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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Good that there is an update. Also good result in that the bulk of his hospital bill has been paid. But what will happen if the 4,000 GBP balance is not forthcoming? Unfortunately, his condition does not sound good. Hospital say they will not discharge him without payment in full.
  2. Currency exchange booths don't accept coins. Unless the gent only had (or needed) enough for maybe a beer and noodles is it not likely he did/does have a bundle of GBP?
  3. Why would he have a single five pound note? Or a bag of UK coins?
  4. Many thanks Simon! Good to know that you don't need to be on the UK electoral roll and lived at a UK address for a certain length of time. I understand Halifax permit you to have a permanent address abroad although they won't send renewed/replacement cards to Thailand. At least that is what their customer services told me approx 12 months ago.
  5. Good point! We have ATM's, CDM's, VTM's and passbook update machines. Another machine required!
  6. Depends if you already have a bundle of sterling cash with you in Thailand? Do you have access to a Thai bank account? If neither, are you contemplating 'wiring' GBP to yourself, converting to THB and collecting the cash?
  7. You don't maintain as much as a library borrowing card from your home country? Seriously, some of us remain registered with general practitioners, dentists, opticians etc. on the basis that if we weren't in Thailand that's where we would be.
  8. Can you provide a UK address? If so, tell them you are returning permanently and ask them to kindly not close your account.
  9. Love it! I'll bet you told them you have more confidence in a vet certifying you remain alive than a doctor. After all, they must be more capable because different animals 'work' in different ways!
  10. Shades of the UK here. Some time ago UK announced that 'we will never legalise/decriminalise drugs'. Being sniffed by a dog when you arrive at an airport somehow makes me think of war films and German POW camp guards. What a welcome for tourists! Clearly something fundamentally wrong with remaining subject to your home Country laws when abroad. They can't have it both ways. Hanging never prevented any crime, per Albert Pierrepoint; hanging never deterred a criminal. ″The noose and the scaffold solve nothing. They can only provide revenge,″ ...
  11. Police themselves acknowledge that the more draconian the punishment the harder the criminal is going to fight to avoid capture. It has been known since Victorian times that the severity of the sentence is not a deterrent, it is the certainty of being caught.
  12. Don't know which is worse, continuing with the ultimate penalty in fighting a war that cannot be won or relaxing laws because we are creating too many 'criminals'.
  13. Another alternative is to obtain a United Kingdom mobile telephone number. If you go the physical SIM card route you would, of course, need a suitable mobile 'phone or, use a second handset (your back-up mobile). Virtual UK mobile numbers can be rented for £12 GBP per annum from 'Vyke'. This is what I use and it functions perfectly to receive OTP's via SMS from UK and elsewhere.
  14. Could your Mum's information now be out of date? Are we specifically talking motor matters or accidents/injuries caused in other ways? It would, however, make sense in that wives could not drive uninsured and then, because they are housewifes (unpaid domestic duties) claim they have no money to pay compensation for injuries and damage to third parties?
  15. LK Metro being the epicentre of paradise on earth.
  16. I'm guilty of contributing to the probably illegal crossover of brown (foul) wastewater and grey (sink waste and surface run off). My soakaway was regularly overflowing and stinking our tiny garden area out. A plumber friend resolved the problem by installing a waste pipe from the top of the soakaway and running it into the surface water drain by our gate. Nothing visible as he buried the pipe but I'm ashamed of the occasional foul stench it causes outside our house.
  17. Drains, road works and street lighting etc. are administered by your Thesaban. Amphur (District Office) are for your registry office and ID cards.
  18. Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to let us know. Most helpful!
  19. Good question! I'm not that technical myself but I'll try and ask. The guys have a large yard full of pickups and vans with a few engines out. Maybe that's a good sign? They sent this video clip. Engine repair.mp4
  20. Thanks! Have to hope for the best. I was a bit shocked because I believed the engine wasn't fixable.
  21. Today the guys got back to my Mrs. Told her a reconditioned engine would be 70,000 baht and, of course, it might have suffered the same fate as our own. They estimate 48,000 baht (parts and labour) for repair of engine and replacement radiator etc. Apparently, they're already onto it.
  22. Agree! Readings should be taken in a consistent manner e.g. while sitting after you have been sitting for 10 minutes. I have found the whole arm machines incredibly inaccurate both at mobile blood donor sessions in Thailand and at my GP's practice in UK. They now use the small machines presumably because so many donors (such as myself) failed at every attempt.
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