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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Can confirm several hotels I've checked into in Phuket have demanded my passport. Watched the staff examine the immigration stamps and discuss them between themselves. On the other hand, where the booking was done by my Mrs, I sometimes don't get asked to show either my passport or pink card.
  2. That's what is great about Thailand. In UK I needed stitches removing and went to the NHS hospital nearest to where I was working at the time. They point blank refused to remove them for me.
  3. On the subject of Government Hospitals versus private High Street Clinics; Mrs experienced numbness and aching in one leg. She saw a GP at our local Community Hospital who prescribed rheumatism tablets. No improvement so she went to a High Street Clinic. The doctor did the same. She then went to another High Street Clinic in the next town with the same result. Later on lumps appeared in her leg. Finally, a tumour doctor at Regional Hospital diagnosed Schwannoma. Fortunately, not serious (at least when they occur in the legs). Moral of the story, in this instance, private High Street Clinics were no better than our local Community Hospital.
  4. My Thai mother-in-law died 12 months ago. She was sent home to die. Fortunately, plenty of family to assist. Same as UK NHS she had 3 fifteen minute visits per day by a nurse. However, in addition, one daily visit by a doctor, something you don't get in UK.
  5. Only if you're lucky. My mum was dying of ovarian cancer aged 88 in a UK NHS hospital. I was promised all the help I needed at home (I lived alone). When the time came for discharge the hospital social worker told me that no domestic/auxiliary nursing would be provided by the council because my mum "didn't need it". Medical treatment provided by NHS is three fifteen minute visits per day by district nurse.
  6. Thanks for that. What has caused the dramatic lowering in your opinion? What is the ideal pressure for a normal domestic water consumer?
  7. I suffer from piles. My water pressure is more than adequate for the cleansing process and I prefer it that way even though things do get most uncomfortable.
  8. At least the lady did communicate! The only reasonable answer would have been that to continue their banking relationship with you would be unfair to those in the EU who they can no longer serve. As you do, I don't believe there isn't scope to 'look the other way' if it suits them.
  9. How long have you had to go without water all day several times a month? Can understand if water main renewal works are in progress.
  10. Local car wash guy collects ours. Seems to do a good job. Tyre walls look like new! Charges 280 baht for cars and 180 baht for motos. Don't have a coin-op automatic car wash locally.
  11. No, mainly when out and about, on the road, in a restaurant or sitting by a river (for example).
  12. Not using it at all because we have fibre at home, in our shop and use hotel WiFi on odd occasions away. These results are simply totally random speed tests when I think of doing them.
  13. I bought TOT NT Thunder data only SIM for 999 baht for 12 months; https://www.totmobile.net/en/OtherPromotion/969.aspx My most recent speeds; (Mbps) 100.00/7.08, 8.60/1.98, 87.20/8.37, 85.30/9.14, 11.90/1.32, 8.77/0.31, 27.70/4.62, 3.99/1.50.
  14. Must be very fortunate. Our house and lock-up shop are 500 metres either side of local borehole which has 2 water towers. Supply and pressure continuous. No need for pumps or tanks. Last year the PWA replaced their cast iron mains with black plastic. Hasn't made any difference to us.
  15. Santander UK do the same for me. Halifax intercept and destroy my renewed debit cards but their renewed credit card has (fortunately for me) 'slipped the net' twice!
  16. Monks are allowed to smoke cigarettes but not to drink alcohol. We had a friend who was in the latter stages of stomach cancer. She remained cheerful until the end. Each day a young monk visted her home. I was impressed that a young guy would want to do such a thing. I have two uncles who became monks later in life, one being a grandfather at the time. Unless they are continuously neglecting their duties it doesn't seem right to disrobe a monk for drinking a few beers.
  17. That's the fact! Only when you awake are you then aware that you were dreaming. Or maybe we also have dreams of which we aren't always aware? But if you're dead neither scenario could ever apply. I reckon passing is just one big sleep. If you have an end of life experience (hallucinations if you like) they will, unfortunately, be lost forever.
  18. When you sleep you're definitely unware of what went on during that time. Unless you had a dream. But if you're dead then dreaming wouldn't be possible?
  19. Thanks for that. I'm going to Manchester again next week. I just checked and cash is still accepted. Who knows for how much longer!
  20. That's your choice of course. For many people the option to load all their cards into their mobile wallet so that they can then forget about carrying individual cards, reducing the risk of accidentally damaging them or having them skimmed or pickpocketed is attractive. Last time I was in UK travelling by bus, very few passengers paid cash to the driver. I can't actually recall anyone tapping with a card, invariably they used their mobile 'phones.
  21. I could happily live the rest of my life on food from 7/11. Never known a bad cheese and ham tostie. Carbonara if I'm feeling more sophisticated. Their cakes and biscuits are fabulous. Hot and cold coffee delicious.
  22. I too have the NT Thunder (data only) SIM for 999 baht. Bought it as a back-up in case of fibre failure and for the occasional times we are away from our house or shop. Strong signal at shop but no signal at house which is only 1 km away. My fault for not testing beforehand.
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