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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. I commenced at 63 at our local mobile collection sessions because of previously being a blood/plasma/platelet donor in U.K. Apparently, everyone gets sacked off at 70. That also used to be the upper limit in UK, however there is now no upper limit providing you continue to be healthy.
  2. I have always believed that going into doctors surgeries or, even worse, hospitals is a sure fire way to make yourself ill. Can I ask do you know if your vital signs are OK? If you've been a blood donor in Thailand (until now) and/or in your home country that's a reasonable clue. Do you ever REALLY need to take any medication apart from for bronchitis?
  3. International flights are coming.
  4. I have practical experience of this. I was in the waiting area of my Government Regional Hospital having taken my Thai mother-in-law there for an out-patient appointment. I felt faint and nauseous. Next thing I was being lifted upon a trolley and wheeled into the casualty dept. They took my vitals and placed me on a drip. Apparently, my blood glucose level had fallen dramatically. After seeing a doctor and being monitored until my blood glucose level returned to normal I was discharged with a bill of 800 baht. Excellent service!
  5. Blimey! At a government hospital, a bill for 200,000 baht. What on earth would a private hospital have billed him?
  6. Brilliant cover! Wish I could get anything like that. I guess it's the length of time you've been with Pacific Cross, your no claims discount and maybe health cover previously? The best quote I could get was a premium of 315,000 baht with exclusions for anything blood pressure or diabetes related. I haven't received any treatment for raised BP since 1986 and have never been diagnosed with diabetes (once collapsed due to low blood glucose).
  7. Don't go to Austria.
  8. To be fair, when my neice and myself were 'bowled over' by a moto with side cart the rider did slow and turn his head to look before then riding off!
  9. Anyone with actual family experience of this? Three years ago my Thai nephew attended a Japanese Language school. He then worked in Japan in their seafood industry. Despite speaking almost exclusive English after 12 months his employer insisted he take an advanced Japanese language test. He failed and his contract was terminated. My stepdaughter graduated last year after five years at University with a degree in Business Administration with IT. Yesterday she ‘graduated’ from the same language school and now has a ticket to Japan. Her job will be packing ready to eat meals of rice and noodles etc. for 7/11 and various supermarkets. As you might have guessed I paid for both language school courses at 169,000 baht each. Naturally, also for my stepdaughter’s five years at Uni.
  10. I agree. If travelling alone and with hand luggage only I go for the bus.
  11. Quite a weighty recommendation!
  12. I asked an agent to contact the police. He attended upon my behalf. Police accepted it was a case of 'woman scorned'. I heard no more about it. However, she later sued me for 'misappropriation of goods'. She had kept all receipts for vehicles, appliances, furniture, air conditioners etc. Being out of the country I knew nothing about this. A mutual friend messaged me to let me know a 'raid' was due to take place upon my locked up house. Also, an arrest warrant had been issued against me. I instructed the same agent to attend and hand over all my goods. He also made application to cancel the arrest warrant.
  13. Air Europa are, apparently, the opposite. I flew Madrid to Sao Paulo and was horrified to see animals (albeit in carriers) being taken onboard into the (economy class) cabin. Animals not permitted in business class.
  14. Ex GF did a nasty trick on me. She went to the police (not Thailand) and reported me for narco-trafficking. I wasn't in the country at the time. A neighbour messaged me that there was a notice affixed to my gate ordering me to attend a local police station on the date/time stated.
  15. Depends where it is I suppose. We had a local live music venue open recently. A group consisting of bass and rhythm electric guitars, keyboard player, drummer and vocalist play Thai pop between 9pm and midnight each night. Outside, the owner plays his acoustic guitar with an occasional vocalist. I prefer the outside but my Mrs and Thai friends like the group inside!
  16. The Fugitive


    It's the 'crumbly' type (Cheshire or Lancashire) that I crave!
  17. I have Huawei GR5 2017 (stopped updating it's operating system at Android version 7) as my back-up mobile. Can't instal Chase UK banking app because it requires mininum Android version 8.1. No option of web based browser access. Not verified this myself but have read that rooting/jailbreaking prevents installation of banking apps.
  18. Thank you for the information. Both very important considerations.
  19. Can confirm. Have been using mine (physical U.K.) continuously at 7/11 since September 2022.
  20. Possibly out-dated information. This afternoon I used my U.K. Chase physical debit card by contactless method at 7/11. I can advise that my Mrs told me I had to use it at one machine as the other one (there are only two at the shop we use) wouldn't accept it.
  21. I've spent a short while in and around Mexico City. I was pleasantly surprised by how many people spoke English and how friendly they were.
  22. I have True Move pre-paid in my main mobile and AIS pre-paid in my back-up mobile. I have the add-on unlimited data packs on both. Cost 1,800 baht per annum for each. Speed rating 1Mbps for both. I find both most satisfactory. Just done a random speed test on True and got; 25.0 Download Mbps, 1.94 Upload Mbps. AIS is usually similar. Sometimes download speeds exceed 50 Mbps. Much more than satisfactory when I'm out and about.
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