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The Fugitive

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Everything posted by The Fugitive

  1. Thanks for the information. I too have Halifax Clarity Credit card although haven't used it for over 18 months due to using Chase UK debit card for the 1% cash back. Unfortunately, lack of use caused Halifax to reduce my credit limit from 10,000 GBP to 500 GBP. I have since applied for an increase in credit limit but was refused. I absolutely regret that as it could have been most useful in case of emergency hospital admission.
  2. Thanks but it wasn't me that had an issue. I'm not a NatWest customer. I was trying to assist someone else.
  3. Brought up to believe that the police are armed only in broken societies. The only people who need shotguns are farmers. That the public can buy and carry hand guns is horrific.
  4. Confirm searched for NatWest Digital Banking app in Google Play Store (my Google account set to Thailand). App downloaded and installed upon Huawei phone (2017).
  5. Sorry you had a bad experience. Our 1995 Toyota Hilux 'Mighty X' boiled dry and engine seized. 338,000 km on the clock. When engine stripped found water erosion on the cylinder liners indicating coolant leaking. Much rust in coolant galleries, no corrosion inhibitor added. Block was cracked. Mechanic asked if we wanted it repairing? Asked him about a replacement reconditioned engine but he pointed out that it might have suffered the same fate. Original engine repaired for 58,000 baht. Now much easier to start, no rattling, no black smoke and seems to run smoother.
  6. Surely such vehicles aren't allowed in undercover/underground car parks?
  7. As I see it, the problem is a frozen replacement screen which they supplied and fitted for 2,500 baht. The shop is nervous and evasive. How about asking them to repair your phone (unfreeze their replacement screen) free of ADDITIONAL charge? You were initially happy with the repair and price. This way, your phone gets fixed, they get to keep the 2,500 baht and you don't incur extra expenses and suffer raised blood pressure?
  8. When checking-in for an outpatient appointment at my NHS hospital the check-in machine asks if you have been living in the UK for the previous 6 months?
  9. The OP is pleased with his purchase. I just happen to agree entirely with his reasoning as I'm in the market for a newer laptop myself. Tired of watching things spinning away on my 2009 'middle of the road' machine. Certain keys fly off if I hit them upon an angle! I enjoy playing around with different operating systems using Virtual Box. Apart from that, the odd video and audio file conversion is about as demanding as I get. I have another laptop, slightly newer (from 2012) but I made a mistake when buying it. It isn't capable of virtualisation. It has a permanent UEFI firmware fault and is presently semi-bricked. Plus it needs a new screen. My Mrs won't permit any spending upon old and faulty junk!
  10. Not for free unless you are legally married to a Thai Government employee.
  11. Thanks! Agree, what is 10,000 baht when purchasing something that you'll probably use most days and want it to work and last well?
  12. Absolutely! Even riding pillion on a moto taxi is safer. Alternatively, there are car taxi's. In our town the 9 baht bus to the next larger town (with both a bus/coach and railway station) was unfortunately discontinued during Covid times and, as yet, hasn't been reinstated. However, we take a 'Skylab' for 200 baht (each way).
  13. Agree! On the subject of guns, in this case, only one is needed together with a marksman.
  14. Absolutely agree! What would a Hamas soldier have to look forward to? Life imprisonment in an Israeli jail. Netanyahu will not stop until; 1) Hamas surrenders 2) Hostages are released 3) Palestinians hand over the Hamas leaders who orchestrated the 7th October strike. Israel doesn't do deals with what they term 'terrorists'. The Israeli hostages will die either way.
  15. Whatever temperature (or mode) I set the Mrs changes. I go for 27 dry continuous operation. Just checked the remote in the bedroom, it's on 25 cool so changed it back again.
  16. My father-in-law had two basic 100cc Honda Waves. He needed both because one was always under repair after he crashed them when riding under the influence. When he died, I inherited the running one. It was totally reliable. One day it disappeared. Mrs said she'd given it to a couple who had nothing. Mrs spotted a Honda Click with 63,000 km on the clock for sale at 15,000 baht. We've spent as much again on repairs. Could never be sure it was going to start so she bought another moto as back-up. I suppose the moral of the story is 'hang onto your Waves'.
  17. I'm in the same boat. Last week I found a policy that was for both travellers and ex-pats. Age up to 100. However, the maximum pay-out was only 100,000 Euros. It is available to those already abroad which isn't normally possible. The problem is that as it is essentially travel insurance, coverage ends when you are fit enough to travel. Therefore, you couldn't remain in Thailand and would have to return to your home country to continue treatment under whatever scheme operates there. Previously existing conditions (whether diagnosed or not) wouldn't be covered. The policy is issued out of Slovenia so for any disputes you would be dealing with their ombudsman. I haven't taken it out.
  18. Thanks for that! I guess nobody appreciates the pain and possibly permanent injuries that can be caused if you come off your moto until it happens to you.
  19. Stayed at the Royal Phala Cliff Beach Resort and Spa at Ban Chang in December 2023. Decent hotel with large swimming pool. Good restaurant with food being available all day. One block was under refurbishment. Situated upon the beach but not recommended due to plastic, waste and broken bottles. A few small bars/cafes within easy walking distance.
  20. Combined with alcohol/substances in your bloodstream?
  21. Agree Sheryl. Many thanks for your attention, time and advice.
  22. E mail reply received 15/02/2024; 'If the treatment was for arterial hypertension, the diagnosis of arterial hypertension only would not be covered'.
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