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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. sorry, my mistake. Steam. 555
  2. Are there batteries in the actual bud?
  3. and that Joe Osbourne, the bassist on most of their recordings, used the same bass guitar strings for 17 years.
  4. I guess the internet isn't that good in Africa then. 555
  5. Sometimes I can wait ages for SMS or Email to arrive in order to log in on my PC. but you can only access Wallet via the phone app. Yes I know.........stupid.
  6. Does that determine whether it is English or American? 555
  7. For what make/size of truck is that please? I take it you mean Bht 864 per month.
  8. The best female singer after Karen Carpenter.
  9. Americans were never Knighted. 555
  10. now this is vocal harmony brilliance. Breakaway - The Beach Boys backing vocals only.mp3
  11. That The Shadows were the most influential group of the 50/60s. So many guitarists tried to copy sir Hank.
  12. Been a fan and have ALL their group and individual music. Favourite........Breakaway.
  13. Brian Wilson's favourite of all time. He wore the grooves off his copy, then wrote Don't Worry Baby.
  14. 1-11. Mean Mr Mustard (2019 Mix).flac What a great bass sound.
  15. was J Arthur Rank in the car with him? 555
  16. Is that the bubble or the squeak?
  17. No hash browns but bubble & squeak are OK?
  18. No HP Sauce in sight so all are fake photos. 555
  19. I withdrew over bht 1000 from my wallet to my bkk bank via the app, no problem. took 2 days.
  20. Tell that to the guy in another thread who said he put leaves in his tea and was immediately high for three hours.
  21. The Masterfoods is Bht 345 on promotion, and Bht 185 at Villa. Different labels though.
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