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Everything posted by scorecard

  1. Interesting. I recently bought an item online for 16,000Baht, an item which needed to fulfill several specifications, from one of the major local online operators. In the past I've always had good experiences, but this time it was an unpleasant experience, quite difficult to get clear answers and told many times (by the site operator) 'go to the xxx Chatline', which didn't really help, then told 'so go to the yyy Chatline', no real answers, and then a third bbb Chatline, no real answers. Meanwhile being told several times that I hadn't yet paid. I eventually found the same article on another website (not online shopping) and got all the answers. Messages to the online operators Customer Service, and Administration center either not answered or answered with just one word leaving me not knowing the full answer. After many tries I got a live phone connection to Customer Service which produced 'just buy it and it's not what you want wrap it up again (same wrapping materials and return the bed (me return the bed) to the delivery company's office. Never again.
  2. Correcting above : But society does need to deal with severe damage / injury caused by some drug takers / dealers.
  3. Amongst my farang residents acquaintances here in Chiang Mai, recharging is the major heart attack point. So often the response when there's some discussion about buying an EV, the instant trembling response is: but there's nowhere to recharge the car. A recent discussion prompted one farang to pull out his notebook and open a favorites page listing the multiple places in CM where EV owners (regardless of EV brand) can recharge at reasonable cost. Plus of course you can do a recharge at home. Next major panic response, 'but what if the nearby recharge is down for a day!' Again doom and gloom. This prompted a vote amongst the 6 farang at the table. After a little discussion 5 agreed 'there really is no problem, and it's the same as gasoline fill up, you need to watch the gauge and do a fill up / top up as needed, at one of the multiple locations available. The sixth farang is determined to be negative about everything, including whether Monday really does follow Sunday.
  4. Sure, but if the Exit/ Re-entry stamp has not been used does it change anything about 90 day reporting?
  5. But they we need to deal with the very severe damage caused by some drug takers.
  6. "While monopolies tend to stifle the competition and raise prices without challenge, I find that Walmart has not done that, at least where I live." You already answered your own point - Walmart is not a monopoly.
  7. Of course, but do you really think CP and similar monopoly organizations want to hold promotions and have discounts when they have no competition? Their focus is ultimately, like all business operations: - Highest possible revenues, with - Highest possible profit margins.
  8. Ultimately monopolies are not good for anybody. For the customer it reduces / cancels competition and the seller can up prices without fear of competitor activity. In a nutshell higher and higher prices without challenge. Need to look at the long-term big picture.
  9. Nobody is forcing you to see anything (in Vietnam). As per your own comment "I see what I want to see".
  10. In reality the brand owner would readily support this because they get a % of the revenue and because it doesn't require further investment for equipment etc., in the stores.
  11. CP have to sell what's dictated in the franchise agreement, but they can add additional products if those products are within the business model. e.g. simple example they can add further fast toasted products, not on their current product list, but they can't sell cars.
  12. But perhaps visiting the 'fake' Italian town might just be 1 hour of a multiple diverse list of activities for that day?
  13. Keep in mind that the top generals of the Thai military support the ruthless junta in Myanmar (brothers in arms supporting each other - love of military).
  14. Vietnam has changed quite a lot, and in many ways. Streets etc., much cleaner. A lot more English spoken... Education has improved a lot, whole education system is now modelled on the Singapore education system. Education minister is quite young, came from poverty, worked hard to win many scholarships to education in Singapore, ultimately proposed to Vn parliament that their current rote learning approach to education had no value, proposed total change to copy SIngapore style student centered learning. All agreed, now 60 - 70% through total change under 'on the ground' guidance from S'pore ed. experts. Just one aim is to get to the point where all education will be conducted in English. Education Minister keen to keep expanding his own education, attended an executive MBA course (all in English) that I lectured in HCMC, great local uni affiliated with high ranking S'pore and Thai unis. He kept a low profile in the class but all the other students knew his story.
  15. And what's missing in this speech by the senator, much more serious punishment for the manufacturers and major distributors of drugs.
  16. Why? Easy answer because there's a 'control' in the process which cannot be controlled.
  17. Plus the typical folks who go abroad to work are very naive about the world at large, the dangers, the very limited protections and medical services / help available to them and who / how to contact for help and many very probably can't read English let alone the Israeli language. And are at the mercy of ruthless employers who will have no hesitation to cheat them. I wonder how often they are contacted by the Thai ambassador to Israel or any other Thai officials posted to Israel.
  18. Agree, that's getting closer to making all citizens able to afford to run as a candidate. How wonderful.
  19. PR, yep, convinced Myanmar they needed to borrow big money from Thai banks so they could buy shin satellite equipment. but it backfired, he was convicted and jailed along with several very senior officials from Thai banks.
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