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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. One of my functions during my working life was problem-solving. Without exception, problems with a process or a product arose because someone, somewhere, had made a change in the system. Buying inferior raw material to save money, or tinkering with a process in an attempt to save time. It was the same whenever I was tasked by my own employer, a supplier or a customer. I usually made myself quite unpopular with the person(s) who had made the change. Fixing such problems usually involved gathering data, then going back to square one, and feeding in single variables to determine which was causing the problem. I'd recommend the OP go back to what he was originally doing to get good results. If the product is good, it's the changes he has made. If not, it's the flour. Using Occam's razor, if the bread now tastes like cake, it has too much sugar.
  2. Australia Post's standard of service with letters has declined significantly over the last decade, as the parcel trade is more lucrative. Executive bonuses must be maintained.
  3. Muslims claim their religion is the last word of God ( Allah ), therefore superior to all others. The penalty for apostasy ( reverting to Judaism or Christianity ) is death.
  4. Countries act out of self-interest, the term is realpolitik. So do individuals. There's no morality involved, even when some countries pretend there is.
  5. I take it on a case-by-case basis. If I think it's too greedy, or not a great attraction, I walk away. There are plenty of free sights in northern Thailand.
  6. As I said before, tailor's scissors. Perhaps the OP is losing his grip. SORRY!!!!
  7. Incorrect. I get about $60 less than an Australian pension for a pensioner in Australia, as the subsidies for electricity and phone are removed after six weeks away. Otherwise, it's pension paid normally. Indexed for COL, I have never really tracked it though.
  8. If it's polyester, hot wire cutting.
  9. How dense is it? Maybe using a hole punch in the line of cut beforehand would help.
  10. Just about every Aussie does, that comes under general knowledge. Naughty Owl, trying to lure me off topic.
  11. You need tailor's scissors, the really big ones.
  12. The trend is obvious. Not to you, apparently. You have not posted one shred of proof I am wrong. Just the usual begging the question.
  13. Because he is an a##ehole, like a few on ASEAN. They just want to be famous too.
  14. I already have, and posted it. You've got nothing, apart from bluster. Let me guess - you were a schoolyard bully as a kid?
  15. Some recent ones, perhaps? I suspect the ones from the last dozen decades would be rather thin pickings.
  16. The concept of original sin is unique to the Christian religion. It's some God, that thinks helpless babies are capable of sinning.
  17. Stop talking nonsense. It's the hottest June on record, plus 1.4 degrees C compared to average zero 1850 - 1900. The trending year on year is blindingly obvious. Source: Berkeley Earth. climate(2).html
  18. The electrical energy required to propel a vehicle 400 km is 60 kWh. Maybe more, if it is a luxury vehicle. One can ship an ICE vehicle from Europe to America with a couple of litres of gasoline in the fuel tank. OTOH, one can't ship an EV with one or two kWh in the battery, as it may become inconveniently immobile during transfer operations. Even at 30 kWh, it's a hell of a lot of stored energy. Plenty of evidence electrical fires are extremely difficult to extinguish. Schiller said it best, against stupidity the gods themselves strive in vain. Thanks for the confirmation.
  19. I would point out Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church are working hand in glove to convince Russians the war in Ukraine is righteous. Your statement is valid, as far as look over there goes. How much evil do you think is ongoing, from the refusal of the Catholic church to accept contraception with condoms, and maintaining celibacy among priests?
  20. It is ludicrous when claims are made about Greta Thunberg being brainwashed into belief in climate change, despite ample factual evidence for said belief. No doubt some of the same deniers cheerfully send their children to religious instruction, with no supporting evidence.
  21. Occam's razor. There's a ship on the bottom of the Atlantic to support the hypothesis.
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