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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. I accept that it happens just not that it happens a lot. The post which you replied to reinforces what I'm saying, you should read it again, and read exactly what was said, slowly , especially at the end here it is again for you... "While very rare, I don't believe this attempts are the urban-myth some make them out to be, although many may feel terrible the next day and suspect such 'spiking' of their drinks, but its usually because of the cheap bootleg liquor they have been drinking" So its not exactly the point your were trying to make at all is it ? "very rare" pretty much what i was saying
  2. No its about calling out people who spout rubbish
  3. Well it appears that you are one of those people that has difficulty understanding what they have read Show me were I have asked you (or anybody else for that matter for any "evidence" You won't be able to because I have not, the reason being that I don't really give a To$$ about your evidence. I did however advise you to review your sources and not to believe everything you read on google or the newspapers which as you correctly state are pretty much the same thing
  4. I doubt you listen to anybody. just blindly believe what you see on face book or google, Bit like a teenager
  5. I could think of something worse , It came to mind just now, when I read your post
  6. most western women resort to calling those lighter than themselves unhealthy, or even anorexic. You should avoid cake and of course pies especially fish pie, remember a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips, but you don't need me to tell you that, I'm sure Or are you just unfortunate to be cursed with "big bones" Must be difficult shopping for clothes as a larger woman in Thailand, you could try some of the markets in Pattaya, its a long time since I've been there but I remember some of the vendors catered for the XXXXL western women. Might even find yourself some dungarees and Doc martins you could slip into
  7. There are many internationally recognised hand signals for sexual services, Imagine shaking an aerosol can, but without the aerosol can actually in your hand. Get it ? You could also stick out your tongue and roll your eyes back to the fullest extent. That would leave a sex worker in no doubt as to what was required of him/her In fact most people would get your drift. Try it on the mrs tonight if you don't believe me
  8. Some "olde" printers had a fax capability, you might be better visiting a museum
  9. Why what's your problem with this thread ? if you don't like it simply move on, or are you unable to for some reason?
  10. I don't need to google it, and, just like the papers, you really should not believe all you read on the internet,
  11. Damn and blast. I had just prepared a solemn epitaph and a few carefully chosen words expressing my heartfelt grief for this guy (whom I had previously never heard of ) I had also prepared a personal comforting message of condolence for his immediate family and close friends who I have also never had any previous contact with. I thought it was "the least I could do" Preparations were also just about to start for a candle lit vigil . All that time wasted and worst of all I won't be able to broadcast my empathy to other likeminded "sincere" people. every body will now think I am heartless all because the selfish ba$tard goes and shows up.. Nevermind I'll save it and simply cut and paste it, having changed the names of course for when the next virtue signalling opportunity, i mean tragedy arises
  12. i don't doubt you did google it , and you are still spouting rubbish
  13. My father is long dead, what was the point of you asking
  14. I thought more of you than that, I'm sorry, but by turning a blind eye to his disgusting behaviour and maintaining pleasantries, despite knowing full well what he is up to, you are effectively condoning , some would say even encouraging him, Shame on you
  15. Well that would depend on how many people one has known
  16. Your obsession with obese men is a bit bizarre . But I am genuinely sorry to have to disappoint you . For your information I am 5"10 and weigh around 63 kilo's which is probably less than you, and hardly obese. In my case at least, however 60+ kilos for a woman is never a good look even 50+ kilos is too much I can understand that it must be rather disgusting for young Thai women to have sex with smelly out of condition western men, but a jobs a job and all that. and nobody is forcing them I can also understand that it must be at least as unpleasant for them to indulge in unnatural sex with old western women of a similar calibre, but then again nobody is forcing them, I hope
  17. publishing stories like this every single day.
  18. i would say there is definitely a Yingluck connection to all this, especially in view of her planned impending return to here ( and politics presumably)
  19. These people don't concern themselves with trivial minor details like "votes"
  20. I wonder if the rice actually even exists, did it ever actually exist? Anything is possible here in matters such as this
  21. did she buy it from Surin by any chance? 17-18 baht per kilo perhaps? Make sure she washes it well, 15 times is recommended
  22. Nothing that requires washing 15 times beforehand should ever be put anywhere near ones mouth, there are No exceptions. How can anybody say that this requirement is" not unusual" How many times has the minister himself eaten rice that needed to be washed 15 times? The poorest of the issan poor would not think of doing so, and probably would not even feed it to their pigs or chickens The scheme has cost the taxpayer 500 billion but the rice even by their own estimates is worth only "up to" 400 million. The Shinawatra "clan" are claimed to be the creme de la creme of business people what kind of businessman or woman would consider paying 50% over the market rate for anything especially perishable foodstuffs? The answer would clearly be unscrupulous crooked one's who were using other peoples money to fund a scam that they would personally profit from. As usual a few token members of the "relatively" low hanging fruit community have been hung out to dry and received jail terms, in this case a former commerce minister and his deputy. So i am sure the current commerce minister would be very keen to put this scandal to bed, as , presumably he is more than a little concerned about his place in the firing line, Also i'm sure he has received instructions to sort it out and bury it permanently prior to Yingluck's return , to save her any inconvenience or embarrassment One could not make this sort of stuff up, sadly its not necessary to
  23. The bizarre thing about cannabis prohibition in the US is the fact that it was immediately deemed to be of absolutely no medical value whatsoever, despite the lack of any research regarding that. In fact if I recall correctly I read that even such research was effectively banned at the time. Hardly a normal approach to medical research, to my mind those responsible for such legislation are guilty of a crime against humanity and should be vilified, posthumously, where appropriate and an apology to the rest of the world who were forced to adopt US policy would be well in order. Again, out of interest , what are you suggesting will be released within 6 months that we don't already know ?
  24. I like where you are coming from, we all know its about money and control, what lies will be revealed within 6 months?
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