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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Agree! The pass/fail limit is built into the analysing laboratory software. Your doctor would have zero input. The limit wouldn't be tailored to you in any way. Would probably be the doctors receptionist reading the result and 'sacking you off'.
  2. Very impressive! https://www.bangkokhospital.com/en/center-clinic/dental-care/bangkok-hospital-dental-center?info=overview
  3. If referring to tobacco smoke, there are designated smoking and non-smoking cafes indicated by red or blue signs. In the smoking, overhead extraction systems remove most of the smoke. Good for protection of staff!
  4. The temperature is more important the older you become. Thailand is very warm/hot all year around. Lisbon officially goes no lower than 15 C in Winter, although it does feel colder. In the North you get snow. In the Algarve I experienced 25 C on Christmas Day. Too many tourists but you only have to venture a few miles inland and things become much more traditional. At Nazare one Christmas gales were so strong that everyone was advised not to venture out of doors. Awnings were torn off shops and road signs bent over by the wind. Portuguese cafes are great, they use Italian coffee machines producing superb selections. Draught lagers are excellent too, everything is available from 6am until midnight or until the last customer has gone home.
  5. There is terrorism in the South of course. Burma has it's own problems too. Perhaps border patrols would be a justification for maintaining Army numbers?
  6. Perhaps could be viewed as relevant training for National Servicemen as it's emergency flood relief. Army take on civilian roles such as firefighting when there is a strike (at least they do in UK).
  7. Raises a good point. There are female Army Cadets at our local high school. Presumably they aren't doing that to avoid National Service as, AFAIK girls are, at present, not required. Maybe that could change?
  8. Many thanks for your info. Seems to be the place to go if you need anything more than the usual!
  9. Useful to know thanks. So far in Thailand only visited a general dentist who referred me to a specialist friend in the next larger town. As satisfied with the quality of treatment (and price) at this high street clinic I have stuck with the same place, as does my Mrs. Khon Kaen would be further to go for us but is another option.
  10. With that in mind, the furthest our pickup goes is 11 km each way to the wholesalers. On average, once every ten days. There's a green Mustang around our way, maybe could give him a run for his money?
  11. Here is the Royal Thai Army delivering rice to my mother-in-law prior to flooding.
  12. Definitely right to make it a home based, privilege, fun and adventure thing. Living in a barracks was what my nephew didn't like about his National Service. If he could have gone home at the end of the day same as a normal employee it would have made all the difference to him.
  13. A most frequent and reliable contributor in Pattaya who no longer posts on Facebook reported that a friend of his, a retiree with no motor, accident or health insurance policy came off his moto, landing upon his head. No crash helmet. Government hospital saved his life. Moving forward, the guy needed brain surgery estimated at 1.5 million baht. Unable to pay, he was moved onto a ward of 40 dying patients where personal care continued until he passed away from his injuries. As to what his chances of survival were and what state he would have been in following the brain surgery we shall never know. Personally, I have no sympathy, the guy had choices, wear a crash hat, take a moto taxi, taxi cab, baht bus or walk.
  14. Nothing providing the family fundraiser keeps pace with the bills.
  15. Trying to take a different perspective, that of the doctors and nurses. What is the effect upon them of delaying/discontinuing treatment? They are, of course, tax and social security contributors themselves. However, they are in a caring profession and must get demoralised from seeing patients die who they could have saved?
  16. My Thai nephew was between employment contracts and welcomed the opportunity. He served 12 months at the 23rd Military Circle base which houses a military court. We went on visiting days to see him as did his girlfriend. He was very pleased to be able to apply his Japanese language skills in Army radio communications. He delivered rice to villages that were about to be flooded. Afterwards he said he enjoyed his time but not enough to enlist as a regular.
  17. Thanks for asking! The mechanics were looking yesterday and haven't yet got back to us.
  18. Wow! Didn't know that. Assumed the needle would go to one extreme as a warning. Many thanks for the tip!
  19. Thanks, a good option. Everything is good with it externally and interior apart from the obvious! Full respray about eighteen months ago. Mrs is coming to the end of her days as a shopkeeper so won't really have need of a pickup for much longer.
  20. That's what you got for doing someone a favour! I can understand you not being too happy about it.
  21. We've only owned it for five years, it's still new to us! Although I don't drive I prefer the smaller size of this generation, more of a car than a truck.
  22. Thanks again! We've recently had a couple of Thai guys wanting to buy ours, offering 50,000 baht.
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