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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Anybody mentioned the flooding? A bit much I think. Although the Royal Thai Army do deliver rice to vulnerable people in advance. Deliberately flooding communities is most definitely out of order in my book.
  2. Irresponsible time waster. Agreed, he should be billed for the call out and prosecuted for wasting police time.
  3. Excellent points. Plus, although there is now such a thing as contactless cash withdrawals using your mobile phone, some people will continue to use their cards perpetuating the risk of reading PIN's over their shoulder and card cloning.
  4. I didn't either. Until my Mrs got some QR codes printed and laminated and stuck on the walls in her shop. Apparently customers were asking for an alternative to paying cash. It's a quick way for the customer to enter her bank account details into their mobile banking APP. Some insist that she takes a photo of the completed transaction off their mobile.
  5. Substantial increase; 04/2566; 430 units = 2,248 baht 05/2566; 726 units = 3,927 baht
  6. Thanks for your info. The scaremongers always try to worry you about this. There is such a concept as assisting your wife in her business. It is perfectly natural and reasonable.
  7. Some time ago (in UK) a local guy proudly went around showing people his discharge letter from National Service. It said; 'We can find no purpose for this man'. He could read because he selected horses each day and wrote out a betting slip. That was the only thing he did during his life. He walked between his home and the local betting shop. Never had a job. I guess there are limits.
  8. It probably goes back to the days when the software you wanted cost more to buy than your machine. Many people, quite rightly believed 'that can't be right'. Things are more relaxed today. The software distributors have accepted they can't beat the pirates so offer basic versions of programs for free and only make us pay for the fully featured version. Even unactivated Microsoft Operating Systems will continue to work with very few restrictions.
  9. Absolutely agree! Libre Office seems faster, lighter, more responsive etc. than Microsoft Office. However, as a basic computer/office user, I find that the suite of on-line Google 'Docs' are almost always sufficient for my purposes.
  10. Reminds me of an old joke. 'Australia will be OK when they finish building it'. I'm sure people believed that life in Australia revolved around corrugated roofs, Castlemaine XXXX and fighting!
  11. Did you ask why? I would've. Assuming you always carried your up-to-date certificate of course.
  12. Thanks for that James. Thailand most definitely want to see proof of Yellow Fever jab if arriving from South America or Africa. Also, if you have transitted and remained in an endemic country for 12 hours or more whilst on your journey. You already know that Yellow Fever originally had a 10 year validity period that was abolished in 2016 (this applies retrospectively). I have my yellow book from 2009 and it's been accepted without question beyond 2019.
  13. Thanks for the info! Agreed, things do drag on. I'm only 66 but, up to now, had doubted whether I'd ever see high speed trains in Thailand. Unfortunately, as you will know, it's no longer possible to fly direct from Khon Kaen airport to Utapao. It was most convenient for myself and family. If (and when) the high speed trains are introduced, wouldn't that make Utapao airport even more redundant?
  14. What we have read has been confusing. At one time the intention was to retain the narrow gauge lines but use them for goods. Passengers would benefit by high speed standard gauge lines to be built alongside. So far, the improvements seem to have been, as you say, construction of enormous elevated stations. Future proofing to the extreme perhaps in anticipation of vastly increased passenger numbers. Another benefit has been improved safety, eliminating level crossings in town centres, resulting in uninterrupted road traffic flow.
  15. The Fugitive

    Wizz TV

    Looks interesting and excellent value! Might be good for Manchester City v. Manchester United.
  16. Would be great! However, looking at the current numbers of flights and destinations from Utapao airport as compared to pre-Covid it isn't surprising that there's no urgency with any rail lnk.
  17. Good recommendation! Plus, you are not far from Koh Samed (great IMHO) and, of course, Utapao airport.
  18. Where have you travelled from (or via?). There are clear signs in Suvaranabhumi international arrival area that travellers arriving from Africa and South America (no countries mentioned so presumably the whole of both continents) are required to produce proof of Yellow Fever vaccination. I once flew from Paraguay via Morocco and queued with passengers from Argentina with everyone clutching their yellow books.
  19. Thanks for that, very helpful. UK is OK in Spring.
  20. I've read that if you're decapitated it's all over in four seconds. If that didn't happen it doesn't bear thinking about.
  21. Generally would agree! When in the Medical Investigation Unit of my local hospital I noticed that a very helpful and energetic Indian doctor was sporting a tattoo upon his arm. I didn't know what it was (could have been a religious symbol) but I was most surprised that someone of intelligence would do that to himself.
  22. A sign in the window of my local tattoo parlour; 'What is the difference between a tattooed person and a non-tattooed person? Answer; 'The tattooed person doesn't mind if you're not tattooed'.
  23. Good point. Wouldn't the murderer have to keep watch in case the next expected train was delayed or cancelled? Suppose it depends upon the chosen location and frequency. Makes me think of the 'troubles' when there were suggestions that people were murdered and the blame placed on an IRA bomb. However, the IRA had codewords, allegedly gave advance warning and/or claimed responsibility afterwards.
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