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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I haven't had a blowout here; however, I have had quite a few flats. Almost invariably, it's from the tire picking up a nail or screw on the road. Shows up as a slow leak. I can't recall seeing a streetsweeper here, perhaps that's why.
  2. Apparently non-sexual massages, with the intimacy involved, are mentally beneficial for mood, quite apart from any physical benefits. Having said that, there are some people who get nothing positive out of a massage, and find them painful. Happily, I am not one of them.
  3. Good advice. I used to drive 1000 km in a day in Australia, and I'd pull over for a 20 minute nap if I had the symptoms you describe. I still do in Thailand, for shorter distances. A dangerous time to be driving is just after a heavy meal, because the body is taking away blood from the brain, and directing it to the digestive system. Even more if the meal includes alcohol, which is a depressant.
  4. I would say if the credit card provider did not know you have Thai bank accounts, they would not be able to come after the cash. If you are paying off monthly, unless you are racking up large amounts, they would probably just write the balance off as a bad debt.
  5. You have the good fortune of having homes to call your own in the US, many here don't. Good luck with your life choices, safe travels.
  6. Complete rubbish, the Thai women I know are hard workers. My GF is very street-smart. If I get only 50% of the care she gave her father, who died recently, I will be well content. He developed Alzheimer's about two years ago, and since then has been looked after by her. Meals, washing, cleaning his house, haircuts, everything. I'd say either your experience of Thai women is limited, or you are associating with the wrong type, to form the opinion you have. BTW, foibles is the correct spelling.
  7. Two things: You don't mention the roof insulation, get the best R-factor encapsulated insulation blankets you can afford. Don't mess with PU spray insulation, it's a potential death trap. Make sure the builder knows to put vents in the soffits, so that the heat in the roof space has somewhere to go. If not, your aircon bills will skyrocket.
  8. I have to admit I am not at ease in social situations with strangers, I would rather be with good friends who accept me as I am, or have myself for company. Voltaire probably anticipated my reaction a few centuries ago when he said " This animal is very wicked, it defends itself when attacked".
  9. It was in Lamphun Road, Chiang Mai, opposite the condo where I lived at the time. The road is narrow and congested, it is virtually impossible to get above 40 km/hr in that spot. The female Thai driver apparently claimed she fell asleep. I can only think of two ways it could have happened, either she put the front wheels on full lock, or she was clipped by a truck coming the other way. Quite right, it is a stunning lack of competence, or extreme bad luck.
  10. No disagreement at all with what you are saying, I use the term sex workers, because they work at sex for a living. No longer in P4P. When I was, I always treated any woman with consideration, and let them set the limits on what they were comfortable with. To me, the punter who mistreats a woman just because he is paying for sex is the worst kind of animal.
  11. You may be right. Having said that, IME it's not too many car manufacturers who put premium tires on their vehicles. For example, my Mazda is on the original tires, Dunlop Enasaves. They get only 50% of car owners who say they would buy them again, so I guess they are not as good as Michelins. I can think of some modern cars that would be unsafe to drive at above 120 km/hr. Nissan Micra, Mitsubishi Mirage, Proton Savvy. Hit a bump or pothole on a Thai road at higher speeds, they'd be airborne in the blink of an eye. This particular crash apparently occurred at no more than 40 km/hr, attesting to the driving skill of a Thai.
  12. Good for you. It's a double standard when men who use sex workers refer to them as prostitutes, while not realizing they are tarred with the same brush. I don't mind admitting I've paid for sex. Why would I, when some has been the best I've ever had?
  13. Double standard in full flight, I'll bet the luk krueng Tiger Woods gets a fawning welcome. Of course, Anutin would never call him that.
  14. As Mandy Rice-Davies would have it, "Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?"
  15. Ethylene glycol is poisonous to cats and dogs. They can't resist it because it tastes good. Cats are more sensitive, half a teaspoon of EG is enough to kill them. It's a bit of a leg-pull.
  16. I seem to be able to get on OK with most of the people here, with the exception of preachers.
  17. Lacessit

    Booster shots ?

    He didn't, doctors here tend to just go with their own opinions. If you want to know what your antibody level is, go to a pathology lab. I went to Mengrai Laboratories in Chiang Rai, result 56 units/ mL. 500 baht. It wasn't enough to stop me getting COVID, but I am pretty sure it prevented me from being seriously ill. I was told by one of the staff there if the result is more than 2500 U/mL, I would get asked to donate blood for seriously ill patients.
  18. You remind me of the story of the philosopher who offered a beautiful woman $10,000 to sleep with him. When she agreed, he asked if she would take $10. Certainly not, do you think I am a whore? He responded " We've already established that, now I want to settle on a price".
  19. Fair enough. I tread my own path. I suspect I might not be comfortable in your inner circle. That's OK, I can always walk away.
  20. I tend to give back as good as I get. Check out my nom-de-plume. She was trying to provoke me, she got it back in spades. You would have done it differently, fine. I don't see why I should have become a doormat to satisfy your preferences. As one of my friends said about me, what you see is what you get. I think I was rather tactful, I refrained from saying my GF is also half your body weight. Are you willing to let a woman walk all over you in public? I'm not.
  21. I think I would, it would be a double standard if I did not. In my case, the question IMO does not arise. I am not the jealous type, having a wife who was jealous to the nth degree was pretty good aversion therapy.
  22. Some years ago, I was at a party in Australia. One of the women decided to take me to task for having a Thai girlfriend. She wanted to know why I would do that, when there were plenty of women available in Australia. I said " She's 23 years younger than me. She's a great lay with a beautiful body, who worships the ground I walk on. She cooks for me, washes and irons my clothes, does a massage when I am tired, cuts my toenails. Tell me where I will find a woman like that in Australia". Dead silence at the table, the men didn't know where to look. I thought she was going to throw her glass of wine over me, she presumably thought better of it.
  23. Rest assured you would not have gotten away with that in Australia.
  24. It depends on the age of the woman as well. I'm in your generalisation, my GF is 23 years younger than me. Certainly, if a guy is in his seventies, and the GF/wife is mid-twenties, that's just asking to be cuckolded. Women in their forties and fifties have usually settled down, and prefer monogamy. I doubt my GF would want sex with a younger Thai guy. She had that during her marriage, a drunk, abusive and a gambler. I am a saint in comparison.
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