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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. My GF has been left in no doubt if she borrows money, legally or with a loan shark, I will not be repaying the debt, and it's the end of the relationship.
  2. What constraints? If one lives under the radar, IMO there are none. Certainly I do not feel any. The choice is there, when one is old either wear out or rust out. Becoming a couch potato posting lengthy musings on ASEAN has no appeal to me, I think I have a better quality of life being active.
  3. Statistically, celibate men are much more likely to develop prostate cancer, that is all the excuse I need. I already know I am not normal, thank you.
  4. I have gold and silver holdings. They cost me nothing to store them. I sold out of both on March 1, have now bought back in. Obviously, you have never heard of the pool allocated system.
  5. IMO if you are filming someone else, it is polite to ask for their permission to do so.
  6. Are you living in a sound-proof chamber? It's common knowledge. Google is your friend. Nothing sensitive about it.
  7. Trump has not got billions, he is in hock to Deutsche Bank and the Russians. Why do you think he's kissing Putin's butt, and siphoning off his campaign fund to pay lawyers to keep him out of jail? His real estate assets are overvalued and losing money hand over fist, IIRC Letitia James is on that trail of criminality. During the pandemic, he set some kind of presidential record for the number of times he played golf. Mostly at his own resorts, so he could bill the US taxpayer for the cost of lodging his Secret Service detail in his rooms. From memory, about $900,000 for each round of golf. Conflict of interest, what's that? As for the stunning wife, she was probably conned by Trump, along with a lot of other credulous people. Looking at her body language nowadays, she looks like she'd rather be in an igloo in Alaska.
  8. Perhaps you could tell us the source of your unbiased and accurate information, I always enjoy a good laugh.
  9. I'd file that under no good deed goes unpunished. The guy probably thought the OP was telling him to hurry up and get off the crossing. Hence the middle finger. Could have been any nationality, although I suppose at present blaming Russians for everything wrong in the world is a lay-down misere.
  10. There's a video on the Australian ABC news site which shows police battling to hold off the rioters at the Capitol, getting bashed for their pains, and pleading for support of their radios. The video also has a voice-over from Trump, saying how he can feel all the love in the air. A spill-my-coffee on the keyboard moment. Trump plays to the basest instincts of people. You're the one that is wrong.
  11. Committee finds enough evidence to indict Donald Trump over Capitol riots Source: The New Daily, Australian independent media. https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/world/us-news/trump-news/2022/06/13/donald-trump-riot-evidence/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Morning News - 20220613
  12. Carl Hiassen, Skink series John D MacDonald, Travis McGee series Maurice Druon, Accursed Kings series Kerry Greenwood, Phryne Fisher series. C.J.Box,Joe Pickett series James Lee Burke,Robicheaux series Steve Martini,Paul Madriani series Eric Flint, 1632 alternate history series Janet Evanovich, Stephanie Plum series F Paul Wilson, Repairman Jack series Ben Aaronovitch Rivers of London series Currently revisiting Anne McCaffrey's "Dragonflight" to read to my Thai quasi-grand-daughter.
  13. Hospitals, golf courses, massage shops, durian stalls.
  14. If you can tell me how "fight like hell" can be translated into "patriotically and peacefully", please let me switch my BS meter off first. It's getting overworked on this thread.
  15. You guys should talk to a Kiwi ( New Zealander ), they have interchangeable vowels.
  16. Sorry to hear that. I'm 78, got COVID last November, probably the delta variant. 3 days of runny nose and sore throat, finish. I put my good luck down to my New Year's resolution of 2021 to become more fit. I don't think there's much doubt people with pre-existing conditions are more vulnerable to COVID, all I can suggest is plenty of rest interspersed with working on your fitness level. A bit contradictory, I know. My Thai GF now has COVID for the second time, I am negative despite being with her while she is infectious. It's a lottery
  17. When you are at the checkout, pull out a thick wad of 1000 baht notes and peel one off to pay. The next time you are at the 7/11, do the same, and try striking up a conversation. If she's not interested, plenty of other fish in the sea ready to bite.
  18. The ones Japanese sailors take with them on long sea voyages?
  19. Because it did not exist, perhaps? Telling your supporters to fight like hell does not sound like calling for a peaceful protest to me. If you want to talk about editing, perhaps about 7 hours of White House phone logs that have gone missing would be a good place to start. It's a safe bet the Democrats didn't take them.
  20. With 30,000 km on the odometer, you may not get much difference in price between new and used. That's a fact of life in Thailand. Out of the three brands, I would pick the Mitsubishi. They make good reliable cars, and AFAIK they are not given to throwing their buyers under a bus if there is a problem. I was impressed by a Kia Picanto in Vientiane, I don't know if they would fit the budget, or how many are available in Thailand.
  21. Media bias is what I would describe as an attribute of Fox News, who having been kissing Trump's butt for years. As far as vindictiveness and dishonesty goes, one need look no further than Trump himself. Perhaps you would be good enough to post verifiable examples of the dishonesty of Biden, Harris and Cortez. I don't think I would have to look very hard to find examples of Trump's. The divisions in American society have been encouraged by Trump since before 2016, that is his modus operandi.
  22. You are offering way too much, 8000 - 10,000 baht/month will seal the deal. IME the really stunning ones are starfishes, plainer girls are far more likely to enjoy themselves in the sack. If it always turns into trash, perhaps your expectations are too high.
  23. Impeached for what? As far as I can make out, they are trying to repair the mess Trump left on both the domestic and international stage. Make America Great Again morphed into MAALS ( Make America A Laughing Stock ) under Trump. A President who was impeached twice, and got away with it because the Republican Party was too cowardly to stand up for themselves and the people who elected them. Gutless.
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