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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Putting the onus on a lady who rents out motos to insist upon seeing valid riding licences is really asking a lot. We rented one from a massage shop whilst in Phuket hence that wasn't even her core business. Tourists are going to claim they do, of course, have a licence but forgot to bring it with them on this occasion, offering a little extra cash. What's the shopkeeper going to do?
  2. My Thai family have been billed by their National Health Service several times for treatment of various family members injured in road traffic accidents. Treatment was not provided under their 30 baht schemes because that's what motor insurance is for. That's something that Brits abroad seem to have difficulty understanding. As I see it, the only solution is compulsory travel insurance to include personal accident cover whilst riding/driving. Unfortunately, as we all know, very few Brits hold motorcycle licences so that would preclude most tourists.
  3. I have found that Royal Thai postmen read and speak English very well. Never had any delivery difficulties myself (although I'm not in Bangkok).
  4. Very true practical points made. I can't honestly see how these situations will ever end. It is most compassionate of you to contribute $500 USD.
  5. What you are suggesting is giving uninsured foreign visitors/tourists in UK and also in Thailand preferential treatment to Nationals/residents. Where injuries result from a road traffic accident the patient receives a bill from the National Health Service. This applies both in UK and Thailand.
  6. The same thing will happen to him that normally happens if unable to pay (or keep up with) costs of treatment. Care continues but treatment is discontinued. The patient dies from his injuries and immobility. Thailand isn't the UK.
  7. It's the renters responsibility. He had choices. Nobody elses fault but his own.
  8. Agree! Providing the renter is an adult the responsibility for appropriate licence and insurance rests with them. They are responsible for their actions. Can't expect rental people to be police.
  9. Guy around our way charges 250 baht to fix fans. It's a fixed price whatever the issue. He does very well.
  10. A few years back (1980's) a friend recommended an anti-perspirant. I forget the name. It said it was based upon anti-perspirants introduced in the 1950's. It came with a warning to use one squirt and one squirt only. Of course, I had to know what would happen if I used two. I wish I hadn't, it was painful. This product was 100% effective. You couldn't wash it off. You had to wait for your skin to shed naturally.
  11. Not during Covid. She insisted upon driving me to Immigration Office. I can drive but I don't want to. She does everything for me so I don't want to complain too much.
  12. Set living room and bedroom a/c's on cool, 16C, full speed fan and swing. Mrs won't allow me to use ceiling fans so make do with pedestals instead. She also won't allow me to do the ultimate cooling trick; Take a shower with clothes on, dry off on bed then repeat. She claims it makes our bed dirty, smelly and mouldy.
  13. Some of us don't know what their family members are ordering.
  14. That wasn't the problem (scam). I can tell the package is for us from the address and mobile telephone number. Item was accepted and paid for by a Thai. However, it hadn't been ordered.
  15. Can I expect to receive a refurb 1990's laptop (that I didn't order) for the price of a MacBook Pro anytime soon?
  16. Definitely! I think we all agree that April is too hot for comfort (especially this year). No escaping that unless leave the Country.
  17. Yes on 24 February 2023 at Khon Kaen Regional Hospital (walk in).
  18. Had three jabs free at my local Community Government Hospital. Later told they were out of stock and awaiting deliveries. They said they would telephone when available. Gave up waiting and went unannounced (walk in) to my Regional Hospital. After a phone call to check whether I was entitled, received free Pfizer (on 24 February 2023).
  19. Recently spoke to a young German guy born in what was East Germany although after the Berlin Wall came down. We talked about inventions; the World's first stored program computer at Manchester University, television and radar amongst other things. He said he was taught that Germany invented all.
  20. I suppose Maggie was preferable to Queen Victoria. Or maybe not!
  21. There are, of course, driving schools where they teach you to drive (obviously) and you also take your theory and practical driving test on the same premises. https://www.ssapanmorn.com/
  22. Many thanks for this information! If you have a recent and decent Android phone like yourself it appears to be an excellent solution.
  23. It's possible of course! Mrs opens the product she HAD ordered, sees that it's rubbish and claims she didn't order it.
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