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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. Sure but I'm expecting that trump will have an excuse about rigged elections / doctored election counting machines. Plus gangs of MAGA fools at ballot counting venues all primed to insist they take over the venue / the counting etc. And they are convinced daddy has authority to do such things. Well at least guliarni now debarred.
  2. International medical license. Is there such a thing? I'm aware of many people who completed medical doctor studies abroad but local authorities would not accept and had to complete 2 or 3 years study in LOS at a Thai Med. school and pass to gain a license to work as a dr. in Thailand. Aware of one farang who completed Ph.D. at a uni affiliated with MIT in the US, but local gov't ministry would not accept the Ph.D. because not gained at a Thai uni. And no uni in Thailand offers any studies in that subject. The guy concerned went to SIngapore and approached the appropriate ministry who instantly provided a certification through the National Uni. of S'pore that the Ph.D. was accepted in Singapore.
  3. That can be true. My Thai son spent his last three years of high school in Singapore, and instantly noted the vast difference in education methodology (pedagogy), continuously being prompted to ask questions, to make analysis, to understand 'why is it true' etc etc. classic student centered education. He wanted to stay in SIngapore and get a degree and was accepted into the National Uni of S'pore (NUS) and had my financial backing. But then he discovered that the degree he would achieve at NSU would not be accepted by the Thai Education ministry. So he returned to LOS and did a 5 year degree in ED, in Bangkok. This included many short / longer-term work experience stints at Thai high schools. This was actually a nightmare. The brain dead headmistress of the first high schools he got attached to in Bkk spoke perfect English and she quickly noted that my son spoke perfect English. So she (stupidly decided to conduct all staff meetings in English (only), meaning that 99.9% of the teachers couldn't understand even 1% of what she was talking about. Plus during the staff meetings she often engaged my son (a work experience uni student) in long discussions in English, often asking my son to explain education methodology in Singapore. His answers she did translate into Thai. All this of course making the old teachers (a very large % ready to retire in the very near future) very angry. Quickly the old teachers conducted a protest which included a demand that my son be dismissed and sent back to his uni. The large turnout in the protest frightened the headmistress and she sent him back to his uni the same day. Quickly the dean of his uni got angry and accused my son of being a trouble maker and the dean would not allow my son to speak to defend himself. End result his grades for that semester reduced. There's more but now now.
  4. At least 15 BYD cars in my village near Big C Don Chan. Owners: - Thais with good income - Chinese expats (many engineers), 90+%, along with Chinese wife and kids, speak good English. Pleasant friendly polite professional people, often a couple of families at our village pool, very fussy about their kids being clean and tidy. - One farang with Thai wife, both have BYD cars. Farang very satisfied with their BYD purchases.
  5. Plus flying into U Tapao thinking it's very close to Pattaya is not true, it's quite a distance and far from check for taxi, van, bus services. I did one trip (3+ years back) from Chiang Mai to U Tapao with a plan for my Thai family (on a short holiday in Pattaya) to rent a taxi from Pattaya to come and meet me at U Tapao. Total Chaos. My Thai adult son called U Tapao airport twice to check arrival time of stated flight. "we don't know, call Swampy airport". Son's Thai wife called Swampy and got abused. She also called the airline and got transferred several times then the airline asked her to go personally to U Tapao airport to check because they weren't sure. Son called 2 taxi services from where he, his Thai wife and three kids were staying in Pattaya (friends house in Jomtien area), more expensive than a taxi from Swampy to Pattaya. Son told his buddy who owned the house - son's old uni buddy, he told my son to use his car and put 200Baht worth of Gasoline in the car on the way back to Pattaya. Flight Arrival time still unknown. I touched down, about 8:00 pm and no airport or airline staff on duty. Eventually a cleaner assisted by finding a cleaning schedule which also showed flight details. Called son, he arrived 30 times later and picked me up.
  6. 'House master' also commonly used. And, as already said it doesn't need to be the owner of the house.
  7. So looks like you're saying 'no education', 'not allowed', because it will upset the rich. Screw the rich everybody is entitled to equal education/ equal opportunity. Give people the tools they need to achieve opportunities. How can it be any other way?
  8. OK, some truth in that but what must be first is good quality education, then other factors can also develop.
  9. Two visits only (I elected to use Rajavej private hospital (chiang Mai) as my nominated hospital. 1. A dental check (dental clinic, very well equipped is within the SSF area of the hospital) which revealed the need for one big filling. One week later filling completed. Very satisfied with the work, the dentist spoke good English and he was a good listener, also his assistant (who was obviously being trained by the actual dentist. Dentist spoke nicely and in detail to the trainee assistant and kept asking 'any questions? No charge whatever because the inspection and work well under the annual limit. 2. Saw the SSF doctor (good English) re a urinary problem. Doctor asked some questions then said 'you need to see a urology specialist and he told the nurse to make the appointment. I asked if the appointment could be 4 months into the future, doctor agreed. The urology specialist is on the main staff of same hospital. I asked nurse about charges, she responded: 'Probably no charge at all but we need to wait and see what treatments / medications the specialist recommends'. The charges can be difficult to estimate because the SSF doesn't generally provide for single occupancy private room. But there's other possibilities case by case. Perhaps other SSF members with more experience could please comment re room rate.
  10. Good point, but I have serious doubts that she will get much cooperation from 'those around her'. There can be little doubt that corruption is high on this matter and little doubt those who those around her are receiving big payments to ignore the problem. In other words there will be no action.
  11. What a laugh. Violent protestors are automatically lefties... Make an intelligent adult comment please...
  12. 'everybody knows the charges were political'. I don't agree, that's just a quick cop out, and I believe millions would not agree with your statement which is just unsubstantiated fluff.
  13. Mine is paid on 15 of each month by the SSF doing a direct debit into my K bank savings account, and I suspect that what you're referring to. I'm aware of one farang who pays over the counter at his local Krung Thai branch. I have one buddy who I've told him about the SSF direct debit method but he refuses to believe this is possible. Another point re 7/11, if there' not enough funds in your savings account on the 15th of the month you can go to 7/11 and quote your SSF member number and pay cash at 7/11.
  14. Do you now make a personal Social Security Fund member contribution payment of 432Baht every month?
  15. Replaced every fathers day of course.
  16. I add milk and a very small amount of sugar.
  17. ...only hunters... shooting / killing animals for the thrill and then walking away is also hideous. I'm happy I come from a county where 'shooting / killing animals for the thrill and then walking away' was common 50 years ago but now not seen. Plus we had several highly successful gun 'hand in' drives, also successful.
  18. Further, how does a passenger initially know their seat number? Will it appear on a screen but no document, passenger has to remember his/her seat number. Can the passenger ask 'what's my seat number at the gate? Is there's a seat dispute with another passenger, what happens?
  19. Agree Ignore / blocking is a good move. But keep in mind that whatever you post he will read and reuse it, possibly with an incorrect twist and you don't know he's posted this because you put him on ignore. Some weeks ago I contributed a message with an accurate comment about the policies of the Oz DVA (Dept.of Veterans Affairs). (I know it's accurate because it applies to my personal situation.) He picked this up and reposted it but with a statement which is the opposite of the DVA policy on this subject. The wrong 'information' he posted could well cause a serious problem, even convince a war veteran to not apply for a war service permanent disability compensation payment which that veterans is entitled to. He's a nasty nuisance.
  20. Plus some teachers saying: "Yes I Know it's illegal but we are allowed to do it at this school".
  21. And/or an increase in absenteeism.
  22. Thank you and understood. A new question: If he writes that I made statements in regard to important policies of the Australian Department of Veterans Affairs (The DVA) which I in fact didn't make (I have had serious very detailed dealings with the DVA in regard to my personal war disabilities) can I ask for him to be reprimanded in some way?
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