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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. When I absolutely have to call landlines in U.K. for such as Utility Companies and Inland Revenue etc. I sign up for one months unlimited calls. It takes all the stress and frustration out of queuing for 40 minutes then to be transferred onwards then cut off! Here is your equivalent for Australia; https://www.skype.com/en/international-calls/Australia
  2. https://www.skype.com/en/international-calls/Australia
  3. https://www.skype.com/en/international-calls/Australia
  4. Very good value!
  5. Isn't that test for those who don't already hold a current moto riding licence in their home Country?
  6. Many people have the unshakeable belief that the person responsible will (somehow) be forced to pay, or, failing that, their treatment will be paid for out of public funds. But we're not in the U.K. A relative was on holiday in Germany, walking on the pavement, when a crazy taxi driver mowed her down. It took several years of metalwork reconstruction to restore her mobility. Fortunately, she had taken out good travel insurance.
  7. Agreed, the fault is definitely that of the bone-head who runs down the predestrian on the pavement. The problem is that the bone-head has no money or insurance. The unfortunate victim has to pay his own hospital bills. If the victim has no health cover, personal accident insurance or travel insurance (if applicable) and his injuries are severe he has a big problem. Only two solutions I can think of; 1) Compulsory all-risk travel insurance, 2) Universal free healthcare provided by Government hospitals.
  8. Maybe fearful too. Some of us hold no licence or insurance either. In addition we ride moto's with no registration plate and smooth tyre treads. Tyre pressures never checked. Nobody in my Thai family can remember when oil was last changed or anything checked over on our five machines. They say; 'Thai people not worry'.
  9. Exactly! What would happen in practice is similar to gunshops. Two prices; lower one for those with valid documentation. Higher for those without. Product (or moto rental) still continues to be available.
  10. With no training or experience beforehand let alone moto licence, insurance and crash helmet. Applies to tourists, ex-pats, digital nomads plus Thai's of course.
  11. Top comment! Unfortunately, the 20 year old's will continue to do so. Even those with appropriate licences and insurance will invalidate their cover by this behaviour. They will wind up in the ITU. Who should foot their bill?
  12. Definitely. Hard to think of the benefits derived from covering yourself in tattoo's.
  13. Thanks for the tip! The specialist had suggested a denture or implant. The general dentist who did the extraction only mentioned implant. However, the tooth was the rearmost top and I don't think I'll miss it too much.
  14. Next visit; Saw the junior specialist who had previously filled same tooth. He gave a thorough examination and determined that there wasn't enough of my broken tooth remaining to make a post and crown doable. Had it extracted for 700 baht. Must say, very rapid, zero discomfort and no pain when local anaesthetic wore off. Recommended to return in 2 to 3 months for implant; Korean for 37,000 or German for 40,000 baht. I will manage without!
  15. The post was by; pagallim Rookie Member Advanced Member 3050 3128 posts Gender:Male Location:Phuket Posted June 15, 2017
  16. I understand now thanks!
  17. You need to be at least awake when booking! Some deals are pay in full now, others they take the card payment nearer the time and others pay to the hotel when you arrive. Fortunately, always been able to work around any last minute unavoidable changes.
  18. Interesting, mine was on the left. Does that mean I'm susceptible to same again on the right?
  19. I had same (open repair) + mesh in 2000 in U.K. under NHS. All went well AFAIK and no problems since. Not pleasant on a large 'Nightingale' style ward. Guys shouting out random thoughts all night, others saying; 'shut up'. Female nurse yelling; 'show some compassion, he's very ill'. Male nurse (ex parachute regiment) panicking running up and down the ward when a patients drain came out. Definitely worth paying for a private room!
  20. Sounds like a bargain!
  21. Sounds like something I've read concerning step-down transformers for drills etc. on building sites; 110 volts = Won't kill you 220 volts = Might kill you 440 Volts = Will kill you
  22. The info wasn't mine. I don't have iptv myself. I copied it from a historical report (2017 I think) because someone was asking where Pulse TV are based?
  23. Me too. For the last three years. Never failed to connect or unblock. No speed issues, streams everything perfectly for me.
  24. Government regulated to provide treatment in Government hospitals. With a choice of insurance for treatment in private hospitals too. Question would be what happens to tourists who have been reckless e.g. riding hired motos without licence or helmet or taking an alcohol/substance fuelled dive off hotel balconies?
  25. Thanks for your report. Very good to read of such competent service and honest pricing!
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