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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. You've lived through the days of our COD war too!
  2. Honestly, for me it's about the most helpful aspect of Thailand. Writing prices of goods and telephone numbers so that I can read them instead of in Thai language.
  3. Our shop was closed at time of delivery. Another shopkeeper kindly accepted and paid for the package (that we didn't order).
  4. That is a truly shocking waste. How can they sub-let or repurpose a multiplex cinema?
  5. Yes, agreed that is one opinion. Thai Government Hospitals take the opposite view. After 43 years in debt recovery work I agree with the hospitals. Arrangements for repayment (even those made in good faith at the time) are very soon broken. The older the debt becomes the less inclined the debtor is to pay it. There is always something more deserving for the person to spend his money on.
  6. Since I moved here in 2017 my Big C has never, ever been busy. Some shops have closed and others opened. MK remains as does KFC. The mobile phone shops look desolate and pounce on you if you go near. The independent phone stalls try their best too! The electrical/electronic portion seem to have 10 staff to every customer. Always able to wrangle discounts there! I'm truly amazed (but happy) it keeps going.
  7. Completely agree! Once the money has been spent and the patient gone the hospital know the odds of recovering it are not good.
  8. You advised buying from an IT mall. That's what I'd do too. Advice computers have a shop in my nearest larger town. I've noticed them opening additional shops too. That's where I'd go myself. I'm sorry the COD remark was referring to my minor misfortune with a COD delivery yesterday.
  9. Sorry didn't make myself clear. I asked my Mrs if she or someone else in the family would ring the courier depot to rearrange delivery because the man at the depot didn't speak English. That was the first time I'd asked and they wouldn't help.
  10. I have had bad experience with a Samsung laptop. I purchased the machine new in 2012. A few years later I was unable to boot into the UEFI, the F2 and F4 keys wouldn't work anymore. I knew it wasn't the keys because I used a separate keyboard to test. Apparently, there was a known fault with pre 2013 UEFI firmware. Some customers were completely bricked. Samsung replaced motherboards free of charge. Fortunately, I have been able to manage OK but they'd sold me a faulty product.
  11. I understand that in a Government Hospital unless you bring your bill up-to-date then care will continue but no further treatment would be provided.
  12. I found that very moving. Congratulations on having such a step-daughter.
  13. At some point you would ask yourself 'What would I do if .........'. Take steps to reduce your exposure to risk. Don't ride a moto, take a baht bus instead.
  14. Unfortunately, yesterday my Mrs disposed of the cardboard box and outer wrapping with delivery and product information. I have to 'tread on eggshells' at home with many things. Once I had a package undelivered and returned to depot with a postcard left at the shop. I rang the telephone number but the guy didn't speak English. I asked if someone could ring upon my behalf. I got told 'we all work hard here, have better things to do, you're expecting too much'.
  15. Spot on advice! Exactly what I need by the sound of it. Many thanks!
  16. Last week one delivery guy was laughing and shaking his head at the name on one of our parcels. One of my neices uses made up names (she likes Japanese cartoon characters). That gave me more than a clue who had ordered it!
  17. Thanks so much for this! I'm only an ordinary user and have always bought low-end Windows computers, installing various Linux distros. My newest machine dates from 2012 and all have faults. The students in Thai family don't believe in struggling and have new iPad's and MacBooks. I was on the point of upgrading myself.
  18. Certainly personal accident cover (including motorcycles). Decent motor insurance would have helped in this guy's case too.
  19. Would his cover (if applicable) be different to what a Thai receives under the '30 baht' scheme? Various members of Thai family have been billed by their own Community Government Hospital for treatment of injuries caused by road traffic accidents.
  20. Absolutely. The blades do rotate though! Too puny to be of any use unfortunately. Going to have to thank the surrounding shopkeepers for accepting and paying for our items in the past but ask them not to do so in future.
  21. Sorry about the previous posting error on my part. I'm not too annoyed. At least we received something for 790 baht. It might only have been a stone in the box. More than one person ordering COD and not letting us know in advance has to be risky and should be avoided. That was my concern.
  22. Agree! The contents were printed at the bottom of the address label together with the price. No excuse. The explanation in this particular case (according to my Mrs) was that the shopkeeper opposite accepted and paid for the delivery.
  23. Thanks for that! Just tried it. I didn't know that Google Translate and then by selecting Camera takes me to Google Lens. Most helpful. I'm going to be in need of this in the future!
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