing yourself.
  8. Removing security clearance and protection from people like John Bolton and Mark Milley is vindictive and dangerous. If you disagree with that, there's no hope for you. Just toddle along to a press conference with Karoline Leavitt, she will tell you what you want to hear.
  9. It has never worked because the Palestinians have never accepted Israel, established by UN mandate, have the same right to be a state as they do. It has never worked because the most powerful nation on the planet refuses to recognize Palestine as a state in its own right. It might work if Palestinians were allowed to return after rebuilding. On Trump's record, why would any Palestinian put any trust in such a promise?
  10. Bamboo is rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, and has zero calories. Pork rinds are crunchy and delicious, a good source of collagen. which helps maintain skin tone and cartilage. Then there's pad siew gai, pad thai goong, mussuman curry, northern thai sausage. Roasted fish with garlic, Kai tod. Pad pat ruam. I used to eat meat and three veg back in Australia, IMO Thai food has far more variety. I'd say Thai food is healthier. In Oz, I was 93 kg, sometimes ballooned out to 100 kg. Now I am a svelte 79 kg.
  11. It's very rare I would have a dump outside the comfort of my own place. I guess that would apply to most people. After a dump, I dry my butt with toilet tissue. Then I use soap, water to clean my hands, before drying with a towel. I trust this is not too much information. For me, being in a crowd in a country that just uses reams of toilet paper is TMI, all those imperfectly cleaned @rses. Filthy. Whatever turns your crank, enjoy sex doggy-style, with the aroma wafting up to you.
  12. This thread presents a strong argument for abridging freedom of speech. Will somebody please tell the idiots running this garbage it is useless without peer review, in a reputable journal? I sometimes wish a virus with a 90% fatality rate would come along, so Darwin could sort them out.
  13. My dermatologist in Chiang Rai fixed my psoriasis for me. The OP is welcome to return to the US, and pay US prices to be treated.
  14. The result of Trump's Gaza brain fart won't be long in coming. He's given every intelligence operative in America a major headache, not that he would listen to them anyway. He has also galvanized every terrorist group in the Middle East, and created a pool of about 2 million Palestinians to recruit from. If someone is going to take your home/land away from you, wouldn't you react the same way?
  15. IMO the problem with Starsucks is the bean to water ratio. It tastes like they use three or four beans to make 300 mL of coffee, on the basis the customer is getting plenty of coffee, even if it is tasteless.
  16. "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." Trump is a narcissistic sociopath, ticks most of the boxes. Your are too kind to Putin, he's a psychopath.
  17. Close. There's one poster here who claims viruses don't exist. Then there's the people who know zilch about thermodynamics, saying global warming and climate change are hoaxes.
  18. People live in earthquake zones, next to volcanoes. or at risk of tsunamis. They live on the San Andreas fault. Florida has shown what a couple of hurricanes can do. Insurance companies have entire departments dedicated to risk assessment. IMO it's only equitable that people living in low risk areas should pay less than those who don't.
  19. Islam claims to be the last word of Allah to the faithful, and therefore superior to all its predecessors. One of its tenets is the Quran is beyond any questioning by humans. To do so is blasphemy. Like Christianity and Judaism, it has its extremists who think killing unbelievers is the will of Allah. IMO the internet only serves to foment that mindset. Face it, how often on the internet does one see logic and facts howled down by a chorus of charlatans and fruit cakes?
  20. True story. There was a proctologist in Australia who did a couple of my colonoscopies. His name was Dr. William Gay. He changed his name to Gray.
  21. I had one who sent an abusive message.
  22. I only cook single pieces of protein.
  23. IIRC you are the poster who is always taking me to task for calling people stupid.
  24. I don't think there are any dentists nowadays who use amalgam, although I am willing to stand corrected. I have not had an amalgam filling for 20 years.
  25. IMO there should be an "f" instead of a "b" in Star*****. As in what it does to coffee. So weak, it should be put on life support. Dishwater. I suppose, like some other American companies, they think quantity can be substituted for quality.
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