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Everything posted by KannikaP

  1. Would your pre-existing condition not now be covered with the new Breaking News which says they will cover ANYTHING after 6 months policy?
  2. Bht 600, done by a very pretty young thing!
  3. Not on my PC, it isn't.
  4. What's this Taxback Initiative please? I got it back 10 years ago from Jingluck.
  5. My wife takes paracetomol for period pains, and I wouldn't let even her ride in the back without a seatbelt (or a Tampax 555)
  6. So what is that area designated for please? (I know you don't make the rules up 555)
  7. Or life-saving schemes for the passengers.
  8. Surely the pole should be removed if it DID represent an immediate danger to passing tourists, (bo11ox to passing Thais) Or could it mean that the actual removal could pose such a danger!
  9. Now let me get this straight. ALL passengers, including sub-135 cm ones, must wear a seatbelt whilst travelling in a vehicle, (even if it is a Smart cab pick up with no belts in the back????? ) Children under SIX must be in a proper car seat, 6 to 12 must be belted (555) as must everyone else in the vehicle. On 'the other forum' it says that children over TWELVE and shorter than 135 are exempted from a car seat, but must still wear a belt. Clear now?
  10. No Sanuk, it is you who needs the specs. The 27 year old was a Loatian worker who stopped HER 40 year old boss from topping herself.
  11. As did Gilbert O Sullivan. Gordon Mills, A right criminal.
  12. Personal opinions. Beatles/Stones, Oasis/Blur, etc etc ad adfinitum.
  13. And Mr Schickelgruber! 555
  14. As usual, if something appears to be too good to be true, it's possibly a scam.
  15. You can, over the course of a month, top up your Wise THB account from your GBP as and when you think the exchange rate looks favourable. Then if & when you need to send to Thai bank, it costs about Bht 30 to send Bht 50k. And you can use it as a Debit Card in Thailand, with instant automatic exchanges at their rates if there is insufficient THB to cover a purchase.
  16. No, his real name was Gerry Dorsey.
  17. There are several links in this thread leading to the financial position of WrLife, LORENTZ etc.
  18. And now this revelation that they will cover all pre-existing condition for anyone over 65 who has had a policy for 6 months seems the road to disaster to me. Completely the opposite to more conventional and well established companies. When I asked the CEO if it was true, he simply said YES, and then told me that he and his family live in Asia and that they are insured with WrLife!
  19. Long John Silver's place! Sorry, wrong Collision.
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